[jQuery] Tabbed Pane

2010-01-08 Thread Gilbert

I've just downloaded the plugin and I'm starting to play around with

Firstly, on first display, the selected tab is defaulting to 1 rather
than 0 as documented. This looks odd with the second tab selected
rather than the first. I see this in both 1.8.0 and 1.8.1

Secondly, I'm starting with 11 tabs with lengthy titles and the
initial layout starts with three rows. Row 1 looks fine with the tabs
left aligned. Row 2 looks like the tabs are being right aligned and
Row 3 is left aligned again. Depending on which tab I select, the
layout shuffles around with tabs at the start/end of a row moving up
or down a row. Is this contollable through the tag or am I going to
have to go digging around in the css?


[jQuery] JQuery Collapsing Lists

2009-02-04 Thread Gilbert


I'm a newbie to JQuery. I have a collapsible list made from an
unordered html list usin the following code I found at
which works fine. I've even managed to workout how it works :-)

$(document).ready(function() {
// Find list items representing folders and
// style them accordingly.  Also, turn them
// into links that can expand/collapse the
// tree leaf.
$('li > ul').each(function(i) {
// Find this list's parent list item.
var parent_li = $(this).parent('li');

// Style the list item as folder.

// Temporarily remove the list from the
// parent list item, wrap the remaining
// text in an anchor, then reattach it.
var sub_ul = $(this).remove();
parent_li.wrapInner('').find('a').click(function() {
// Make the anchor toggle the leaf display.

// Hide all lists except the outermost.
$('ul ul').hide();

Now I need to modify this so that only one branch or sub-branch can be
open at anyone time by closing any other open branches. I've managed
to capture the sibling information I think I need by adding the line
var "siblings_li = $(this).parent('li').siblings();" after the
definition of parent_li and verified through the firebug plugin to
Firefox that it selects the nodes that I expect.

What do I need to put in the click function definition so that the
onClick() a) closes any open sibling branches and b) toggles child
branches - I hope that this makes sense
