[jQuery] Re: How to remove error messages from Validation Plugin

2009-05-12 Thread Chuck Cheeze

Here is an interesting way to do it.  In my case, I was using a main
error div at the top of the page, so I didn't need the individual
label.error elements inline.  They kept showing up no matter what I
did until I added this to my validation:

errorElement: em

This changes the element that the errors are displayed in from label
to em.  I am not using any em elements on my page, so the error
messages just don't show up (except the main one, which I want to show

jQuery.validator.messages.required = ;
//change error element
errorElement: em,
//use main error div instead
invalidHandler: function(e, validator) {
var errors = validator.numberOfInvalids();
if (errors) {
var message = errors == 1
? 'You missed 1 field. 
It has been highlighted below'
: 'You missed ' + 
errors + ' fields.  They have been
highlighted below';
} else {

rules: {
username: {
required: true,
email: true
password: {
required: true,
minlength: 4,
maxlength: 10
password_confirm: {
required: true,
equalTo: #password,
minlength: 4,
maxlength: 10
accept_terms: required,
cf_member_fname: required,
cf_member_lname: required,
cf_member_city: required,
cf_member_country: required,
captcha: required


On Apr 10, 8:08 pm, Rick r...@marketingease.com wrote:
 I'm using this plugin in its simplest 

 All I have is this for my code:



 It works fine, but I'm trying to hide the error messages which it
 defaults to This field is required. The error message shows up in a

 How in the world do I hide those error messages within those labels???
 I'm sure it's easy, but I cannot find any examples anywhere!!

 Thanks to whoever helps out..

[jQuery] Spammer bypassing JQ Validate to register?

2008-12-21 Thread Chuck Cheeze

I have a site built in ExpressionEngine.  I am using JQ Validate to
check the form fields before submission.  There are 3 fields in
particular that are interesting to me as they are required by EE and
they are on the list of fields required by JQ Validate.

First Name
Last Name
Invitation Code (provided by the site owner to visitors who can

So, this dude from Poland managed to register without a first name,
without a last name and likely without an invitation code.  I'll deal
with the EE issues separately, but is there a known issue where
someone can mess with the jquery in the page to bypass the validation
that is running?

[jQuery] Re: validate : help with required code

2008-11-07 Thread Chuck Cheeze

I understand that, I am asking for help writing that custom method.  I
can't get it to work.  So, if name_first = First then its required,
if it is anything else it is valid.  Thanks

On Nov 7, 4:48 am, Jörn Zaefferer [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 In this case you need a custom required-method. Your check makes the
 field required, but its still valid to the required method (it has a


 On Thu, Nov 6, 2008 at 6:45 PM, Chuck Cheeze [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  I have a form field that by default has the value First.  When the
  user clicks into the field it clears that value, and if they type
  nothing, when they blur the field it replaces First.  You've all
  seen this.
  I want the validate plugin to say this field is required if the value
  onsubmit is First.  Can't seem to make it work.
  // validate signup form on keyup and submit
                         rules: {
                                 name_first: {
                                         required: function(element) {
                                                 return $
  ('#name_first').val() != First;
                                 name_last: required,
                                 country: required,
                                 otherinfo: required,
                                 email: {
                                         required: true,
                                         email: true
  input type=text name=name_first value=First size=15
  id=name_first class=inputfield_name swaptextbox greybox
  tabindex=1 /
  Once I do that, I'll use the same code for last name.

[jQuery] [validate] Help with required code

2008-11-06 Thread Chuck Cheeze

I have a form field that by default has the value First.  When the
user clicks into the field it clears that value, and if they type
nothing, when they blur the field it replaces First.  You've all
seen this.

I want the validate plugin to say this field is required if the value
onsubmit is First.  Can't seem to make it work.

// validate signup form on keyup and submit
rules: {
name_first: {
required: function(element) {
return $('#name_first').val() 
!= First;
name_last: required,
country: required,
otherinfo: required,
email: {
required: true,
email: true

input type=text name=name_first value=First size=15
id=name_first class=inputfield_name swaptextbox greybox
tabindex=1 /

Once I do that, I'll use the same code for last name.

[jQuery] validate : help with required code

2008-11-06 Thread Chuck Cheeze

I have a form field that by default has the value First.  When the
user clicks into the field it clears that value, and if they type
nothing, when they blur the field it replaces First.  You've all
seen this.
I want the validate plugin to say this field is required if the value
onsubmit is First.  Can't seem to make it work.
// validate signup form on keyup and submit
rules: {
name_first: {
required: function(element) {
return $
('#name_first').val() != First;
name_last: required,
country: required,
otherinfo: required,
email: {
required: true,
email: true
input type=text name=name_first value=First size=15
id=name_first class=inputfield_name swaptextbox greybox
tabindex=1 /
Once I do that, I'll use the same code for last name.

[jQuery] Help writing function for sending a serialized post for updating a UL order

2008-10-08 Thread Chuck Cheeze

I have a UL:

ul id=child_list
li id=item_1One/li
li id=item_2Two/li
li id=item_3Three/li

I have a function:

$(document).ready(function() {

opacity: 0.7,
revert: true,
scroll: true,
handle: $(.handle),
change: function(sorted){
$.post(/admin/ajax/orderChildren.asp, { 
item_order_str: $
('#child_list').sortable(serialize) });

I am switching this over from scriptaculous, and I need to know if the
above is written correctly, and also, what would the data posted to
the orderChildren.asp page look like, and how would I access the
variable on that page?

[jQuery] IE Issues with addClass/removeClass

2008-09-29 Thread Chuck Cheeze


On the homepage of my site I use jQuery to dynamically remove a class
and add a class to the 3rd div box under Recent Projects.  What this
does is allow the floated boxes to all line up on a single row by
removing the default class for this box and add in an identical class
that has a margin-right:0 rule.  Since these boxes are built
dynamically by ExpressionEngine this was my way to remove the right
side margin.

In IE7 and IE6 what is happening is that the DOM is loaded in with
that 3rd box on a second row, then jQuery loads in the new class and
all layout items under the box shift up, which includes the footer
background.  However, the footer P tags aren't shifting up.

Any ideas?

[jQuery] Help with selecting great grandchildren

2008-05-02 Thread Chuck Cheeze

Below is my html/EE code:

div class=less-info

!-- Standard configuration --

!-- Show more button --
span class=show-more{lang_showmoreinfo}/span

!-- Standard configuration tab --
span class=tab{lang_standardconfigurations}/span

!-- Parts list --
ul class=part-detail-box
{related_entries id=cf_products_parts} !-- loop --

li class=line-item
!-- Part number - floated right --
span class=part-number{cf_parts_partnumber}/span

!-- Part title - aligned left --
{if cf_parts_desc}
div class=line-item-detail

{/related_entries} !-- end loop --
/ul !-- part-detail-box --

/div !-- less-info --

What I want is for the user to click the span.show-more and have it
toggle show/hide all li.line-item's within its own parent (div.less-
info).  I tried all types of stuff.  I can get the parent to show/
hide, so I can get that far.  From there I need to get to all child

Here is what i stopped with, which I know is incorrect snce children()
only selects direct children:

//toggle the display of the individual product details
function() {
function() {

[jQuery] Re: Help with selecting great grandchildren

2008-05-02 Thread Chuck Cheeze

Perfect thanks.  Not sure why I couldn't get that going myself...

On May 2, 2:32 pm, BlueCockatoo [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 You could use

 $(.line-item, $(this).parent())

 which brings back all .line-items under the context of the parent or
 you could use


 which searches for any .line-items under the parent.

 Either one should work, so pick your favorite :)

 - Lindsay

 On May 2, 12:38 pm, Chuck Cheeze [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Below is my html/EE code:

  div class=less-info

  !-- Standard configuration --

          !-- Show more button --
          span class=show-more{lang_showmoreinfo}/span

          !-- Standard configuration tab --
          span class=tab{lang_standardconfigurations}/span

          !-- Parts list --
                  ul class=part-detail-box
                  {related_entries id=cf_products_parts} !-- loop --

                          li class=line-item
                          !-- Part number - floated right --

                          !-- Part title - aligned left --
                          {if cf_parts_desc}
                                  div class=line-item-detail

          {/related_entries} !-- end loop --
          /ul !-- part-detail-box --

  /div !-- less-info --

  What I want is for the user to click the span.show-more and have it
  toggle show/hide all li.line-item's within its own parent (div.less-
  info).  I tried all types of stuff.  I can get the parent to show/
  hide, so I can get that far.  From there I need to get to all child

  Here is what i stopped with, which I know is incorrect snce children()
  only selects direct children:

  //toggle the display of the individual product details
          function() {
          function() {

[jQuery] Re: Having trouble with += and toFixed for some reason

2008-04-05 Thread Chuck Cheeze

Thanks alot - i've never been good with javascript... worked great.

On Apr 4, 3:01 pm, Wizzud [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Initialise as numbers instead of strings?...

 var bagqty = 0;
 var bagtotal = 0;

 On Apr 4, 9:35 pm, Chuck Cheeze [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Here is my code:

          script type=text/javascript
                  //on page load
                  $(document).ready(function() {
                          //add up the cart totals and display on the page

                          //setup default values
                          var bagqty                      = '';
                          var bagtotal            = '';

                          //get all table rows
                          $('#shoppingcart tbody tr').each(function() {
                                  //get the row's price, remove the $
                                  var price = parseFloat($('.itemprice', 
  \d.]*/, ''));
                                  //make sure its a number
                                  price = isNaN(price) ? 0 : price;
                                  //get the row's quantity
                                  var qty = parseInt($('.itemqty', 
                                  //get the item's shipping amount
                                  var ship = parseFloat($('.itemshipping', 
  \d.]*/, ''));
                                  //make sure its a number
                                  ship = isNaN(ship) ? 0 : ship;
                                  //calculate the extended price
                                  var extprice = (qty * price) + ship;
                                  //add back in the $ sign and write to the 
                                  $('.itemextprice', this).text('$' + 
                                  //add to totals
                                  bagqty += qty;
                                  bagtotal += extprice;

                          //return the totals
                          $('.bagtotal').text('$' + bagtotal.toFixed(2));



  I have 2 issues-

  1- the bagqty += qty; and bagtotal += extprice; calculations return
  appended values, not added.  So if there are 2 products and the bagqty
  values are 5 and 3 I get 53 instead of 8.

  2- the $('.bagtotal').text('$' + bagtotal);     line won't work.  I get a
  bagtotal.toFixed is not a function error.  It works fine in the
  itemextprize calculation up higher.

  Any ideas?

[jQuery] Having trouble with += and toFixed for some reason

2008-04-04 Thread Chuck Cheeze

Here is my code:

script type=text/javascript
//on page load
$(document).ready(function() {
//add up the cart totals and display on the page

//setup default values
var bagqty  = '';
var bagtotal= '';

//get all table rows
$('#shoppingcart tbody tr').each(function() {
//get the row's price, remove the $
var price = parseFloat($('.itemprice', 
\d.]*/, ''));
//make sure its a number
price = isNaN(price) ? 0 : price;
//get the row's quantity
var qty = parseInt($('.itemqty', this).text());
//get the item's shipping amount
var ship = parseFloat($('.itemshipping', 
\d.]*/, ''));
//make sure its a number
ship = isNaN(ship) ? 0 : ship;
//calculate the extended price
var extprice = (qty * price) + ship;
//add back in the $ sign and write to the page
$('.itemextprice', this).text('$' + 
//add to totals
bagqty += qty;
bagtotal += extprice;

//return the totals
$('.bagtotal').text('$' + bagtotal.toFixed(2));



I have 2 issues-

1- the bagqty += qty; and bagtotal += extprice; calculations return
appended values, not added.  So if there are 2 products and the bagqty
values are 5 and 3 I get 53 instead of 8.

2- the $('.bagtotal').text('$' + bagtotal); line won't work.  I get a
bagtotal.toFixed is not a function error.  It works fine in the
itemextprize calculation up higher.

Any ideas?