[jQuery] jQuery Treeview + CheckBox

2008-09-21 Thread Don Quijote de Nicaragua

It is possible to use a CheckBox in a Treeview?

Es posible usar un CheckBox en un Treeview?

Don Quijote de Nicaragua.
Elder Soto.

[jQuery] Re: jquery wallpaper

2008-08-28 Thread Don Quijote de Nicaragua

Don Quijote de Nicaragua.
Elder Soto

On 28 ago, 08:38, tlphipps <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Several months ago somebody posted a link to some jquery wallpapers
> that they had created (not cheatsheets, just color background with
> jquery logo).  I lost my copy and for the life of me I can't locate
> these anymore.
> Does anybody still have a link for these wallpapers?

[jQuery] Function + Isdate

2008-07-21 Thread Don Quijote de Nicaragua

Hi, everyone, How I can use the function "isdate" in  jQuery
Thank you.
Hola a todos, como puedo usar la función "Isdate" en Jquery.
Muchas Gracias.
Don Quijote de Nicaragua.
Elder Soto.

[jQuery] the list not reflected the change

2008-07-02 Thread Don Quijote de Nicaragua

Hi, everyone, I have this code to show a list of product

qrRemision = New Query("vwlstRemisiones") //
vwlstRemisiones is a view
qrRemision.OrderBy = OrderBy.Asc("Fecha")
dtsCatalogo = New DataSet
dtsCatalogo = qrRemision.ExecuteDataSet()

When  an element changed again and I want to show  in the list not
reflected the change, I get the old value (the same value before the
change), any suggestions.
Thanks You.

Hola a todos, tengo el siguiente codigo para mostrar una lista de
-- CODE --
Cuanto hago un cambio en un elemento, la lista no la refleja, me
muestra el valor anterior, antes del cambio, alguna sugerencia.
Don Quijote de Nicaragua.
Elder Soto

With Page.Request
imRecord =
ipNumber =
End With
qrRemision = New Query("vwlstRemisiones")
qrRemision.OrderBy = OrderBy.Asc("Fecha")
dtsCatalogo = New DataSet
dtsCatalogo = qrRemision.ExecuteDataSet()
ipCount = fGetPageNumber(dtsCatalogo.Tables(0).Rows.Count,
If (ipNumber = 0) Then ipNumber = 1

Select Case imRecord
Case 1
If (ipNumber > 1) Then ipNumber -= 1
Case 2
If (ipNumber < ipCount) Then ipNumber += 1
End Select
iLastRow = ipNumber * ipSize
iFirstRow = iLastRow - ipSize
If (iLastRow > dtsCatalogo.Tables(0).Rows.Count) Then
iLastRow = dtsCatalogo.Tables(0).Rows.Count
iFirstRow = (ipNumber - 1) * ipSize
End If
If (ipCount <= 1) Then
sDisabled(0) = " disabled='disabled'"
sDisabled(1) = " disabled='disabled'"
If (ipNumber = 1) Then
sDisabled(0) = " disabled='disabled'"
ElseIf (ipNumber = ipCount) Then
sDisabled(1) = " disabled='disabled'"
End If
End If

sHtml = "" & NL
sHtml &= "" & NL
sHtml &= "" & NL
sHtml &= "" & NL
sHtml &= "" & NL
sHtml &= "" & NL
sHtml &= "" & NL
sHtml &= "" & NL
sHtml &= "Buscar:" & NL
sHtml &= "" & NL
sHtml &= "" & NL
sHtml &= "" & NL
sHtml &= "" & NL
sHtml &= "" & NL
sHtml &= "" & NL
sHtml &= "" & NL
sHtml &= "" & NL
sHtml &= "" & NL
sHtml &= "" & NL
sHtml &= IIf(ipCount, "Página:", "") & NL
sHtml &= "" & NL
'Boton Previo
sHtml &= "" & NL
sHtml &= "" & NL
sHtml &= IIf(ipCount, "" & ipNumber &
"", "")
sHtml &= NL & "" & NL
'Boton Siguiente
sHtml &= "" & NL
sHtml &= "" & NL
sHtml &= IIf(ipCount, "de " & ipCount &
"", "")
sHtml &= NL & "" & NL
sHtml &= "" & NL
sHtml &= "" & NL
sHtml &= "" & NL
sHtml &= "" & NL
'Encabezado de los catalogos
sHtml &= "" & NL
sHtml &= "" & NL
sHtml &= "CodRemision" & NL
sHtml &= "Fecha" & NL
sHtml &= "No Remision" & NL
sHtml &= "No Orden" & NL
sHtml &= "Cliente" & NL
sHtml &= "Transporte" & NL
sHtml &= "Modificar" & NL
sHtml &= "Borrar" & NL
'---Listado de Remision ---'
With dtsCatalogo.Tables(0)
For r = iFirstRow To iLastRow - 1
id = .Rows(r)(0)
sHtml &= "" & NL
sHtml &= "" & .Rows(r)(1) & "" & NL
sHtml &= "" & NL
'ModCatalogos(Accion, Operacion, Modificar,
CodCatalogo, Descripcion)
sHtml &= "" & NL
sHtml &= "" & NL
sHtml &= "" & NL & "" &
End With
sHtml &= ""
Catch ex As Exception
sHtml = ex.Message.ToString()
End Try

[jQuery] Re: automatically copy the contents of inpubox in another

2008-06-08 Thread Don Quijote de Nicaragua

I response my self:
$('#txtCantidadR').keyup(function () {
Other Way to make this ?

On 8 jun, 19:53, Don Quijote de Nicaragua <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> How can I do to automatically copy the contents of inpubox in another
> line is written in the first.
> Gracias
> Spanish:
> Como puedo hacer para copiar automaticamente el contenido de inpubox
> en otro conforme se escribe en el primero.

[jQuery] Re: ASP.NET UserControl and jQuery

2008-06-08 Thread Don Quijote de Nicaragua

  //jQuery library reference

//How can I check if the jQuery lib is already loaded by the
main page
//You Code Here...



Don Quijote de Nicaragua.
Elder Soto.
Check this other link:

On 8 jun, 06:27, vladv <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi,
> I have a UserControl to which I would like to add some jQuery
> functionality.
> There are 2 issues with this:
> 1. Where should I include the jQuery library reference and where to
> call the functions?
> 2. How can I check if the jQuery lib is already loaded by the main
> page (the page to which the UserControl will be added)
> I'm nub, so please be gentle :)
> Thank you very much!

[jQuery] automatically copy the contents of inpubox in another

2008-06-08 Thread Don Quijote de Nicaragua

How can I do to automatically copy the contents of inpubox in another
line is written in the first.
Como puedo hacer para copiar automaticamente el contenido de inpubox
en otro conforme se escribe en el primero.

[jQuery] Re: Only Acept Number and "." or ","

2008-05-20 Thread Don Quijote de Nicaragua

Muchas Gracias Exactamente eso es lo que necesitaba.
Don Quijote de Nicaragua.
Elder Soto.

On 20 mayo, 13:20, Ariel Flesler <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> This is exactly what you need:
>  http://itgroup.com.ph/alphanumeric/
> This could be useful too:
>    http://digitalbush.com/projects/masked-input-plugin
> --
> Ariel Fleslerhttp://flesler.blogspot.com
> On 20 mayo, 01:48, Don Quijote de Nicaragua <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> wrote:
> > I need to create a input, but only acept numer or this caracter "." or
> > ","
> > Español.
> > Necesito crear un input, pero que únicamente acepte números o los
> > caracteres "." ò ",".
> > Gracias.
> > Don Quijote de Nicaragua.
> > Elder Soto.

[jQuery] Only Acept Number and "." or ","

2008-05-20 Thread Don Quijote de Nicaragua

I need to create a input, but only acept numer or this caracter "." or

Necesito crear un input, pero que únicamente acepte números o los
caracteres "." ò ",".

Don Quijote de Nicaragua.
Elder Soto.

[jQuery] Re: JQuery and ASP.NET AJAX

2008-05-19 Thread Don Quijote de Nicaragua

Funciona Muy bien:
Exaple to load a combo:
call the function in CodeBehind:

Clase or Class:
Public Class Prueba
Public Sub Prueba()
End Sub
Public Shared Function CargarClientes() As String
Dim idtPais As System.Data.IDataReader, qrPais As
Dim Nl As String = Environment.NewLine, sHtml As String
qrPais = New SubSonic.Query("Pais")
qrPais.ORDER_BY("NombrePais Asc")
idtPais = qrPais.ExecuteReader()
sHtml = ""
sHtml &= "Seleccione un pais de la lista" & Nl

With idtPais
While .Read()
sHtml &= "" & .GetValue(1).ToString & ""
sHtml &= Nl
End While
.Close() : .Dispose()
End With
sHtml &= ""
Catch ex As Exception
sHtml = "Lista de
paises "
    sHtml &= "vacía" & Nl & ""
End Try
Return sHtml
End Function
End Class
Don Quijote de Nicaragua.
Elder Soto.

On 18 mayo, 13:30, Mike <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Do these work well together or cause conflicts?