[jQuery] Re: JQuery site is blank for one user

2008-02-24 Thread Andrew Ayres


 Try it in Safari,

It's already a known issue, and not currently supported. That's why I
listed IE6, IE7, FF2 and Opera 9.2x as the successfully tested
browsers. Please use one of the tested browsers if viewing the site
will help you to comment on the issue I raised.

 it looks dreadful.

There's now a redirect page saying Safari isn't currently supported.


[jQuery] Re: JQuery site is blank for one user

2008-02-23 Thread Andrew Ayres

Thanks Shawn. I'm awaiting the user's feedback on the points you
rgds, Andrew

[jQuery] JQuery site is blank for one user

2008-02-21 Thread Andrew Ayres

Hi all,

I've built a JQuery website, www.constitreaty.com, and tested it
successfuly on Win XP Pro and Vista with IE6, IE7, Firefox 2 and Opera
9.25, as well as Mac OSX 10.4.8 with Firefox 2.

One user has contacted me, as he cannot view the site on his Win XP
Home SP2 PC, with either IE7 or Firefox 2 (both fully updated, with
Javascript enabled). He gets a blank page, not even the noscript
html. When disabling his firewall (Zone Alarm Pro) and anti-virus
software (AVG 7.5), it's just the same (I was suspecting a false
positive, as was reported recently regarding some anti-virus software
detecting Dean Edwards packed JQuery .js as malware, but it wasn't

I asked the user to go to http://jquery.com/test/ , but the test suite
also resulted in a blank page, apart from the heading.

Now I'm out of ideas. Can anyone suggest what might be causing this
user to see a blank page instead of my website or the JQuery test

regards, Andrew