[jQuery] Re: question about plugin programming

2008-04-19 Thread J Moore

Hi Rene,

I've never quite understood the benefits to the plugin approach, when
you can simply create an object that uses jquery.

(I've wondered about this before on the list, but so far no one has
enlightened me.)

function Animator(container) {
  this.jC = container; // this is a jquery instance

Animator.prototype.draw = function() {
  this.jC.html('divdraw some elements/div');
  this.jC.find('div').click(function() { alert('add some
events'); });

Then you can create as many objects as you need.

var a1 = new Animator($('#img1'));
var a2  = new Animator($('#img2'));


Works great and seems (to me) much simpler than creating a plug-in.


On Apr 19, 5:40 am, Rene Veerman [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I've created a button jquery plugin that does a png animation onhover, and
 takes text on the button from html/dom.
 Although i've modelled the code after the datePicker plugin, and it works, i
 think i have a problem with scope. When I instantiate buttons in two
 different windows, a click in the first window uses settings from the second
 window. :(

 I'd like some advice on the code i've written. If there are any tutorials
 about jquery plugin writing that you can recommend, i'd like to read those

 The code can be downloaded 

[jQuery] Re: Passing variables between two functions

2008-04-12 Thread J Moore

looks good. pointX is a global variable and can be accessed by both
functions. What's the problem?

On Apr 11, 6:13 am, Decagrog [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hi all,
 I've a newbie question about variable scope...essentially  i've two
 anonimous function and i need to retrieve a variable generated into
 first function and use it in the second one.

 Here the basic code to get an idea of what i'm  trying...

   var pointX ;
 pointX = e.pageX ;
 // do some other stuff with  pointX ...

   $(document).scroll(function () {
   var docH = $(window).height();
   var   docW = $(window).width();
   docWcenter =  docW / 2;

  //here i need again pointX ...
  $(#point).css( 'position',
 'relative' ).animate({ left :docWcenter + pointX + px}, 200 );

[jQuery] Re: How do I use ColdFusion and jQuery variables for pagination?

2008-04-12 Thread J Moore

Calling a $.get() on each page change click kind of defeats the point
of doing client-side paging. It will be basically be as slow as
reloading an entire new page (and you have to add some UI to show that
the page is 'loading...).

If your db has 10,000 rows, then agreed, you won't want to dump them
all at once. But why not send 100? Then you can page through them
super quick using client side js (and jquery). When you reach the end
of the what's in memory, query the next 100. (or even fancier, query
the next 100 when the user is looking at the 2nd last page.)

The key concept is that you load your paging data and keep in a
javascript object or array.

var rows;
$.getJSON(json.php, {action:get100rows}, function(json) { rows =
json.result; });

// then your callback for the pagination class looks something like

function showpage(page) { // page is 1..n
  var pagesize = 10;
  var offset = ((page-1)*pagesize);
  for (var i=0; ipagesize; i++) {
$('#results').append('div'+rows[i]+'/div); // display each row
  // here's where you would check to see if you need to load more
  if (offset+pagesize = rows.length) { ... }



On Apr 10, 4:48 pm, Josh Nathanson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Rick, if you have 10,000 records, I would say to not dump them all into the

 My suggestion would be to set everything up as if you were doing the
 pagination on the server using CF, and then change your pagination links so
 that they are intercepted, and used to do an ajax call to your CF template
 which retrieves the records.

 Your CF template could output the records as an html table and then send
 that html back to the client -- this html would be the argument in your ajax
 callback function, which would take the returned html and place it in the
 right place on the page.

 This is all independent of any plugins, just using straight jQuery and CF.

 Just as a rough outline... suppose your pagination link looks like a
 href=myCfTemplate.cfm class=paginate5/a (this would be to go to page
 5 of the pagination).

 Your ajax call would look like something like:
 $(a.paginate).click(function() {
 return false;


 Where outputhtml is the function that takes the returned html and outputs
 it to the page.  This would send the data 5 to your CF template as an url
 variable, which you could use to determine which records to get from the

 -- Josh

 - Original Message -
 To: jQuery (English) jquery-en@googlegroups.com
 Sent: Thursday, April 10, 2008 1:17 PM
 Subject: [jQuery] Re: How do I use ColdFusion and jQuery variables for


 Thanks for the reply, Josh...

 I think the part that I'm not understanding is the dump the whole
 to the client and then the plugin takes care of the pagination.

 It also sounds like a memory and/or processor intensive way to get 20
 per page.  If I have 10,000 records, I guess I would be getting and
 all 10,000 records at once?

 I've considered taking the straight CF route with this, or perhaps
 using SQL
 to retrieve just the records I need.

 Would using CF or SQL be preferable for datasets composed of thousands
 of records?


 On Apr 10, 3:31 pm, Josh Nathanson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Rick - I don't know how the pagination plugin that you're using works, but
  there may be some sort of before event that you can use to ajax some
  variables to your CF page. Your CF template would take these variables and
  use them to set the startrow and maxrow values and then send back the

  That said, not sure why you'd need to do that if you're doing pagination
  the client side? The idea is that you dump the whole query to the client
  and then the plugin takes care of the pagination.

  -- Josh

  - Original Message -
  From: Rick Faircloth [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  To: jquery-en@googlegroups.com
  Sent: Thursday, April 10, 2008 12:19 PM
  Subject: [jQuery] How do I use ColdFusion and jQuery variables for


   Hi, all...

   I'm a bit confused about how to get variables from jQuery that
   I can use in my ColdFusion code.

   In typical CF pagination, I use startrow and maxrows variables
   to limit the query output. How would I get these variables
   from the jQuery?

   I just can't piece together what's happening.

   Below is the jQuery I'm currently using. The total number
   of records is set in the jQuery using the recordCount CF variable.

   Thanks for any help!


   script type=text/javascript

   function pageselectCallback(page_id, jq){
   $('#Searchresult').text(Showing search results

   // Create pagination element

   num_edge_entries: 2,

[jQuery] Re: Slow tabs

2008-04-09 Thread J Moore

Try creating a test page with only the js code needed for the tabs.

As for keeping content hidden during loading, I like to use a css
class called hidden.

/* css */
.hidden { display: none; }

/* html */
div class=foo hiddenI am hidden/div

On Apr 8, 1:54 pm, Glen Lipka [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 We are using tabs on this page:http://success.marketo.com/index.php

 There is a long delay (FF2) between click and the transition.  Are we doing
 something wrong?

 Also, what is the best practice to make the tabs detail hidden until it
 finishes tabbifying the block?

 Thanks much,


[jQuery] Re: what wrong in code?

2008-04-09 Thread J Moore

infinite loop?
getready() calls sendsite() which calls getready() which calls

On Apr 8, 4:06 pm, R.O.M. [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 This code doesn't work in all browsers exept firefox. Why and what i
 must to do?
 Trouble: when button with id=newsitesubmit was pressed there is no
 reaction, but in firefox all is ok.


 function getready() {

 function sendsite() { /* отправляем данные из формы */
var sitename = $(#siteinfo #sitename).val();
var siteurl =  $(#siteinfo #siteurl).val();
var uname = $(#siteinfo #username).val();
var uemail =  $(#siteinfo #uemail).val();
$.get('savesite.cgi', {sname: sitename, surl: siteurl, uname:
 uname, uemail:
  var oldcontent = $('#siteinfo').html();
  $('#siteinfo').html(data+'Добавить еще сайт');


  div id=add

 h4Добавление сайта/h4br
 form id=newsite
  dtlabel for=form-sitenameНазвание:/label/dt
  ddinput type=text name=sitename id=sitename/dd
  dtlabel for=form-siteurlАдрес:/label/dt
  ddinput type=text name=siteurl id=siteurl/dd

  dtlabel for=form-usernameВаше имя:/label/dt
  ddinput type=text name=username id=username/dd
  dtlabel for=form-useremailВаш e-mail:/label/dt
  ddinput type=text name=uemail id=uemail/dd
  ddinput type=button value=Отправить id=newsitesubmit/dd


[jQuery] Re: Logic issue - can jQuery help?

2008-04-03 Thread J Moore

I've used an object to 'cache' jquery instances. Works great.

I've also used id strings to pack data. like div id=x45-64 where
the 'x' is because id's shouldn't be numeric. And the other numbers
might be your employee id or task id. I find this id method ugly, and
would rather use a javascript object (or hash as you call it) to
keep track of instances instead of walking through the DOM trying to
figure out which object was clicked on.

You've explained your problem in detail, but it sounds like your real
problem is at some higher level. You're storing all the information in
the DOM, and now you don't want to parse the DOM because it's slow?
well... time for a new approach. (and seriously, spend a day
experimenting with closures. it's a damn near religious experience
once you understand them.)


On Apr 3, 2:59 am, Shawn [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I apologize if this is semi OT...

 I have an odd performance problem that I can't see any clear logic
 around.  I was wondering if jQuery might be able to help me with this.

 1. I have a table of employees.  Employees in the left column (one per
 row), and days in the remaining columns.  Some employees are team
 leaders, some are team members.  Teams can change at any time, and
 employees may change their role from leader to member, or vice versa.
 But an employee can only be on one team at a time.
 2. I have a large list of tasks to be match up to the employee and
 day.  The only match to the employee is the employee ID.

 - Because teams can change I can potentially be viewing a period of time
 where one employee has been on two (or more) different teams, and so
 would rightfully have multiple rows of data.  Therefore, I can't simply
 use the employee ID as an element ID to find the row.  (potential
 - The only unique identifier I would have for each employee is a
 combination of the employee ID, team leader ID, and start date.
 - The task only knows the employee ID.

 So, I'm looking for a way to match the task to the correct employee row,
 while still satisfying the DTD requirements of not using duplicate ID
 values.  Once I know the row, I can determine the rest fairly easily.
 But thus far the only method I have come up with includes some nested
 loops which is resulting in significant delays.  And even then, I still
 have potential for duplicate IDs.

 One thought that has occured to me (and I'll be trying out soon) is to
 create a hash object where the employee is the key which points to an
 array of employee objects.  The employee object would contain a  hased
 ID value (combine employee id, leader id, start date for instance) that
 will be unique. (or at least given a good statistical probability of
 being unique).  Then the further processing has the unique ID to find
 the corresponding row, AND the data to determine which row (if more than
 one) is pertinent.  But, I've never done this kind of indexing before
 and am concerned I may be introducing overhead and delays.  Any
 thoughts/comments here?

 Thanks for letting me get this down in writing.  Sometimes the answer
 pops out at me when I do this.  But not this time.  Also thanks for any
 tips or suggestions.


[jQuery] Re: callbacks calling callbacks calling callbacks ....

2008-03-09 Thread J Moore

Hi Shawn,

Interesting problem you've outlined. Running the queries sequentially
is slow, and splitting them apart appears faster (presumably since you
display some progress to the user). My approach using objects will not
speed up your 30 second database queries, but it can break down the
problem into more manageable chunks and display progress to the user.

Consider this example. We want a list of Employees, their current
projects, and the next due action item for each project. Something

Name / Project / Action Item
Bob / Website / Install forum software
Sue / Wiki / Fix IE memory leak

Now, you could get all employees, and for each employee get all
projects, and for each project get the most current action item. That
would be the linear method, and it would be one big glob of code with
lots of nested anon subroutines.

Another way of approaching this problem would be to break it down
using objects. Instead of drawing the table at once, let's draw the
table row, and draw the employee name, projects and action items as
they come in.

WorkerList - gets worker ids, creates table structure and creates
instances of Worker and Project
Worker - get worker name
Project - gets project info and gets next action item for a worker

At the top level, you would call:

var list = new Workerlist($('#workers')); // assume a table element
exists e.g. table id=workers

The classes would look like this...

/* class: Workerlist */
Workerlist(jC) {
  this.jC = jC; // jquery container

// get workers and create Worker and Project instances
Workerlist.prototype.get = function() {
  var me = this;
  $.getJSON('getworkers.php', {}, function(json) {
  foreach (w in json.workers) {
var row = $('trtd class=worker/tdtd 
row.find('td.worker').each( function() { new 
container:$(this)}); });
row.find('td.projects').each( function() { new
Projects({worker_id:w, container:$(this)}); });
jC.append(row); // add row to HTML table

/* class: Worker */
Worker(opts) {
  this.id = opts.id; // id
  this.jC = opts.container; // jquery container
  this.name = ''; // no name yet
  var me = this;
  $.getJSON('getworker.php', {id:id}, function(json) {
me.name = json.name;

// display the worker
Worker.prototype.draw() {
  this.jC.html('b' + this.name + '/b');

This example is getting long, so i'm going to stop here. But the key
point is that the problem is broken down into objects, where each
object knows how to retrieve information - as well as display itself
since it was passed a jquery container. The page is populated as
various asyncronous requests come in. You don't need to manually
manage these requests, since they use closures.

You might also notice that this example would create lots of tiny JSON
calls to retrieve the worker name (and project info). True. To reduce
those calls, you would need a wrapper class to aggregate the requests
to 'getworker.php', so it passes in 10 names at once instead of one at
a time. (But that's an optimization that could be done at a later


On Mar 8, 10:27 pm, Shawn [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Can you show a quick sample of the objects/callback methods you allude
 to?  (instead of the nested approach).

 In my case I have three ajax requests, each of which takes a fair bit of
 processing on the server side.  They were created as separate processes
 because of the non-linear use of the data in the app.  However when the
 page first loads I need to call all three and wait on em.  The problem
 is that putting these three items into a single routine results in 30+
 second data retrieval.  (complex joins, and business rules...)  I do
 know there are ways to optimize my code some, but even this would only
 cut off a second or two.

 In short, I'm kinda stuck with the nested approach right now, but could
 speed up the initial page load significantly if each request was
 concurrent and final processing/rendering took place after all the data
 was collected.  But one of the steps needs to do some intermediate
 processing to modify the data returned.  I guess I could move this
 intermediate processing to the server, but I didn't see any performance
 improvements when I tried it early in the app.

 Thanks for your response.  (btw, I'm not the OP you were referring tooo,
 but I think he was alluding to similar situations...)


 J Moore wrote:

  Regarding your example of waiting for N records to come back, it is
  definitely worth it to pack all those requests into a single AJAX/JSON
  request. Not only are you saving the overhead of the HTTP requests
  (browsers can only make a 2-4 requests concurrently) but your code
  will be cleaner. (e.g. no counter in on the callback)

  To the OP: can you post more details about what you're

[jQuery] Re: basic Show Hide icon

2008-03-08 Thread J Moore

return false; is your friend. I find i have to add it to almost
every click() and submit() event.


  return false;

On Mar 7, 6:40 pm, SparrowDog [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I am using the Basic Show  Hide (code below) succesfully and have
 figured out how to link it to text rather than a 'submit button'.

 What I would like to do though is to have a hand (or some other
 meaningful icon) show up on mouse over instead of the cursor. Is there
 a way to do this?

 When I wrapped the text in an a tag with a #, on click, it returned
 the user to the top of the page, which I don't want to do.




 Joanne (first time jQuery user)

[jQuery] Re: callbacks calling callbacks calling callbacks ....

2008-03-08 Thread J Moore
 need to handle this itself.  But
   this entire process could in theory be wrapped up into a single
   function.  I guess the real question is if that function can be
   abstracted enough to make it generic.  Right now, I don't see how.

   I don't think this idea is revolutionary or anything.  Probably kinda
   obvious and/or flawed.  But perhaps it'll get you (us?) moving in a
   positive direction.

   Now I'm curious though and want to try out some things... I'll report
   back if I have any success...


   h0tzen wrote:

   On 5 Mrz., 15:40, J Moore [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   wouldn't nesting the methods work? e.g.
   unfortunately not as some methods have to be invoked in parallel.
   generally exactly this nesting looks fine with no real code behind
   but it is just cruel if you imagine having error-handling, rollbacks
   and business logic etc within.
   what im looking for is some pattern abstracting the async-callbacks
   or just a real-world example/solution of someone having the same
   issues with logic involving multiple, dependent ajax-calls.
   kai- Hide quoted text -
   - Show quoted text -

[jQuery] Re: help with a strategy?

2008-03-05 Thread J Moore

Much like how jquery keeps the javascript out of the HTML, it's so
much cleaner to keep PHP out of the HTML as well.

Have a look at the Smarty templating system for PHP. It's awesome.


On Mar 4, 11:20 am, charlie [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hi all, the application I'm attempting to write couldn't be simpler:
 I want to display rows of data, retrieved from a database and allow
 people to edit or delete those rows and add new rows.  Backend is PHP,
 but I'd prefer to keep that out of the picture.  So far I'm passing my
 rows successfully to jquery and have the loop ready to go, but I'm not
 sure how to proceed.

 Here's my dilemma:  what's the best strategy for keeping the HTML out
 of my Javascript as much as possible?  The whole point of this
 excercise has been to try to extricate as much PHP as possible from
 the display logic, but just subbing in javascript is obviously pretty

 One strategy I'm toying with is having an HTML empty row in the
 normal layout that's hidden and get's cloned for both existing and new
 records.  Is this a common technique?  Are there better ones?  I'm
 trying not to re-invent the wheel here!

 TIA, Charles

[jQuery] Re: Plugin Authoring Help pt 2

2008-03-05 Thread J Moore

You might find it easier to simply create objects that use jquery,
instead of writing a jquery plugin.

The biggest advantage is that you actually have a normal instance of
an object. You can pass this instance to other objects, call other
methods on it... all the usual good stuff. (jquery plugins seem to be
a one-shot deal. you call the method, pass in a bunch of parameters,
and it works. If you need to access that instance again, you can't. i
had this problem with the pagination plugin. i added more elements to
my list, but there was no way to tell the pagination object that the
list was longer. i would have to delete it and recreate it.)

here's the pattern i use. let's say i wanted a 'fancy' textarea box.

  function TextBox(opts) {
this.jC = opts.container; // all jquery objects start with a 'j'
this.visible = 0;

  TextBox.prototype.draw = function() {
this.jC.html('textarea/textara'); // could add lots of
functionality to the textbox. key press handlers, etc.
this.visible = 1;

  // how you use the object...
  $(document).ready(function() {
var txt = new TextBox({container:$('#text')}); // obviously need
an element to be the container.

Works well for me. Maybe one of the plug-in experts can comment on
when it makes sense to write a jquery plugin versus write a normal
object that uses jquery?


On Mar 4, 2:09 pm, Leanan [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Ok, I'm really trying to wrap my head around this, and it's irritating
 me.  I've checked out the following pages:


 And they help some but there's one problem I'm running into.

 I have:

 $.fn.myPlugin = function(options) {
   $.myPlugin.defaults = $.extend($.myPlugin.defaults, options);


 $.myPlugin = {
   defaults: {
 def1: 'default1',
 def2: 'default2',
 defx: 'defaultx'

   myFunc: function() {
 var options = $.myPlugin.defaults;
 //do something here, anything really

   myFunc2: function() {
   var options = $.myPlugin.defaults;
   //do something here, again, anything


 Now, I want to do something like this:

 jQuery().myPlugin({def1: 'other_def1', def2: 'other_def2'}).myFunc();

 Can I?

 Because it's not working.  It tells me that jQuery().myPlugin({def1:
 'other_def1', def2: 'other_def2'}) is not a function.

 However, if I change it so that myFunc is $.fn.myFunc = function()
 { }, then I can, but I have to do it as:

 jQuery().myPlugin({def1: 'other_def1', def2:

 Which I don't like.

 None of the tutorials or documentation I can find is clear on this
 point, though they do refer to the functions in $.myPlugin as being
 user-accessable... and they are, but only if I do $.myPlugin.myFunc.
 I can't chain.  And I want to be able to do that.

[jQuery] Re: JQuery Hello world not working

2008-03-05 Thread J Moore

actually, your code doesn't display a link. it sets up an action when
the link is clicked.

You're missing: a href=#do something/a

There might be other problems too if you aren't even seeing the alert

Download firefox and firebug. IE isn't much help for developing


On Mar 5, 5:16 am, pradeep_tp [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hi All,

 I am new to JQuery. I did the following to get started with JQuery.

 1) Downloaded JQuery Uncompressed version. Renamed JQuery.1.2.3.js  to
 JQuery.js (I do not know whether this is correct! )
 2) I followed the tutorial for Hello world and typed the following
 code into an HTML file


  script type=text/javascript src=jquery.js

  script type=text/
 $(document).ready(function() {
$(a).click(function() {
  alert(Hello world!);




 After opening this HTML file in IE 7.9, I find nothing on the page,
 not even any javascript error. The code is supposed to display a link,
 but I do not find any link on the page. Can anyone help me here.

 - pradeep

[jQuery] Re: callbacks calling callbacks calling callbacks ....

2008-03-05 Thread J Moore

wouldn't nesting the methods work? e.g.

script type=text/javascript

   $('#comp1').trigger('load.comp1', function() {

 $('#comp2').trigger('load.comp2', function() {

   $('#comp3').trigger('load.comp3', function() {

if (action2()) {
  // do business logic...




On Mar 5, 5:44 am, h0tzen [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 as everything Ajax-related is (mostly) asynchronous every response is
 handled using callbacks.
 I often have the problem that to do action A I have to initialize
 multiple components on the page (if not initialized yet), then fire 1-
 n ajax calls, waiting for the callback and so on.
 this leads to a set of functions chained together by callback-calls.

 function action() {

   if (!$('#comp1').is('.loaded')) {
$('#comp1').trigger('load.comp1', [ cb1 ])

   if (!$('#comp2').is('.loaded')) {
$('#comp2').trigger('load.comp2', [ cb2 ])

   if (!$('#comp3').is('.loaded')) {
$('#comp3').trigger('load.comp3', [ cb3 ])

   if (cb1   cb2  cb3 have been called and returned success) {

 if (action2-callback has been called and returned success) {
 // do real business logic


 do you know of any patterns to implement these callback-chains more
 how do you solve nested, nasty callback-chains?

[jQuery] Re: .html() callback?

2008-03-05 Thread J Moore

I think the OP is adding elements to the dom, and then wondering why
the events for the new elements aren't working.

after adding elements with .html(), you need to add the events. For
example, adding an anchor:

$(#header).html('a href=#yo/a').find('a').click(function()
{ alert('click'); return false; });


On Mar 4, 10:53 am, Scott González [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 .html() doesn't have a callback because it is synchronous, so any code
 executed after the .html() call will definitely occur after the html
 is set.

 I'm not sure why you're having any problems, but the problem is
 probably in your code.  You'll get better responses by posting a test

 On Mar 4, 8:10 am, alexanmtz [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Hi everyone,

  Like a lot of methods of jQuery, why the .html() doesnt have a

  I need that some javascript load when the dom change with .html()
  (append and others too), and some events are attached with the new
  elements created by this method. What happens is that sometimes they
  are attached and other times not. I thing its due the fact that I
  execute this code:


  This work sometimes. I would need one way to accomplish this task like



  This way, we would have sure that the html is updated and so we can
  load the script to attach events.

  Anyone has idea???

  Alexandre Magno
  Web Developerhttp://blog.alexandremagno.net

[jQuery] Re: JQuery Hello world not working

2008-03-05 Thread J Moore

wow, the lag on this list is brutal. is there any way of reducing it,
so people don't spend time responding to already-answered questions?

On Mar 5, 9:34 am, J Moore [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 actually, your code doesn't display a link. it sets up an action when
 the link is clicked.

 You're missing: a href=#do something/a

 There might be other problems too if you aren't even seeing the alert

 Download firefox and firebug. IE isn't much help for developing


 On Mar 5, 5:16 am, pradeep_tp [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Hi All,

  I am new to JQuery. I did the following to get started with JQuery.

  1) Downloaded JQuery Uncompressed version. Renamed JQuery.1.2.3.js  to
  JQuery.js (I do not know whether this is correct! )
  2) I followed the tutorial for Hello world and typed the following
  code into an HTML file


   script type=text/javascript src=jquery.js

   script type=text/
  $(document).ready(function() {
 $(a).click(function() {
   alert(Hello world!);




  After opening this HTML file in IE 7.9, I find nothing on the page,
  not even any javascript error. The code is supposed to display a link,
  but I do not find any link on the page. Can anyone help me here.

  - pradeep

[jQuery] Re: Div Changer Using Hide And Show

2008-02-22 Thread J Moore

good tips so far.

I just wanted to add that using classes and ids works well.

a href=# id=blackbook class=showshow blackbook/a
a href=# id=redbook class=showshow redbook/a

div class=book hidden id=blackbook-contentblackbook stuff.../
div class=book hidden id=redbook-contentredbook stuff.../div

This makes your click function simpler.

var x = $(this).attr('id');
$('#'+ x + '-content').show('fast');
return false;

The hide_divs method is also a bit simpler.

var hide_divs = function(){

You might notice that the div has a hidden class. This just makes
initialization simpler, since the items are hidden on page load. The
css would be something like:

div.hidden { display: none; }


On Feb 22, 4:02 am, andrea varnier [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On 21 Feb, 23:03, Sientz [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

$('a#blackbook').click(function() {
  return false;

 you see you got all these functions that basically do the same thing.
 if an anchor has an id, they show the corresponding div

 I think you could do it like this

 var x = $(this).attr('id');
 $('div[class= + x + ]').show('fast');
 return false;


 and should do the same thing.
 but you could go further, and use classes in a different way.
 let's say that instead of calling them divs with 'human' names, we can
 use more 'efficient' names, like:

 where hs stands for hide/show (just an example).
 in this way the function hide_divs becomes something like

 var hide_divs = function(){
 $('div[class^=hs]').hide('fast');  /* this selector looks for
 the div(s) that have a classname that starts with the string 'hs' */


 then you give corresponding id's to the anchors, so the other on I
 wrote before:

 var x = $(this).attr('id');
 $('div[class= + x + ]').show('fast');
 return false;});

[jQuery] Re: a small accessibility rant

2008-02-14 Thread J Moore

Well, a pixel could be a tiny dot or it could be 5mm. So, really,
isn't saying font-size: 11px proportional too?

It sounds like your friend needs a better screen magnifier. Increasing
just the font size in the browser is a hack.

The one build into OS X (see 'universal access' in system prefs) is
excellent. It just zooms the whole screen and everything on it (fonts,
divs, gifs, etc.).


On Feb 14, 11:44 am, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Before (trying to) adopt jQuery, I've never used Javascript to control
 content. In reading hundreds of blogs by Javascript developers over
 the past weeks, I've been alarmed by their attitude to accessibility.
 It's not just a matter of 'political correctness', and it's not just
 about minority users. One tiny example: a friend of mine has rubbish
 eyesight - she's not blind, she's fit to drive - she has her screen
 resolution set to LARGE so she can read it.

 The other day, she wanted to open a new 'internet-only' savings
 account. This is business; she has quite a lot of money to invest. The
 idiot who made that bank's website hadn't accounted for variable
 fonts; on her screen, the text overwrote the fields! So, she could not
 open this account, which is only available via the Web, because the
 form was unusable.  The bank may as well have advertised the account
 as only available to savers with normal eyesight!

 Things like this, you can fix very simply by making all your sizes
 proportional - if my friend then has to scroll off the screen to fill
 the form, she don't care, as long as she can read  complete it.

 All of my problems with jQuery, so far, have been to do with trying to
 solve basic accessibility issues. I understand why making a site do
 something feels more important! It's more exciting. But I wish you
 would, at the same time, ensure a readily-available alternative that
 can be used as well.

 Just a gentle reminder :)

[jQuery] Re: Selecting Descendents of This

2008-02-13 Thread J Moore

does this work?


On Feb 12, 5:14 pm, studiobl [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I'm having trouble selecting descendents of this

 So, this works to initially hide uls:
 $(.treeHeader ul).toggle();

 But this doesn't work to toggle them:

 $(this + ul).toggle();});

[jQuery] Re: returning an object array to a JS function - doesnt work

2008-02-13 Thread J Moore

you can't return a value from an anonymous function!

think about it: you call $.get() and pass in an anon function as a

$.get() returns basically immediately, and then sometime later (much
later) your anon function will be called.

Where does the return value of anon go? Nowhere.

That's why you have to either process the result of your ajax call in
the anon method you pass in. (You can also stick the results in a
variable to be processed later, but that's a bit messier.)


On Feb 12, 10:04 pm, jquertil [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I'm mixing regular javascript with Jquery and for some reason I cannot
 pass a return value back - any idea why?

 output = loadXMLarray('echo.php','datatable1') );
 alert (output); // does not work

 function loadXMLarray(scripturl,variable){
 $.get(scripturl,{xml:variable}, function(data){ // loading my XML
 objectArray = new Array(); // setting up my array to hold objects
 $(data).find('row').each(function(i){ // iterating through my 
 rowObj = new Object(); // adding attributes to my 
 rowObj.col1 = $(this).children('col_1').text();
 rowObj.col2 = $(this).children('col_2').text();
 rowObj.col3 = $(this).children('col_3').text();
 objectArray.push(rowObj); // populating my array
 alert(objectArray); // this works
 return objectArray; // does not work
 return objectArray; // tried it here as well but that returns nothing


[jQuery] Pagination plugin (and jquery plugin instances in general)

2008-02-13 Thread J Moore

I'm using the pagination plugin at the top and bottom of a list.

Works great, except that the two instances are independent. Clicking
on page 3 in the one pagination instance will not change the other.

I've thought of various solutions/workarounds, but they all involve
getting access to the pagination instance. Is this possible?

Here's some sample code...

$(document).ready(function() {

  // there are two divs of class pagination.
  $('div.paging').pagination(list.length, {callback(pg):

  // so how can i access or call a method on these instances?

  // assuming that the divs have the ids #pager1 and #pager2
  // is there a way to access the pagination instance from jquery



[jQuery] Re: Animate function. Once I animate how do I er.... de... animate

2008-02-13 Thread J Moore

um, use a variable?

var x = true;
$(#container).click(function() {
if (x) {
$(#container).animate({marginTop: -=237px}, slow);
} else {
$(#container).animate({marginTop: 400px}, slow);
x = !x;

On Feb 13, 3:05 pm, somedude [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Ok sorry about the title, don't know what to say.

 I have a site for a client, and when you click a certain div it
 animates with a marginTop -=300px like effect so the div is just
 visible sliding in behind another div.

 Now, if the user clicks the div again it will do the same and go up by
 300px. What I want is a toggle like function where if you click it the
 second time it now adds the 300px back and the div is back in place.

 so right now here is the setup code, very simple:

 $(#container).click(function() { $
 (#container).animate({marginTop: -=237px}, slow); });

 There has to be an easier way then to set a cookie stating
 Clicked=yes then reset to No



[jQuery] Re: Correct way to read JSON string

2008-02-13 Thread J Moore

This isn't specific to jQuery. One way...

var x = '{a:123,b:456}'; // json
eval('var z='+x);

z is now an object. z.a = 123, etc.


On Feb 13, 3:47 pm, wolf [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 what is the correct way in jQuery to decode = deserialize a JSON
 string? jQuery itself can obviously do it as it can formulate and read
 JSON via Ajax. But i seemingly can't find a callable in jQuery that
 allows me to decode JSON without issuing an HTTP request. That is
 strange to me.

 Can you help?


[jQuery] Re: jQuery caching DOM refferences? Performance issues

2008-02-12 Thread J Moore

How would do you call flyout()?


On Feb 11, 12:03 pm, Jeffrey Kretz [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Personally, I do something like this, say for an event that is called

 function flyout(e)
 if (!this.$self) this.$self = $(this);



 -Original Message-
 From: jquery-en@googlegroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On

 Behalf Of Michal Popielnicki
 Sent: Monday, February 11, 2008 5:41 AM
 To: jQuery (English)
 Subject: [jQuery] Re: jQuery caching DOM refferences? Performance issues

 Hi there, and thanks for the reply.

 Actually there is no visible bottleneck yet and I can't really point
 it out since the javascript behind the app is massive and it results
 in poor performance under Opera (which is very strange, since its the
 fastest browser supporting JS) .

 However I was wondering about ways that the performance can be
 improved ad that was generally where I suggested the solution and
 basing on Your opinion it should work.

 If there are any other opinions/suggestions I'd be glad to hear them.

 Thanks in advance

 Best regards!

 On 11 Lut, 01:55, J Moore [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  You can profile javascript with firebug and see total calls for
  different approaches and how long they take.

  That said, $('#id') is fast, since it is basically getElementById() a
  native javascript method. However, if you call $('#id') 100x, you'll
  see that it's faster to cache it in a variable. e.g

  var id = $('#id');
  for (i=0;i100;i++) {
   id.append(pnumber +i+/p);


  what is the bottleneck in your code?


  On Feb 10, 6:12 pm, Michal Popielnicki [EMAIL PROTECTED]

   Hi there!

   I've been dealing with some performance clean-up of a code of a web-
   app that I wrote and I was wondering if jQuery does caching of the DOM
   references. Lets say I have a function:

   function myFunction(){


   I frequently refer to the function, so is it the case that each time I
   launch it, the DOM is scanned for element with foo id? Or maybe this
   reference is somehow cached?

   If its not, then maybe doing something like this would speed up the
   code execution:

   function DomLinker(){
   this.foo = $('#foo').attr(bar);

   function myFunction(){

   domMember = new DomLinker();


   Please keep in mind that we talk about case of many executions of

   Please share your thoughts on this one.

   Best regards

[jQuery] Re: IE/FF Memory Leak

2008-02-12 Thread J Moore

How are you measuring memory leaks?


On Feb 11, 10:16 am, optimalcapacity [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 I am a newbie to jQuery so this may be a simple answer...

 My goal in this exercise is to return a specific html table block
 (table.DetailTable) from a dynamically generated html page which is
 the result of a servlet call into a div (xyz).  The issue I am having
 is that whether I set the timer interval to 1 second (1000) or 30
 seconds (3), this code is leaking horriblly.  I verified the leak
 in both IE6 and FF

 Here's the abbreviate code snippet that I'm working with:

 function loadMyData(){
 var t;
 t = setTimeout(loadMyData(), 5000);


 Any help with this issue is very much appreciated!

[jQuery] Re: Using jQuery inside an ordinary function notes!

2008-02-12 Thread J Moore

(also the 'el' variable in your code is undefined.)

On Feb 11, 1:28 pm, saidbakr [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I think that my problem is complicated. I already done what you have
 told me due to the following requirement:

 I have another function used for doing form validation which I named
 it as formVal(). Inside formVal() I called avaChk() in a conditional
 if statement i.e.
 if (avaChk()){ 

 I modified avaChk() by adding after alert('222) and alert('333')
 return false and return true respectively. Calling avaChk() leads only
 alert('111') and alert('444'). In other word avaChk() did not return
 true or false it just return the code outside $.ajax.

 You may notice that the code $.ajax is placed inside success handler.
 This is making me mad!!!

 Best regards,
 Said Bakr

 On Feb 11, 5:44 am, Karl Rudd [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  It's a easy misunderstanding to have when you first begin to use AJAX.

  Remember that the first 'A' in AJAX stands for Asynchronous. You ask
  the browser (via jQuery's ajax function) to retrieve a URL and you
  give it a function that it will call with the result when it has
  retrieved it.

  The browser may take 50 milliseconds or 50 seconds to retrieve the
  URL, you can't be sure how long.

  In the mean time the browser (and your JavaScript function) continues
  on its way.

  So you must put all the code for handling the results in the success
  (or error) handler function.

  Does that help?

  Karl Rudd

  On Feb 11, 2008 1:59 PM,saidbakr[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


   I have very little knowledge about javascript. I used it with ordinary
   functions and the code of jquery may make me confused.
   I used it in a javascript function some thing like that:

   function avaChk(lnk,id){
   ob = document.getElementById('id');
   $.ajax({url: 'chk_user.php',type:'GET', data: id+'='+ el, cache:
   false, dataType: script, success: function(data, textStatus){
   if (data == 0){

   error: function(x,txt,err){
   alert('Could not check...'+\n+'The server may down or busy. 
   again after a while.');

   What I noticed is, when I call the function avaChk(), for me, very
   strange thing is happened. ;) I think the jQuery proffesional will
   know it:

   The alert sequence as I respect is 111, 222 or 333 then 444
   what happened is not like above, it was 111,444, 222 or 333 !!!

   I respected that the jQuery code should be executed before the
   alert(444). In real world this prevent me from using the value of data
   or return it through another function.

   What's wrong in my understanding and how can I overcome this problem?- 
   Hide quoted text -

  - Show quoted text -

[jQuery] Re: Using jQuery inside an ordinary function notes!

2008-02-12 Thread J Moore

saidbakr, you're still not understanding how the method calls are
'asynchronous'. Read Karl's reply again. It's full of good info.

adding a return true or return false to your success or error
methods won't do anything. You need to add code to fully handle the
response. (Basically where you are calling alert('222') and
alert('333')) you need to hide your status indicator, display a
message to the user or whatever.)


On Feb 11, 1:28 pm, saidbakr [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I think that my problem is complicated. I already done what you have
 told me due to the following requirement:

 I have another function used for doing form validation which I named
 it as formVal(). Inside formVal() I called avaChk() in a conditional
 if statement i.e.
 if (avaChk()){ 

 I modified avaChk() by adding after alert('222) and alert('333')
 return false and return true respectively. Calling avaChk() leads only
 alert('111') and alert('444'). In other word avaChk() did not return
 true or false it just return the code outside $.ajax.

 You may notice that the code $.ajax is placed inside success handler.
 This is making me mad!!!

 Best regards,
 Said Bakr

 On Feb 11, 5:44 am, Karl Rudd [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  It's a easy misunderstanding to have when you first begin to use AJAX.

  Remember that the first 'A' in AJAX stands for Asynchronous. You ask
  the browser (via jQuery's ajax function) to retrieve a URL and you
  give it a function that it will call with the result when it has
  retrieved it.

  The browser may take 50 milliseconds or 50 seconds to retrieve the
  URL, you can't be sure how long.

  In the mean time the browser (and your JavaScript function) continues
  on its way.

  So you must put all the code for handling the results in the success
  (or error) handler function.

  Does that help?

  Karl Rudd

  On Feb 11, 2008 1:59 PM,saidbakr[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


   I have very little knowledge about javascript. I used it with ordinary
   functions and the code of jquery may make me confused.
   I used it in a javascript function some thing like that:

   function avaChk(lnk,id){
   ob = document.getElementById('id');
   $.ajax({url: 'chk_user.php',type:'GET', data: id+'='+ el, cache:
   false, dataType: script, success: function(data, textStatus){
   if (data == 0){

   error: function(x,txt,err){
   alert('Could not check...'+\n+'The server may down or busy. 
   again after a while.');

   What I noticed is, when I call the function avaChk(), for me, very
   strange thing is happened. ;) I think the jQuery proffesional will
   know it:

   The alert sequence as I respect is 111, 222 or 333 then 444
   what happened is not like above, it was 111,444, 222 or 333 !!!

   I respected that the jQuery code should be executed before the
   alert(444). In real world this prevent me from using the value of data
   or return it through another function.

   What's wrong in my understanding and how can I overcome this problem?- 
   Hide quoted text -

  - Show quoted text -

[jQuery] Re: Slowness on IE6

2008-02-10 Thread J Moore

i don't see any jquery at the link you've given.


On Feb 8, 3:41 pm, eltbb [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I am using the jquery.treeview, and when first building a tree, on IE
 6, the cpu usage goes up for a few seconds.
 Also whenever expanding or collapsing nodes, the cpu usage seems very

 As a result it appears sluggish.
 Has anyone else experienced this with IE6?

 For an example, please seehttp://unao.com/waterville



[jQuery] Re: Design question.

2008-02-10 Thread J Moore

hey shawn,

this is an old thread, but i have another option for you: closures.

jquery is all about closures, but i only recently fully got how they
worked and how cool they can be.

In the case of a table of results, where each row has a button,
closures avoids the ugliness of parsing the dom looking for an id.

Using your original example of a list of employees, we could add an
action to each employee with a closure. The jQuery each() method makes
this easy.

script type=text/javascript

  var employees = [
  {id:13, name:'bob'},
  {id:14, name:'sue'},
  {id:15, name:'joe'}


  var container = $('#results');

  jQuery.each(employees, function() {
var emp = this;
var row = $('trtd' + emp.name + '/td/tr');
$('a href=#delete/a')
  .click(function() { fire(emp); } )


  function fire(employee) {
console.log('todo: fire ' + employee.name + ' id:'+employee.id);



table id=results/table

Now, each link delete, knows which employee to delete. This seems
like the cleanest approach.

Anyone know how to make this even more succinct?


On Jan 19, 7:04 pm, Shawn [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 hmmm... jQuery.data looks promising.  I'll check it out.  Thanks for the


 polyrhythmic wrote:
  Hello Shawn,

  Not having unique IDs will always cause trouble.  Not recommended.

  I've tried various techniques, including building a JS object structure...
  Something like $(#trigger)[0].extraData = { id: 4 }; ?

  If you need data stored relative to elements, you could store
  information with jQuery.data.

  I have found it to be a very fast way to have data relative to DOM

  But breaks down when you start needing to access multiple items for a 
  given action...
  You can store as much data attached to an element as you need with key/
  value pairs with jQuery.data.

  If you need to 'trigger' reading data from a link in a different
  location, you could store the ID in the link's REL (or store the ID
  with jQuery.data) and then grab the data from there.  With
  jQuery.data, if you can find the element somehow, you can retrieve all
  its data.

  HTH and hope it all makes sense...


  On Jan 18, 8:00 pm, Shawn [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  A good start, but I see a few issues here.  Both from the same line of 

  var id = $(this).parent().parent().attr('id).substr(1);

  1) the structure has to be known for this to work. (i.e. the ancestor
  element two levels up contains the ID).  This may be a non-fixable thing
  though.  You're going to have to know where the information is stored
  somehow.  And doing something like
  $(this)[0].extraData = $(#IDelement) leads to circular references...

  2) the ID now needs to be processed.  For a small number of items this
  isn't bad, but as the complexity of your page increases, you end up with
  a whole set of modifcations that have to be parsed out.  For instance,
  in your sample you have id=u4.  But if that same ID has to be used in
  other places, you end up with x4, y4, etc.  Maybe it's a moot point
  though in that you are just stripping off the text that makes the ID
  unique, and then just working with the value anyways - in which case
  it'll always be .substr(1), which will always be relatively fast.

  3) This deals well enough with items where you have a single piece of
  information needed (the ID in this case).  But breaks down when you
  start needing to access multiple items for a given action.  I have a
  specific example where I need to know the employee name (stored at the
  TR level), and the date represented by the cell clicked on.  These two
  items are passed to an Ajax call for further processing.  Using the date
as an ID is a non-starter (same date used on multiple rows).  But
  using it as a class is also problematic - what if you had
  class=1-Jan-2006 odd taskHeader ?

  4) Scalability.  with smaller data sets, the amount of processing is
  negligible and can be safely ignored.  But increase the volume of data
  and the amount of processing becomes a problem.  If it takes 10
  milliseconds to process one item, what happens when you have 1000+ items?

  Then again, I think I mixing up different aspects of the problem -
  creating the output, and then dealing with events afterwards.  Either
  way, I'm still looking for methods that would minimize performance issues.

  I do have a specific sample in mind, but this issue is rather generic I
  think.  Thanks for the response.  I think it's a good starting point. :)


  J Moore wrote:

  A simple work around is to append a character to the id to keep them
  unique. But also, store the ID in the parent TR.
  tr id=u4
  td class=empBob Smith/td
  tddiv class=1-Jan-2008link 1/div/td
  Then you can get the id with

[jQuery] Re: jQuery caching DOM refferences? Performance issues

2008-02-10 Thread J Moore

You can profile javascript with firebug and see total calls for
different approaches and how long they take.

That said, $('#id') is fast, since it is basically getElementById() a
native javascript method. However, if you call $('#id') 100x, you'll
see that it's faster to cache it in a variable. e.g

var id = $('#id');
for (i=0;i100;i++) {
 id.append(pnumber +i+/p);

what is the bottleneck in your code?


On Feb 10, 6:12 pm, Michal Popielnicki [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Hi there!

 I've been dealing with some performance clean-up of a code of a web-
 app that I wrote and I was wondering if jQuery does caching of the DOM
 references. Lets say I have a function:

 function myFunction(){


 I frequently refer to the function, so is it the case that each time I
 launch it, the DOM is scanned for element with foo id? Or maybe this
 reference is somehow cached?

 If its not, then maybe doing something like this would speed up the
 code execution:

 function DomLinker(){
 this.foo = $('#foo').attr(bar);

 function myFunction(){

 domMember = new DomLinker();


 Please keep in mind that we talk about case of many executions of

 Please share your thoughts on this one.

 Best regards

[jQuery] Re: Using Literal Objects in Javascript with JQuery

2008-02-06 Thread J Moore

Yes, great screencast. (I think i learned a little portuguese too.)

A question about literal objects - is it fundamentally different than
using prototype?

// example 1: literal obj
var Counter = {
  container = $('#counter');
  start: 1,
  init: function() { container.val(start); }

$(document).ready(function() {

// example 2: prototype obj
function Counter() {
  var start = 1;
  var container = $('#counter');

Counter.prototype.init = function(obj) {

var c = new Counter();

certainly the object literal method looks a bit cleaner. It is
possible to create multiple instances? Any other advantages?


On Feb 6, 9:59 am, rics [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Here is a great screencast tutorial on how to better organize your js
 code with Literal Objects and JQuery. The author is brazilian and he
 talks portuguese, but you can follow and understand the tutorial
 without any sound, just seeing what he do on screen.


 Good luck!

[jQuery] Re: reusing jqmodal container

2008-02-06 Thread J Moore

Looks to me like you're missing a closing bracket, so your 2nd click
method ($('a#enviar_jqm_trigger') is encapsulated in the first ($
('a#corregir_jqm_trigger'). No?


On Feb 5, 9:12 am, Sebastián Würtz [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 my script

 $('#jqm').jqm({ajax: this.href, trigger:
 '#corregir_jqm_trigger', modal: 'true', target:'div.jqmAlertContent',
 overlay: 50, overlayClass: 'whiteOverlay', cache: false, onLoad:
 $('.jqmdTC').html('Enviar correccioacute;n de la
 return false;

 $('#jqm').jqm({ajax: this.href, trigger:
 '#enviar_jqm_trigger', modal: 'true', target:'div.jqmAlertContent',
 overlay: 50, overlayClass: 'whiteOverlay', cache: false, onLoad:
 $('.jqmdTC').html('Enviar esta noticia por email');
 return false;

 use the same jqm container, i pass the windows title via
 $('.jqmdTC').html, but if i click in the first link and then in the
 second the second allways showme the first ajax response. And im calling
 other thing!

 how i can fix this?

[jQuery] Re: JQuery takes 80% of my core2Duo proc on DOM element inserts

2008-02-06 Thread J Moore

I've heard a few people mention the building an array and then
using .join(''). I found that good-old-fashioned string concatenation
was faster - and the syntax a bit cleaner.

There's a neat test on this page. The joining arrays seems is a bit
slower for me. (Firefox on OS X)


Is joining arrays (i.e. the innerHTML 2 test) faster for you?


On Feb 6, 1:37 pm, polyrhythmic [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 You will have an easier time creating a single append by ,join() -ing
 an array of elements and adding them as a block. Forcing jQuery to
 evaluate each one individually creates a lot of repetition.
 The .domManip() code in the source is pretty legible, if you're


 On Feb 5, 3:00 am, George GSGD [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  I think it's generally proven that inserting dom objects is much
  slower than innerHTML, for the kind of inserting you're trying, that
  might be worth investigating...

  On Feb 4, 1:57 pm, Ashish [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   Hi ,

   I am very new to jquery. I am using jquery 1.2.2 . I use jquery
   tablesorter to insert around 400 rows to a table. The data is
   collected using an Ajax call.

   When new rows are inserted to the table the CPU utilization shoots up
   to 80%. All browsers freeze until the table is populated :(

   I tried to insert 400 divs to a single div and faced the same problem.
   This rules out a problem with tablesorter.

   Does jquery attach a lot of handlers to dom events that make appends
   very slow ?

   Any suggestions would be much appreciated.

   Thanks and regards,
- Ashish

[jQuery] Re: OT: how to benchmark user hardware?

2008-01-23 Thread J Moore

First, I would try to optimize your code. Make sure that you are
calling as few $() methods as possible.
(e.g. build strings and set with html() instead of repeatedly calling
append() or after(). Firebug can also help you profile.)

But if your code is as tight as it can be, then why not a setting on
the page so the users can select their level of fanciness? Even if
someone has a monster computer, it might be busy encoding video or
something, and they would want the low-fi version.


On Jan 22, 6:05 am, Alexandre Plennevaux [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Hi friends,

 i have a question slightly off topic: my jquery-based experimental 
 application is very visual, and renders quite well on recent pcs, but not so 
 good on old ones: i'm moving too many elements for these old bastards.

 I would like to explore the possibility to adapt the content to the user's 
 setup so that it degrades gracefully, and still feel responsive.

 so i'm thinking about a scheme like:

 1/ detect user setup or perform some tests, to determine the available CPU, 
 graphic Card, RAM, browser,OS. It may not even be necessary to know these 
 datas, if we run a test that just tells us if the end user specs are speedy 
 or not.
 2/ send a different javscript file according to the results of the benchmark.

 Has anyone done somethiing similaror have any thought about this?

 Thank you,


[jQuery] Re: creating a table from an array

2008-01-19 Thread J Moore

Firebug shows you the HTML as it understands it. So if it doesn't look
right, it usually means you are creating invalid HTML.

The biggest problem with your example, is that you are calling
append() repeatedly, and I don't think the elements are being inserted
where you expect. What type of element is #mytable? If it is an anchor
tag, then you are appending your entire table inside an a element!
Probably not what you wanted.

I would suggest you use strings to build your HTML, and then just add
it all at once. Cleaner, simpler and faster. Something like...

var r = '';
for (...) {
  r += trtd + data + /td./tr;



On Jan 19, 1:59 am, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 My use case is pretty common and surely it is in some tutorial but I
 cannot find the right place
 where to look, so let me post here. I would like to generate an HTML
 table from JSON data
 coming from a server.
 I am a very green when it comes to Javascript, so naively I wrote the

 var a = [[a,b,c],[1,2,3],[4,5,6]];  // the array will be read
 from the server in the real app

   for(j=0; j3; j++)
   $(this).append(th + a[0][j] + /
   for(i=1; i3; i++)
 for(j=0; j3; j++)
$(this).append(td + a[i][j] + /
 td); };
 tr); };

 When I click on #mytable and I look at the generated HTML with Firebug
 I get


 What's happening here? It seems .append is inserting closed tags
 instead of what I told
 it to append. I am pretty convinced that I should have generated the
 tags with
 document.createElement instead, but I did expect .append to work  for
 a quick and
 dirty experiment. Anybody here can shed some light?

 Michele Simionato

[jQuery] Re: Callback-return into global variable

2008-01-19 Thread J Moore

Couple of thoughts:

1) $.each() is not for moving through an array. (is for doing
something to each matched DOM element) try: for(item in _json)
{ alert('item:'+item);}

2) try defining your global as an object. e.g. var _json = {};


On Jan 16, 2:17 am, Niels [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Is there any way to put a return from within a callback into a global
 variable? I'm trying to retrieve JSON-values in one statement, and
 output them in another statement; and code looks like this:

 var _json;

 function load_comments(id, params) {
 if (typeof id != 'number'  typeof id == 'object'  params == null)
 // Only the params were specified.
 _params = process_params(id);

 $.getJSON(paths.get_comment, _params, function(data) { _json 
 = data;
 return _json; });
 console.info('1 : $.getJSON(' + paths.get_comment + ', ' + 
 _params +


 function display_comments() {
 $.each(_json.comments, function(comment) {
 $(#recent-comments-list).append(li + comment.content + 


 Unfortunately, _json seems to remain undefined... What am I doing
 wrong? Or is there really no way to accomplish this?

 Thanks a lot!

[jQuery] Re: Using getJSON...not successful

2008-01-18 Thread J Moore

to isolate the problem, make your script dump out something like:
{a: hello}

are you sure it's not a 404? is jquery being found? It could be lots
of things...

if you haven't already, install firebug (and use firefox). It will
save you a lot of frustration.

On Jan 18, 6:13 pm, gms [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I am new to JQuery.  I'm trying to get a JSON response back from my
 django view.  However, I guess my data never gets loaded
 successfully.  Does anybody know what I'm doing wrong?

 $.getJSON(/mysite/myajax, function(data) {


 def myajax(request):
 a = Testimonial.objects.all()[:3]
 response_dict = {}
 response_dict.update({'a': a})
 return HttpResponse(simplejson.dumps(response_dict),


 Whenever I access this page and click on my div that contains the id
 'first'...nothing happens.  I should see an alert that says 'Here'.

 Any Suggestions on what I'm doing wrong?


[jQuery] Re: Design question.

2008-01-18 Thread J Moore

A simple work around is to append a character to the id to keep them
unique. But also, store the ID in the parent TR.


tr id=u4
td class=empBob Smith/td
tddiv class=1-Jan-2008link 1/div/td

Then you can get the id with

$('div.1-Jan-2008').click(function() {
  var id = $(this).parent().parent().attr('id).substr(1);
  alert(do something with employee id:+id);

would that work?

On Jan 18, 7:43 pm, Shawn [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I have a case that is going to prove to be processor intensive, so am
 looking for suggestions on how to make the code as responsive as
 possible.  In addition, I'm a little stumped on how to resolve a problem
 with my IDs.

 I have a page that will list hundreds of people (I'm ignoring paging for
 now, it's just not quite suitable).  For each person there will be a
 number of actionable items/links.  Each of these links imply to do
 something different, but all rely on the employee ID,  These links will
 also be embedded in sub-structures (divs/tables, etc.)  So a sample of
 one row might look something like this:

 tdBob Smith/td
 tddivlink 1/div/td

 (this is very contrived to help illustrate the design issues... :)

 Now the problem.  If the first link (though it could be anywhere on the
 row) were to trigger a Cluetip with details for that employee and item,
 I'll need the employee ID, and supporting information (a date say, based
 on what column it's in).  In my current code I've done this:

 td id=4Bob Smith/td
 tddiv id=4 class=1-Jan-2008link 1/div/td

 Now this isn't valid HTML because the IDs are not unique.  But, I need
 the ID to do the needed processing.  I can't just ask for the first
 sibling's ID, because my trigger elements are embeded in other
 structures.  The content is dynamic, so it may or may not have the same
 structure (it would be one of a small handful of possible structures)
 each time - so I can't embed the structure (i.e.
 .parents(tr).children(td:first) ).  My reasoning here is that if I
 put the target ID as close as possible to the trigger element, there is
 less processing needed to get that ID - which is a large factor when
 dealing with hundreds of rows on the page.

 So, my question is what others are doing in this sort of situation.
 I've tried various techniques, including building a JS object structure
 with the pertinent data, but keep hitting a performance issue.  Maybe I
 need to embed an object on each of my trigger elements that contains the
 needed data?  Something like $(#trigger)[0].extraData = { id: 4 }; ?
 But won't this run into run-away memory usage when I'm dealing with
 potentially thousands of these triggers (multiple triggers for each

 If it helps conceptually, think of a table with one employee per row,
 and each of the remaining columns being a day.  Each day needing a
 trigger to show a Cluetip for what the employee is doing that day.

 I do realize my definitions are kinda simplistic, but hopefully there is
 enough there to get the issue across.  For me to define the full picture
 would need a book or three... :)

 Thanks for any input.