[jQuery] Re: DateJS: Robust Date manipulation library

2007-11-29 Thread Nicolas Hoizey

  This came through my feed reader this morning, and I thought it looked
  like the kind of thing jQuerians might enjoy:

I really don't like the weird syntax they use.

This Date.today().next().thursday(); is not real chaining IMHO. Even
more (3).days().ago();

Chaining suppose you can remove last call and still get something.

What would (3).days(); mean?

jQuery like syntax would probably be more Date.today().next('thursday');


Nicolas Brush HOIZEY
Clever Age   : http://www.clever-age.com/
Gastero Prod : http://www.gasteroprod.com/
Photos : http://www.flickr.com/gp/[EMAIL PROTECTED]/M1c002

[jQuery] Re: Tag Cloud

2007-09-20 Thread Nicolas Hoizey

 Is there an implementation of Tag Cloud css or logic using jquery?

Why would you need jQuery for a tag cloud?


Nicolas Brush HOIZEY
Clever Age   : http://www.clever-age.com/
Gastero Prod : http://www.gasteroprod.com/
Photos : http://www.flickr.com/gp/[EMAIL PROTECTED]/M1c002

[jQuery] Re: end(), this bug unknown

2007-08-23 Thread Nicolas Hoizey

 In the slide number 50 there is a little example code:


 In a first moment, I thought: ok, wait a moment, I need read this  
 more slow. And later,
 I opened my mouth, and said wooowww!!!, Can I do that with jQuery??

This is exactly the same reaction I had!

 This is the first example of end() method that I can see and, now,  
 I see the power of the end() method.

I still don't fully understand how to use it through, maybe a nice  
tutorial should be written...


Nicolas Brush HOIZEY
Clever Age   : http://www.clever-age.com/
Gastero Prod : http://www.gasteroprod.com/
Photos : http://www.flickr.com/gp/[EMAIL PROTECTED]/M1c002

[jQuery] Re: Cycle Plugin update

2007-08-14 Thread Nicolas Hoizey

 I haven't tried to duplicate the KenBurnsEffect, but you can set up
 your own custom transitions.  What exactly do you mean by dynamic?

Each time an image is used, I give it new initial and final size and  
position, so that it never does the same.


Nicolas Brush HOIZEY
Clever Age   : http://www.clever-age.com/
Gastero Prod : http://www.gasteroprod.com/
Photos : http://www.flickr.com/gp/[EMAIL PROTECTED]/M1c002

[jQuery] Re: [ANNOUNCE] jCarousel Lite - version 1.0

2007-08-10 Thread Nicolas Hoizey

 Nicolas Hoizey and Mike Fern - As per your request, circular is now  
 well, circular. The carousel won't rewind itself after the last  
 element. Rather it will cycle as if there is no end.

Thanks you sooo much! ;-)


Nicolas Brush HOIZEY
Clever Age   : http://www.clever-age.com/
Gastero Prod : http://www.gasteroprod.com/
Photos : http://www.flickr.com/gp/[EMAIL PROTECTED]/M1c002

[jQuery] Re: Slide Right

2007-08-10 Thread Nicolas Hoizey

Hello Mike,

 You can do this with the Cycle plugin.  I just added a bunch of new  

Could you add demos with images that are not the same size (if it  

And do you think you could add Ken Burns effects, so that I drop my  
plugin in favor of yours?


Nicolas Brush HOIZEY
Clever Age   : http://www.clever-age.com/
Gastero Prod : http://www.gasteroprod.com/
Photos : http://www.flickr.com/gp/[EMAIL PROTECTED]/M1c002

[jQuery] Re: Slightly OT: overview of HTML5 elements

2007-08-10 Thread Nicolas Hoizey

 A lot of these are probably more for the benefit of the search  
 engines and
 for SEO purposes. Tags like section / and article / gives  
 search engines
 a little more information about what they're parsing (the same with  
 header /, footer / and nav / tags.)

It will be great for accessibility too, with vocal synthesis or  
braille terminal focusing easily on content and structure.


Nicolas Brush HOIZEY
Clever Age   : http://www.clever-age.com/
Gastero Prod : http://www.gasteroprod.com/
Photos : http://www.flickr.com/gp/[EMAIL PROTECTED]/M1c002

[jQuery] Re: [Slight OT] Quick straw pole about maps

2007-08-09 Thread Nicolas Hoizey

Hi Tane,

 So a quick question is, especially to anyone using it is:  What
 mapping service do you prefer?  Google? or Yahoo?

I really prefer Google. I even use Google Earth + Trippermap to  
geotag my Flickr pictures!

Yahoo Maps are still very bad on european countries.

 The reason I ask, is I can either keep the plugin on its current
 course of supporting both map services as equally as possible, or I
 can scale down or abandon the Yahoo support in going down the route of
 much more customisation for Google maps.

I would go the second way.

Someone can then work on a Yahoo version later...


Nicolas Brush HOIZEY
Clever Age   : http://www.clever-age.com/
Gastero Prod : http://www.gasteroprod.com/
Photos : http://www.flickr.com/gp/[EMAIL PROTECTED]/M1c002

[jQuery] Re: [NEWS] jQuery in 15 Minutes Slideshow on Ajaxian

2007-08-08 Thread Nicolas Hoizey

 Ajaxian has a post describing Simon Willison's slideshare  
 presentation jQuery in 15 minutes. The preso gives a nice view of  
 some of jQuery's features and is a good intro for anyone wanting to  
 know more about jQuery.

I’ve learned from slide 11 the really not obvious meaning of the end 
() method. I thought it was intended to move to the end of a  
selection, without having any idea what use I could have for it... ;-)

I didn't find any reason for this name in the list archive. What  
about revert() or something else more obvious?

I know it's late to change this, even more with it being used in  
tutorials, but maybe a better name could be given to an alias...


Nicolas Brush HOIZEY
Clever Age   : http://www.clever-age.com/
Gastero Prod : http://www.gasteroprod.com/
Photos : http://www.flickr.com/gp/[EMAIL PROTECTED]/M1c002

[jQuery] Re: Ken Burns effects using jQuery?

2007-08-02 Thread Nicolas Hoizey

 it looks great nicolas.


 but i would sincerely recommend one demo per page. It is too  
 straining on the eyes, but i see ur point.

OK, I'll do that.


Nicolas Brush HOIZEY
Clever Age   : http://www.clever-age.com/
Gastero Prod : http://www.gasteroprod.com/
Photos : http://www.flickr.com/gp/[EMAIL PROTECTED]/M1c002

[jQuery] Re: Ken Burns effects using jQuery?

2007-08-02 Thread Nicolas Hoizey

 Very nice in FF but no go in IE7.

Just tried with FF for a start.

 Too fast - slow down the effects speed so we can really see them.

The default duration for each photo is 6 seconds and a half, do you  
really think it's too fast???

 Is this plug in ready for prime time?

Not at all, it's just a quick proof of concept. As you mentioned, it  
needs something more to work on other browsers than just FF.


Nicolas Brush HOIZEY
Clever Age   : http://www.clever-age.com/
Gastero Prod : http://www.gasteroprod.com/
Photos : http://www.flickr.com/gp/[EMAIL PROTECTED]/M1c002

[jQuery] Re: [ANNOUNCE] jCarouselLite version 0.4.0

2007-07-26 Thread Nicolas Hoizey

 Think both Nicolas and Mike are looking for the same feature... I  
 will see if that can be implemented without affecting the size of  
 the plugin too much. You know, coz it is named Lite and all...

I'm not sure it would be big. You just need to clone the first and  
put it in the end, and just after the slide effect to this last one,  
just return to 0.

 If successful, i will host another revision ( 0.5.0 maybe) for  
 feedback before i upgrade the project to 1.0 status.



Nicolas Brush HOIZEY
Clever Age   : http://www.clever-age.com/
Gastero Prod : http://www.gasteroprod.com/
Photos : http://www.flickr.com/gp/[EMAIL PROTECTED]/M1c002

[jQuery] Ken Burns effects using jQuery?

2007-07-26 Thread Nicolas Hoizey


Has anyone already made a Ken Burns effects slideshow powered by jQuery?

I've found this one very nice, but made with Mootools, and I would  
not like having all JS libraries on my website... ;-)

I don't need much, only a slideshow of photos moving and zooming in/ 
out randomly inside a div.



Nicolas Brush HOIZEY
Clever Age   : http://www.clever-age.com/
Gastero Prod : http://www.gasteroprod.com/
Photos : http://www.flickr.com/gp/[EMAIL PROTECTED]/M1c002

[jQuery] Re: [ANNOUNCE] jCarouselLite version 0.4.0

2007-07-26 Thread Nicolas Hoizey

 I have updated the jCarouselLite plugin to its next revision -  
 0.4.0. The project page is at http://www.gmarwaha.com/jquery/ 

This is really great!

One more option I really would love would be to have infinite  
carousel, with left most element being repeted on the right of the  
right most one, and not noticable circular chaining...


Nicolas Brush HOIZEY
Clever Age   : http://www.clever-age.com/
Gastero Prod : http://www.gasteroprod.com/
Photos : http://www.flickr.com/gp/[EMAIL PROTECTED]/M1c002

[jQuery] Re: Ken Burns effects using jQuery?

2007-07-26 Thread Nicolas Hoizey

 Here's another one:

This one is really different...


Nicolas Brush HOIZEY
Clever Age   : http://www.clever-age.com/
Gastero Prod : http://www.gasteroprod.com/
Photos : http://www.flickr.com/gp/[EMAIL PROTECTED]/M1c002

[jQuery] Re: Syntactic sugar for checking whether an element exists

2007-07-10 Thread Nicolas Hoizey

 Anyway I can see your argument about how an exists() function would  
 be redundant. jQuery has a lot of convenience wrappers for things,  
 but $.fn.exists = function(){return !!this.length}; would be the  
 smallest and least functional one. Same is almost true for hasClass  
 (return this.is('.'+class));. This is where you can convince me  
 with a rational/scientific argument that those functions aren't  
 needed. However, as you said this library is more then just code,  
 it's art. And this is why I'm emphasizing those new functions: They  
 empower the artist (who does not read the complete docs before  
 getting started) and don't hurt the scientists 

There could be a jConvenient plugin then that would add convenient  
wrapper such as exists or hasClass.

I'm not sure it should contain makeCoffee through... ;-)


Nicolas Brush HOIZEY
Clever Age   : http://www.clever-age.com/
Gastero Prod : http://www.gasteroprod.com/
Photos : http://www.flickr.com/gp/[EMAIL PROTECTED]/M1c002

[jQuery] Any official documentation for selectors extension?

2007-07-05 Thread Nicolas Hoizey


Following yesterday's discussion about my :containsExactly() filter,  
I would like to know if there is any official documentation about  
selectors extension.

I found this e-mail in the archives:
http://www.mail-archive.com/[EMAIL PROTECTED]/msg15863.html

This is the interesting extract:
You can use the variables 'a' for the element being considered, 'm 
[3]' for whatever was in parentheses in the selector (as in the '2'  
in 'nth(2)' ), 'i' for the index of the element being considered, and  
'r' for the whole array of elements.

The strange variable names and lack of official documentation make me  
fear potential future changes in this feature.

Any hint?


Nicolas Brush HOIZEY
Clever Age   : http://www.clever-age.com/
Gastero Prod : http://www.gasteroprod.com/
Photos : http://www.flickr.com/gp/[EMAIL PROTECTED]/M1c002

[jQuery] Re: question about Firebug...

2007-07-05 Thread Nicolas Hoizey

 I see that FB has a console...is it possible to print variables to  
 this console as my JS code progresses?

Yes, just do this:
console.log('the message');


Nicolas Brush HOIZEY
Clever Age   : http://www.clever-age.com/
Gastero Prod : http://www.gasteroprod.com/
Photos : http://www.flickr.com/gp/[EMAIL PROTECTED]/M1c002

[jQuery] Re: How to find elements with an exact text content?

2007-07-04 Thread Nicolas Hoizey

Hello Renato,

I also saw your answer on the french list... ;-)

 I'm currently using :contains() to find elements that contain  
 some  string:
 I would like now to find only elements that have a text content   
 exactly equal to the string I chose.
 I didn't find any simple solution in the list archives or in any   

 you can create a new selector to match text content with regular  

 jQuery.expr[:].containsRegEx =


 $('a:containsRegEx(^my text$)')

I did something similar but dedicated to my issue:

jQuery.extend(jQuery.expr[':'], {
 containsExactly: $(a).text() == m[3]

And then: $('someElement:containsExactly(someText)')

Works really well, thanks!

By the way, I found examples of such selectors extensions, but no  
documentation at all... :-(


Nicolas Brush HOIZEY
Clever Age   : http://www.clever-age.com/
Gastero Prod : http://www.gasteroprod.com/
Photos : http://www.flickr.com/gp/[EMAIL PROTECTED]/M1c002

[jQuery] Re: How to find elements with an exact text content?

2007-07-04 Thread Nicolas Hoizey

 You can try the powerful .filter() method with an anonymous  
 function as its argument:

 $('someElement').filter(function() {
   return $(this).text() == 'Some text';

It works well, but wouldn't it be very useful (and very write less,  
do more) to have such a feature:

$('someElement:contains(^Some text$)')

Notice the '^' and '$' delimiters.


Nicolas Brush HOIZEY
Clever Age   : http://www.clever-age.com/
Gastero Prod : http://www.gasteroprod.com/
Photos : http://www.flickr.com/gp/[EMAIL PROTECTED]/M1c002

[jQuery] How to find elements with an exact text content?

2007-07-03 Thread Nicolas Hoizey


I'm currently using :contains() to find elements that contain some  


I would like now to find only elements that have a text content  
exactly equal to the string I chose.

I didn't find any simple solution in the list archives or in any  



Nicolas Brush HOIZEY
Clever Age   : http://www.clever-age.com/
Gastero Prod : http://www.gasteroprod.com/
Photos : http://www.flickr.com/gp/[EMAIL PROTECTED]/M1c002

[jQuery] Re: How to find elements with an exact text content?

2007-07-03 Thread Nicolas Hoizey

Hi Karl,

 You can try the powerful .filter() method with an anonymous  
 function as its argument:

 $('someElement').filter(function() {
   return $(this).text() == 'Some text';

I will try this, thanks!

What is the difference between .text() and .textContent?


Nicolas Brush HOIZEY
Clever Age   : http://www.clever-age.com/
Gastero Prod : http://www.gasteroprod.com/
Photos : http://www.flickr.com/gp/[EMAIL PROTECTED]/M1c002

[jQuery] Re: How to find elements with an exact text content?

2007-07-03 Thread Nicolas Hoizey

 You can try the powerful .filter() method with an anonymous
 function as its argument:

 $('someElement').filter(function() {
   return $(this).text() == 'Some text';

 I will try this, thanks!

It works well!

Do you think it is usefull, for performance, to first filter  
with :contains() before using .filter()?

 $('#indirectly  ol  li  a:contains(' + related +  
')').filter(function() {
 return ($(this)[0].textContent == related);


 $('#indirectly  ol  li  a').filter(function() {
 return ($(this)[0].textContent == related);

(related comes from previous code)

I tried to profile both with Firebug, with not much difference, but I  
don't have a lot of data to parse yet.


Nicolas Brush HOIZEY
Clever Age   : http://www.clever-age.com/
Gastero Prod : http://www.gasteroprod.com/
Photos : http://www.flickr.com/gp/[EMAIL PROTECTED]/M1c002

[jQuery] Re: How to find elements with an exact text content?

2007-07-03 Thread Nicolas Hoizey

 As far as I know, .textContent only works in Firefox. The IE  
 equivalent is .innerText.
 jQuery normalizes this with its .text() method.

Thanks a lot!


Nicolas Brush HOIZEY
Clever Age   : http://www.clever-age.com/
Gastero Prod : http://www.gasteroprod.com/
Photos : http://www.flickr.com/gp/[EMAIL PROTECTED]/M1c002