[jQuery] Using :first and :last on the first children of an element

2009-08-09 Thread Alec

I have some simple tables with multiple tr rows. The td cells
within these rows have tables of their own. I'm trying to target the
tr rows of the first (parent) tables, like so (excuse the spacing):


table class=parent
  tr -- match with :first
  tr -- match with :last
  table -- ignore this child
trtd/td/tr -- so do NOT match this with :last


$('table.parent').each(function() {

The :first tr works fine, since that's always the tr of the
parent. But when I try to select the :last tr, it'll match the last
tr of the nested table, and not the last tr of the parent table.

How can I tell jQuery to only look at the trs that are in the parent
table, and don't search any further in children tables?

Thanks in advance for your help!

[jQuery] [autocomplete] matchContains in multiple words

2009-05-31 Thread Alec


Say I have the following entry in a data array:

Quick brown fox

Is it possible to return this entry when I search for e.g. qui fox?
At this moment I can only get this result when searching for qui or
fox, but not qui fox. I guess what I'm looking for is a way to
split the input, and match each part against the data entries.

Thanks in advance for your help.

[jQuery] Finding specific values within an element

2009-02-07 Thread Alec

Hi there. I just started to play around with jQuery. I'm hoping you
could take a look at this and see if I'm at the right track, or that
my approach is completely wrong.

The idea is simple. I have a bunch of entries I want to display. When
I click an entry, I'd like jQuery to retrieve the entry's ID and do
something with this ID. What I did is the following.

div class=entrySomething herespan class=entryId12345/span/
div class=entrySomething herespan class=entryId67890/span/

The span is hidden, so the actual entry ID won't show up in the HTML.
So now I can make a list with all my entries, each with a unique
entryId value within the class.

  $('.entry').click(function() {
entryId = $(this).find('span.entryId').text();

Whenever I click on an element with class entry, the function will
look for the element entryId within that class, and gets the entryId
using text().

Is this the right way to do this? Or is there an easier/better way? I
was hoping for something like this:

div id=entry;12345something here/div
div id=entry;67890something else/div

SCRIPT that does:
search for an element that starts with #entry; and then explode on ';'
to find the entryId.

Thanks in advance for any help or pointers!

[jQuery] Re: Finding specific values within an element

2009-02-07 Thread Alec

On Feb 8, 12:06 am, Alec sen...@gmail.com wrote:
 Is this the right way to do this? Or is there an easier/better way? I
 was hoping for something like this:

 div id=entry;12345something here/div
 div id=entry;67890something else/div

 SCRIPT that does:
 search for an element that starts with #entry; and then explode on ';'
 to find the entryId.

Posting my problems always gives me new ideas 5 minutes later :) I
changed it to this:

div class=entry id=id-12345something here/div

SCRIPT to get the ID number:

(The id- part is for XHTML validation; I simply remove it with the
substr() function.)

I guess this is already much cleaner than the previous code.