God is with you all.

Our Lukas wrote : excess use of alcohol is sin.

Do it mean that a little use of alcohol is not a sin ?

Which is better, Using alcohol a little or totaly
avoiding it ?

I think that we cannot compare excess use of alcohol
with excess use of food. In the case of excess use of
alcohol we cannot predict what a person is goint to
do. Am I right Mr. Lukas ?

There are people who agrees and disagrees with the
usage of alcohol. The world is like that! And we all
are the light of the world.
Tomarrow nobody should say that I saw one Joynetter
drinking there so I drank this full bottle. And we
won't get a single chance to advice him.

Live with the word of God. We are the light of the
world. We are in the world but not from of the world.

God bless you all.

with lots of lov & prayers
smiju joseph, abu dhabi

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