
I'm kinda confused, I've got some code that puts a frame into a table
as a new row when a row is clicked. Now it works in FF but not IE.
I've been browsing around and come to no solutions. Now the problem is
that my code errors out on the line: var el = this; not sure why.
Here's the code. Anyone able to help me out?

function initAccessInfo(infoUrl) {
        var infoRows = $('tr.accessInfo');
        $('tr.access').each(function(i) {
                this.loaded = false;
                var info = infoRows.eq(i);
        $(this).click(function() {
                        var el = this;
                        if(!el.loaded) {
                                var id = info.attr("id");
                                var myframe = $('<iframe frameborder="no" 
id="infoiframe' + id + '" name="infoiframe' + id + '"></iframe>');
                                var loading = $('<div class="loading" 
id="aiLoad' + id + '"><img
src="img/throbber.gif" alt=" " /> Loading...</div>');
                                $('td', info).append(loading);
                                $('td', info).append(myframe);
                                myframe.attr("src", infoUrl + id);
                                el.loaded = true;

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