[jQuery] How can I refresh jQuery object's DOM (after having AJAXed dynamic content)?

2009-05-06 Thread Barney

Hello list,

Is there a way I can refresh the jQuery object's DOM on command so
that it can acknowledge content that's been brought in after the
initial DOM ready event?

Ideally, I'd find something that looked a bit like this:

$.get('wad_of_unknown_content.php', someVariableParameters,

I've run into the situation where a load of AJAXed content is
essentially dead to my jQuery object. I'm surprised at the variety of
ways people have dealt with highly specific symptoms of the problem:
there are plugins like livequery, which looks to me like an overhead-
intensive method for modifying event bindings; then there are a
variety of ways of writing functions your dynamic content may be
sensitive to into large superfunctions which get called back whenever
said dynamic content is loaded. In particular, everything out there
seems to be concerned exclusively with event binding on objects within
the dynamic content, and the solutions all seem to involve re-writing
specific bindings or the functions calling the dynamic content
themselves. Why not just get jQuery to read over the existing document
as it stands and assimilate that into the jQuery worldview whenever a
batch of new content is introduced? Or have insertion methods that
edit the document in question and the jQuery DOM object at the same

Would be very interested to hear alternatives as to how to deal with

[jQuery] jQuery and Dreamweaver CS4

2009-02-21 Thread Evelyn Lee Barney

Hi - I'm new to the group.  This is my first post.  I'm a tech writer 
who's just starting to move into web development.

I use Dreamweaver - but some complain that Spry Widgets are lame - and 
aren't as accessible to keyboard navigation as they should be.  I had 
hoped that by leaning jQuery I could come up with some options. Any 
advice on where to begin?



[jQuery] scrollTo plugin failing with no errors or warnings

2009-02-08 Thread Barney

Could somebody tell me how this is managing to go wrong?

Site is at antoniocaniparoli.co.uk/wip

I am trying to animate movement between # locations on the page — the
#s being references to images in a gallery. Each image has a little
caption at the bottom giving its position in the list and offering
href=# links to the next and/or last one in the sequence.

As it stands the default behaviour works absolutely fine, but that's
all that happens. My syntax (relevant script is at the bottom of
antoniocaniparoli.co.uk/wip/antonio.js line 70) appears to be fine,
all the right values are getting parsed according to Firebug and I can
step through about 60 actions in Firebug with all the right variables
showing... But then it just jumps to the next/last image as if there
were no scripting at all — with no errors or warnings or anything.

Anybody care to take a look and tell me what's missing?

[jQuery] Re: stilted animation in all browsers except Chrome Opera

2009-02-05 Thread Barney

Am very interested in other errors — that's not a conversation killer!

Not able to replicate error — although IE reaching past the front end
to screw things up hardly surprises me ;) this is probably down to a
very lazy system I have which parses a flickr.com RSS feed whenever
the php is called. The 'real' version does a cron job to push that
feed into a database, and reads from that when loaded so not too
worried about this.

Anybody have any problems with jQuery's animation as regards metrics
in FF, IE or Safari? This is the issue I'm most interested in. To re-
iterate, am currently experiencing a bug in all major browsers except
Chrome and Opera whereby the animation 'skips' the first half. I'm
pretty sure it's exactly half as well (click next/previous image
icons): antoniocaniparoli.co.uk/wip1

On Feb 4, 8:27 pm, Ricardo Tomasi ricardob...@gmail.com wrote:
 The page doesn't load at all in IE7:

 Warning: simplexml_load_file() [function.simplexml-load-file]: ^ in E:
 \domains\a\antoniocaniparoli.co.uk\user\htdocs\wip1\antonio.php on
 line 4

 and other errors.

 On Feb 4, 3:15 pm, Barney barney.carr...@gmail.com wrote:

  Hi all!

  Having a great adventure of my first jQuery website — for ages I'd
  been telling myself I should just get better at javascript, but I'd
  been following the development of Sizzle and thought, right, this is


  I am having a bit of a headache with cross-browser compatibilities
  though. My script has two purposes: positioning and sizing the various
  elements that constitute a photo gallery, and animating transitions
  between images. As far as the positioning and sizing is concerned,
  every major browser (Chrome, FF, IE, Opera, Safari latest stable
  releases) processes the maths/DOM metrics differently. I expected this
  out of IE, but it's incredibly distressing that the 'standardised'
  rendering engines differ so wildly in their interpretation of the same

  If anybody has any insights into this, I'd be very interested. For the
  moment, FF behaves as I believe everything else should in this matter
  (apart from:...)

  My biggest worry is to do with jQuery animation though. The gallery's
  'sliding' mechanism — outside of the issue of the bad parsed maths —
  seems to 'skip' half of the animation in IE, FF  Safari. In Chrome
  and Opera it operates completely smoothly (but doesn't slide to the
  right location).

  The animation code is on lines 71-78 

    $('#gallery p a:first-child').click(function() {
      galLeft = parseInt($('#gallery').css('left'))+(vpX-294)/2+'px';
      $('#gallery').animate({left: galLeft}, 1500);
    $('#gallery p a:last-child').click(function() {
      galLeft = parseInt($('#gallery').css('left'))-(vpX-294)/2+'px';
      $('#gallery').animate({left: galLeft}, 1500);

  The equation takes the viewport's width and subtracts the offsetWidth
  of the non-gallery content on the left to give the gallery width — and
  in theory every item in the gallery has just enough left and right
  padding to fill the gallery's visible area. Again, all the metrics
  work in FF.

  So the real issue is why that animation is stilted in most browsers.
  Any ideas?

  NB: People might think this has something to do with the easing plugin
  I've got in there. I have commented out all reference to it to avoid

[jQuery] stilted animation in all browsers except Chrome Opera

2009-02-04 Thread Barney

Hi all!

Having a great adventure of my first jQuery website — for ages I'd
been telling myself I should just get better at javascript, but I'd
been following the development of Sizzle and thought, right, this is


I am having a bit of a headache with cross-browser compatibilities
though. My script has two purposes: positioning and sizing the various
elements that constitute a photo gallery, and animating transitions
between images. As far as the positioning and sizing is concerned,
every major browser (Chrome, FF, IE, Opera, Safari latest stable
releases) processes the maths/DOM metrics differently. I expected this
out of IE, but it's incredibly distressing that the 'standardised'
rendering engines differ so wildly in their interpretation of the same

If anybody has any insights into this, I'd be very interested. For the
moment, FF behaves as I believe everything else should in this matter
(apart from:...)

My biggest worry is to do with jQuery animation though. The gallery's
'sliding' mechanism — outside of the issue of the bad parsed maths —
seems to 'skip' half of the animation in IE, FF  Safari. In Chrome
and Opera it operates completely smoothly (but doesn't slide to the
right location).

The animation code is on lines 71-78 of 

  $('#gallery p a:first-child').click(function() {
galLeft = parseInt($('#gallery').css('left'))+(vpX-294)/2+'px';
$('#gallery').animate({left: galLeft}, 1500);
  $('#gallery p a:last-child').click(function() {
galLeft = parseInt($('#gallery').css('left'))-(vpX-294)/2+'px';
$('#gallery').animate({left: galLeft}, 1500);

The equation takes the viewport's width and subtracts the offsetWidth
of the non-gallery content on the left to give the gallery width — and
in theory every item in the gallery has just enough left and right
padding to fill the gallery's visible area. Again, all the metrics
work in FF.

So the real issue is why that animation is stilted in most browsers.
Any ideas?

NB: People might think this has something to do with the easing plugin
I've got in there. I have commented out all reference to it to avoid

[jQuery] Does jquery click() always prevent a click-through to the url?

2008-10-18 Thread Peter Barney

Is this a good way to let the user know that a slow-loading page is coming?

$(#menu a).click(function(e){
$.blockUI({ message: h1Loading.../h1 });
location.href = e.target;

I'm not very familiar with jquery, but as far as I can tell, the 
.click() function isn't a pass-through... it seems to stop the click in 
its tracks. Is this so?


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[jQuery] Passing values to functions

2008-09-18 Thread Barney


I am trying to get my head around jquery and am converting some
standard javascript code over.
My old code was setup like this:
function deleteid(id){
 // Delete by id

Then for html I have:
a href=javascript:void(0); id=delete

Now moving to jQuery I just can't figure out how to pass the id I want
deleted attached to the click function.

For example:


How to I pass the id of that row I want deleted? I know this is
probably something simple that I am just not getting my head around. :