[jQuery] Re: Slider

2009-11-03 Thread Luh Hooo Zer
Well i guess the word value was not the right word.

i have a graphic under the slider1 slider2 and slider3 that says:

with 30 steps in the slider.

if a visitor drags slider1 handle to Medium, and slider2 handle to Low

then slider 3 moves to High for instance.

but the way i have it programmed, slider 3 just jumps to value 30 or
high when those slider1 and slider2 fit those values.

here is the code:

if (parseInt(slider1Value) = 11  parseInt(slider1Value) =20 
parseInt(slider2Value) = 1  parseInt(slider2Value) =10) {
$(#slider3).slider('option', 'value', 30);

so as you can see once the sliders fit into those two ranges, the
slider3 jumps to that position... and i just cant logically think of
how to make it slide, as the other two sliders are moving i think
that made sense?!?

On Nov 2, 1:28 pm, Richard D. Worth rdwo...@gmail.com wrote:
 Are you adding slider1 and slider2 to get the value of slider3? In that
 case, why does it step at 10, 20, 30? Or perhaps you're multiplying them.
 Not sure since you say the value combination.

 Are you wanting to animate smoothly between each step even though it can't
 sit at any value between them?

 - Richard

 On Mon, Nov 2, 2009 at 1:24 PM, Luh Hooo Zer anthonynori...@gmail.comwrote:

  I have 3 sliders on one page.

  the value combination of slider1 and slider2 dictates the position of
  slider3 handle.

  but its not smooth... for instance, slider 1 and slider2 have 30
  steps, so is pretty smooth to slide, but slider 3 i can only site to
  position at values 10, 20, 30 it doesnt slide like slider1 and
  slider2 do

  is there a way to say, as the sliders are sliding, to move slider3
  just as smooth ast the other two?- Hide quoted text -

 - Show quoted text -

[jQuery] Slider

2009-11-02 Thread Luh Hooo Zer
I have 3 sliders on one page.

the value combination of slider1 and slider2 dictates the position of
slider3 handle.

but its not smooth... for instance, slider 1 and slider2 have 30
steps, so is pretty smooth to slide, but slider 3 i can only site to
position at values 10, 20, 30 it doesnt slide like slider1 and
slider2 do

is there a way to say, as the sliders are sliding, to move slider3
just as smooth ast the other two?

[jQuery] Can you remove styles from a certain UI

2009-10-26 Thread Luh Hooo Zer

i have a jquery slider, and jquery tabs on one page

i dont want the tabs to have the theme the slider does...

is there a way to set the tabs to not use the theme style, on the
same  page as the slider?

[jQuery] jQuery Slider Threshold

2009-09-11 Thread Luh Hooo Zer

I have a slider with 30 steps.

at step 15, a hidden div appaears... at step 14 there is a div showing
by default.

when you slide to step 15, it replaces the div with the new div.

sometimes when i slide the handle too fast, it displays both divs on
top of one another...

whats happening here?

[jQuery] Re: jQuery Slider Threshold

2009-09-11 Thread Luh Hooo Zer


is the test page.

nevermind the other functionality right now... when you take the top
handle of the top slider, and go back and forth, you can see 2 or 3
divs that show upwhen you cross the threshold of low to medium for
example quickly.

On Sep 11, 10:57 am, Richard D. Worth rdwo...@gmail.com wrote:
 Can you share a sample page so we can see what you're seeing? Maybe
 reproduce on jsbin.comhttp://jsbin.com/

 if you don't have a place to host your own page.

 - Richard

 On Fri, Sep 11, 2009 at 12:43 PM, Luh Hooo Zer 

  I have a slider with 30 steps.

  at step 15, a hidden div appaears... at step 14 there is a div showing
  by default.

  when you slide to step 15, it replaces the div with the new div.

  sometimes when i slide the handle too fast, it displays both divs on
  top of one another...

  whats happening here?- Hide quoted text -

 - Show quoted text -

[jQuery] jQuery Sliders dissapaer 2nd time around

2009-09-08 Thread Luh Hooo Zer

I have a page: http://www.bcidaho.com/plans/individual/Which-Health-Plan.asp
that i am having issues with...

if you select the now find my plan button, a list of plans is
displayed, and the sliders are hidden.

then if you hit the start over link, the sliders are reset to their
original values, and the plans are hidden... so essentially its back
to its original state.

if you do this a second time, the sliders dissapaer... why in the heck
would that happen?

all of my code is in the page source if anyone can help me dianose


[jQuery] window.open

2009-08-28 Thread Luh Hooo Zer

is there a nicer way to open a sized window using jquery other than

a onclick=window.open('/plans/individual/continue-to-ap-pop.asp',
'Continue_to_Application','width=200,height=400') href=#

[jQuery] jQuery Slider ('disable')

2009-08-19 Thread Luh Hooo Zer

i have 3 sliders on my page.

3 steps each.  Low, Medium and High.

the combination of the two sliders dictates the position of slider3,
wich i have disabled.

but its so faded, that i can barely see the slider bar, or handle...

is there a way to disable the slider, but not have such a high opacity?

[jQuery] Slider 1 adjust Slider 2

2009-08-17 Thread Luh Hooo Zer

is it possible to have Slider 1 affect the position of Slider 2???

i.e. if Slider 1 is set to Max, which equals 5, that would adjust
Slider 2 to Min,which equals 1...???

[jQuery] Image Map Coordinates with pop up or tool tip???

2009-07-28 Thread Luh Hooo Zer

i have a circular image... with pie shaped areas.

i would like to use some form of jQuery and either a popup or tool tip
that is CSS customizable...

i looked at maphilight in the jquery plugins, but i dont see how you
can make a pop up with that...

hopefully my request makes sense..

unless there is another method i should go about doing this..


[jQuery] jQuery Slider Bar

2009-05-16 Thread Luh Hooo Zer

i have seen some pretty cool jquery plugins and apps and what not's
out there...
here is my idea and i am not sure how to go about this...

say we offer squidgets and we have 7 types of squidgets with various
accessories available.

We offer up to 5 gears, up to 5 windows, up to 5 levels of

Slider 1 = Gears


Slider 2 = Windows


Slider 3 = Loudness


As they slide to each value, the combination will reveal what we think
the best squidget is best for them.


if slider1=5slider2=3slider3=1 then divDisplay=Squidget-GT

and Squidget-GT would appear in a hidden div.

i have found the UI/API/1.7.1 jQuery Slider on the jQuery website and
have gotten two separate sliders to work.

i have given them a min=1, max=5 according to the options avialable to
the function.

what i am having trouble with is very simple, but complex for me

as a first basic step, i want to assign a value to each step, which im
not sure if min, max does this.

then, just do a basic document.write(slider1+slider2+slider3)
essentially doing basic math and adding the three and displaying

so the example above would be 9.

If anyone has any suggestions, pointers, examples i would greatly
apprecaite it... or if i didnt explain something i can.

script type=text/javascript!--

$(#slider, #slider2).slider();

$('#slider, #slider2').slider({ animate: true });

var animate = $('#slider, #slider2').slider('option', 'animate');

$('#slider, #slider2').slider('option', 'animate', true);


$('#slider, #slider2').slider({ max: 5 });

var max = $('#slider, #slider2').slider('option', 'max');

$('#slider, #slider2').slider('option', 'max', 5);


$('#slider, #slider2').slider({ min: 1 });

var min = $('#slider, #slider2').slider('option', 'min');

$('#slider, #slider2').slider('option', 'min', 1);



div id=slider/div

NOTE: I am using the ui.core.js, ui.slider.js scripts.

[jQuery] jQuery slider noob help

2009-05-16 Thread Luh Hooo Zer

i have seen some pretty cool jquery plugins and apps and what not's
out there...
here is my idea and i am not sure how to go about this...

say we offer squidgets and we have 7 types of squidgets with various
accessories available.

We offer up to 5 gears, up to 5 windows, up to 5 levels of

Slider 1 = Gears


Slider 2 = Windows


Slider 3 = Loudness


As they slide to each value, the combination will reveal what we think
the best squidget is best for them.


if slider1=5slider2=3slider3=1 then divDisplay=Squidget-GT

and Squidget-GT would appear in a hidden div.

i have found the UI/API/1.7.1 jQuery Slider on the jQuery website and
have gotten two separate sliders to work.

i have given them a min=1, max=5 according to the options avialable to
the function.

what i am having trouble with is very simple, but complex for me

as a first basic step, i want to assign a value to each step, which im
not sure if min, max does this.

then, just do a basic document.write(slider1+slider2+slider3)
essentially doing basic math and adding the three and displaying

so the example above would be 9.

If anyone has any suggestions, pointers, examples i would greatly
apprecaite it... or if i didnt explain something i can.

script type=text/javascript!--

$(#slider, #slider2).slider();

$('#slider, #slider2').slider({ animate: true });

var animate = $('#slider, #slider2').slider('option', 'animate');

$('#slider, #slider2').slider('option', 'animate', true);


$('#slider, #slider2').slider({ max: 5 });

var max = $('#slider, #slider2').slider('option', 'max');

$('#slider, #slider2').slider('option', 'max', 5);


$('#slider, #slider2').slider({ min: 1 });

var min = $('#slider, #slider2').slider('option', 'min');

$('#slider, #slider2').slider('option', 'min', 1);



div id=slider/div

NOTE: I am using the ui.core.js, ui.slider.js scripts.