[jQuery] Focus event firing twice in Internet Explorer

2009-10-31 Thread Antonio del Olmo García
I'm building a form in which the specified values (the ones written in
the value attribute) for the inputs (types: text or password) are
saved as default values for that fields and when the user clicks on
them they disappear or appear again if the field has been left blank.
So, basically: the specified values are hints to the fields. With the
focus event, the hint disappears and with blur appears again if the
field is empty.

Each input has the following structure:

div class='txtbox'

div class='i1'/div
div class='input'input class=i2' type='{text or password}'
value=Default value for this field //div
div class='i3'/div


The extra divs are there to make an input with round corners through
CSS. I'm also trying to outline the input when it is selected (with
the same focus and blur events, and preserving the round corners).

The problem comes with password inputs because the 'type' attributes
can't be changed in IE. The solution I came with was appending a text
input to each password input with the value specified for the password
input. Then I cleared the value for the password, hid the password
fields and showed the newly created one. This works like charm.

The thing is that, in IE, when I focus the password field, the focus
event is triggered twice. The outline effect appears and disappears.

There is a nasty workaround for this that I prefer not to use.

This is my code:

var TextBoxOutline=function(){
var a=$(this),b=a.parent();

/* The iXb classes are specified in the stylesheet and make the
outline effect in the input*/

$(.txtbox input.i2[type=text]).bind(focus blur,TextBoxOutline);
$(.txtbox input.i2[type=text]).each(function(){
var t=$(this),b=jQuery.data(t,defaultValue,t.val());
t.bind(focus blur,function(e){
var x=e.type,q=t.val();
else if(x=='blur'$.trim(q)==){t.val(b);}

$(.txtbox input.i2[type=password]).bind(focus
$(.txtbox input.i2[type=password]).each(function(){
var t=$(this),newInput=$(input type='text' class='i2'
var fn=function(){newInput.toggle();t.toggle()}
/* This is the nasty workaround for IE */

Do you have any ideas?

[jQuery] Re: Performance of jquery

2007-12-12 Thread Olmo Maldonado

This is possible. We get trolls all the time on our forums.

I'd like to point out, however, that all the other links that you guys
referred him to have old performance results. We didn't advertise it,
but since the release of 1.2b we updated the Slickspeed to reflect

All the claims that MooTools was biased against IE have practically
been removed :P

We're still a bit slower than jQuery in IE, but like Rick Faircloth
said it's a small margin now. :D

-Olmo Maldonado
A MooTools Developer

On Dec 11, 2:02 pm, Rey Bango [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hi Rick,

 Every so often, someone just mysteriously posts a message almost exactly
 like the one that you saw today and it's usually a brand new user to the
 list. It's been happening on a frequent basis and is assuredly link bait.

 So I want you to trust my judgment that when I say it's spam/link bait
 it truly is. I would never censor any thread and would only request this
 if I truly felt that it was someone trolling the list.


 Rick Faircloth wrote:
  Sorry, Rey, but I just wanted to understand the issue.

  It seems like jQuery comes out the winner in the tests
  that are run, but from everyone's response, I would expect
  the results to be the opposite.

  Am I missing something?


[jQuery] Re: Verizon Wireless website using jQuery?

2007-09-26 Thread Olmo Maldonado

@Michael: just do in the url address bar:
@Erik: Hahaha. :D We are modular ;).

-Olmo Maldonado
MooTools Developer

On Sep 20, 4:31 pm, Erik Beeson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Those MooTools punks stole our filesize!


 On 9/20/07, Josh Nathanson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  OK, sorry about that.  Weird though that it's also 27K packed.

  - Original Message -
  From: Michael Geary [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  To: jquery-en@googlegroups.com
  Sent: Thursday, September 20, 2007 4:05 PM
  Subject: [jQuery] Re: Verizon Wireless website using jQuery?

   From: Josh Nathanson

   Spotted in the wild?

   - Go tohttp://www.verizonwireless.com
   - Look at your Firebug Script tab, find the script gn_engine.js

   That packed script looks suspiciously familiar...and it's 27K


   As Erik mentioned, every script run through the old version of Packer
   the new version with base 62 encoding) looks more or less
   the same.

   Here's an easy way to tell what is inside a packed script.

   Open the script file directly in Firefox, in this case:


   Do a Select All and Copy.

   Open the Firebug console.

   Paste the script into the Firebug command line.

   Go to the beginning of the line and change eval to alert.

   Hit Enter (or Ctrl+Enter if you have the multiline console command line


[jQuery] Re: from builtwith.com, with love: jquery leads ahead

2007-09-26 Thread Olmo Maldonado

Cool 0.78%.
Now it's 1.21% ... Nice.

Weird jQuery is now 1.83%?
Must be a mistake?

-Olmo Maldonado
MooTools Developer

schnuck wrote:
 i know... but still not bad at all:

 MooTools is a compact, modular, Object-Oriented JavaScript framework
 designed for the intermediate to advanced JavaScript developer. It
 allows you to write powerful, flexible, and cross-browser code with
 its elegant, well documented, and coherent API.

 0.78% of all profiled sites use MooTools.

 Query is a fast, concise, JavaScript Library that simplifies how you
 traverse HTML documents, handle events, perform animations, and add
 Ajax interactions to your web pages. jQuery is designed to change the
 way that you write JavaScript.

 2.33% of all profiled sites use JQuery.

[jQuery] Re: Jquery Vs. Prototype

2007-09-26 Thread Olmo Maldonado

You're making MooTools sound like it's a fork from Prototype.

I'd argue that there's fundamental and code differences between the

Mitchell, I believe the impressions MooTools leave should be
experienced rather than explained :-\.

-Olmo Maldonado
MooTools Developer

On Aug 4, 10:46 pm, Ganeshji Marwaha [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I am not sure if i will add substantially to what others have said above.
 Still, i wanted to post this mail anyways because you might be more
 comfortable making a decision if you hear an opinion from a normal user as
 opposed to a core developer.

 My background in javascript follows the pattern, javascript - prototype -
 mootools - jquery, and in that order. I have also played with libraries
 like YUI, Ext, Rico and GWT just to get a feel for them, but the first 3
 libraries are where i have good expertise in...

 I started using prototype because, that seemed to be the best solution then.
 It was a well thought out library as opposed to other DHTML gimmicks out
 there. It was backed by a thorough and beautiful scriptaculous effects
 library. Although prototype had zero documentation, i still chose them for
 the quality of the library itself. I sincerely started decoding the source
 night after night and a week later, i had a comprehensive personal
 documentation(which ofcourse only i could understand). I used them for a
 while - Until one day when i found mootools.

 I was jumping for joy, not because mootools had a radically different
 approach(coz they don't) and not because they had clear documentation(coz
 they didn't), but because it was so small in size. This was a welcome gift,
 and i took it - after all it is free. They had a few bells and whistles as
 in, new and improved inheritance support etc etc etc., but the best of all,
 the syntax they offered was almost similar to prototype. I was very happy
 with them, and will continue to be. I still use both prototype and mootools
 in different projects and i love them both.

 But, one fine morning my feed reader was forcing me to read a blog about
 jquery. I initially resisted, coz, i thought it was related to database.
 Then for some odd reason, i read it. It was someones blog ( i don't remember
 who), and i had mixed feelings. Being the experimenter i am, i started
 playing with it, and trust me, within one day, i felt like an expert. It
 sure was a radically different approach to modern javascript and the
 documentation was clean and simple. Then i subscribed to the mailing list
 and started talking to people here, and man trust me, i haven't been in such
 a helpful community.

 Although my initial impressions were that it might not be as extensive as
 the other 2, those doubts subsided when i realized the simplicity of the
 plugin architecture. There are plugins for almost everything and every
 plugin is so darn small and inviting. In the rare case where fellow
 community members didn't find a plugin for their needs, i have seen plugin
 authors write a plugin in a matter of hours and throw it in for them to use.
 With jQuery it is that easy. Everything seems so simple. I now can't
 remember why i used to hate javascript so much.

 Now, from time to time, when i go back to prototype or mootools to support
 my existing projects i really do feel that the code base looks complex.
 After using jquery every other library looks complex to me. So be warned. If
 you were to lose one thing by choosing jquery it is that, you might forget
 plain javascript and other libraries sooner rather than later. Then don't
 blame, coz i am no different than you then.

 If you made this far, i am sorry for such a long email, but i just couldn't
 help telling you my story for your benefit. My best wishes.


 On 8/4/07, Dragan Krstic [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  BMHO, jquery is easier to learn and doesn't extends native JS objects. jQ
  people is more enthusiatsic about library they use. Also, jQuery put
  standards in speed, documentation and support. By introducing jQuery, John
  forced other folks to improve their libraries.  And comunity is very
  devoted, too.

  2007/8/5, John Resig [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

I can see the benefit of this being that you only include the methods
   you need and there is no bloat.

   That's precisely why. Here's examples of everything that you mentioned:



   $(form :input:first)

   $(form :input:first).focus();

   $(form :input)

   $(form :input)

   (via Form plugin)


   $(form :input).serialize()

   $(form :input).serialize()

   Obviously there are philosophical differences at play - but the fact
   all of these things exist (or are easily accessed via a plugin) just
   shows how powerful

[jQuery] Re: MooTools $events expando workaround

2007-09-01 Thread Olmo

I'll add a signature from now on it seems.

I don't need to waste my time in trying to lecture you. Should have
known better.

-Olmo M.

On Sep 1, 8:35 am, Rey Bango [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Well, in the interest of full disclosure, for those that don't know,
 Olmo is part of theMooToolsdevelopment team.

 Now, back to the topic. If there's nothing to glean and there's no
 benefit in sending list members to what ended up as a very unproductive
 discussion, why would it be the right thing to do?

 jQuery Project Team

 Olmo wrote:
  There's nothing to glean. It's the right thing to do.
  -Olmo M.

  On Aug 31, 9:23 pm, Rey Bango [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Actually, I didn't. I left it out intentionally as there was nothing to
  be gleaned from the thread.


  Olmo wrote:
  You forgot to post the url to theMooToolsforum:
  -Olmo M.

[jQuery] Re: MooTools $events expando workaround

2007-08-31 Thread Olmo

You forgot to post the url to the MooTools forum:

-Olmo M.

On Aug 30, 4:05 pm, Rey Bango [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 There was a recent flurry of emails on the list discussing a conflict
 with the use ofMooToolsin conjunction with jQuery. WhenMooTools
 released v1.1, they renamed their events expando to $events, thus
 conflicting instantly with jQuery.

 Well, Brazilian developer Alexandre Magno
 (http://blog.alexandremagno.net/) came up with a novel and quite simple
 solution to get around this issue; rename the $event expando inMootools!

 I found a solution that works perfectly. Im the live example that we
 need sometimes to use the both frameworks. Im develop all my projects in
 jQuery, cause I learn more easily and feel more comfotable with it.
 Nothing to do withMootools, with is a beatiful framework too... But I
 need the fancy upload to work and is just possible withMootools, I make
 everything, but doesnt work because the conflict with the variable
 $event. I solve this issue by getting themootoolsdownload with no
 compression, use a software like aptana, dreamweaver, or even notepad to
 replace all ocurrences of $event to $event2 for example, and compress
 the libraty after it. This way, the two frameworks works perfectly,
 since the use of jquery with noConflit its configured. I hope this works
 and soon I will develop this fancy upload for jquery to dont have to use
 both. Its a shame for themootoolsteam wait to Jquery solve this
 problem that noboby its blame... its just convention... why just simple
 replace $event for $mootoolsEvent or $mooEvent for example??? Somethimes
 its necessary use both, no doubt..

 This was posted in theMooToolsforum in response to a post where John 
I were trying to resolve an integration problem for aMooToolsuser
 who wanted to useMooToolsand jQuery together. We realize that its
 unrealistic to expect that developers are going to use just one library
 and the team goes to great lengths to ensure some level of
 interoperability between other libraries via noConflict(). In jQuery
 v1.2, we take that a step further by allowing the renaming of the events
 expando to whatever you would like, thus avoiding any conflict.

 While this was not a bug in jQuery, we feel strongly about allowing
 developers to leverage the tools that they need to do their work and we
 never want jQuery to be a bottleneck.

 Thank you John  the jQuery team for continuing to make jQuery such a
 flexible solution and thank you Alexandre for expanding jQuery's reach
 to Brazil and offering up this great workaround.


[jQuery] Re: MooTools $events expando workaround

2007-08-31 Thread Olmo

There's nothing to glean. It's the right thing to do.
-Olmo M.

On Aug 31, 9:23 pm, Rey Bango [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Actually, I didn't. I left it out intentionally as there was nothing to
 be gleaned from the thread.


 Olmo wrote:
  You forgot to post the url to theMooToolsforum:

  -Olmo M.

[jQuery] Re: Why jQuery over Mootools

2007-08-27 Thread Olmo

I wanted to clarify.

Mootools is large based off or Moo.fx(and prototype/jQuery)

This is not entirely true. While moo.fx may be prototype based (the
code requires prototype to function), MooTools doesn't have any
ressemblences/connections to jQuery (or at least not apparent to me).
The only function that has strong resemblence might be the $(), but
that comes from working with prototype's $() and our philosophy to say
$ returns one extended element, $$ returns many extended elements.

The history behind MooTools is a little vague. I'll add it to the To
do list and share it with you guys when we compose something more

-Olmo M.

On Aug 13, 8:42 am, Eridius [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Well this is true and not true.  Mootoolsis based on Moo.fx which might have
 been around much longer than jQuery butMootoolsi believe was released a
 few months after jQuery.  Mootoolsis largely based off or Moo.fx(and

 Andy Matthews-4 wrote:

  Actually, I believe that Moo Tools has been around for quite a bit longer
  than jQuery. It was one of the first effects libraries I looked at before
  ever even heard of jQuery.

  -Original Message-
  From: jquery-en@googlegroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
  Behalf Of Eridius
  Sent: Saturday, August 11, 2007 5:37 PM
  To: jquery-en@googlegroups.com
  Subject: [jQuery] Why jQuery overMootools

  I have been working withmootoolsfor a bit the past few months and
  to take a look at jQuery too see what the hype is all about from what i
  heard from a co-worker.  From what i see, jQuery does not offer anything
  thatmootoolsdoes not.  I mean jQuery does have


  and i don't believeMootoolshas anything like that, they just have the:

  $().addEvent('click', function(){});

  However this is just a shortcut and not a major thing.  On thing that
  has is that there are far more scripts however this is just to the fact
  jQuery has been around longer thanmootools.  However on the other hand
 mootoolshas is a very nice way to create new classes.  All i have to do

  var ajax_request = new Class(
  //class options

  initialize: function(options)
  //other initliaizing code

  //more methods

  var my_ajax_request = new ajax_request({//override default options});

  Now I have been told that  jQuery tries to do things more like the OO
  method.  Well to me the basically thing about OO is being able to combine
  members(variables) and methods(functions) into a common

  I have tried creating a simple class with jQuery and it does not work(this
  code if based off what i was told from these forums):

  var ajax_request = function(options)
  ajax_options =
  test: 'test'

  test = function()
  var test = new ajax_request();

  and this code tells me that test() is not a function of test.  It seems
  jQuery wants you to incorporate everything into the $() selector which
  not make sense of everything.  Being able create separate object is
  something that is important to me and jQuery does not seem to support

  Another thing that that jQuery says is that is it so small.  Well
  the full version ofmootools(all options selected) to the full version of
  jQuery is unfair.  In order to get allt he features of fullmootoolsyou
  would have to add jQuery interface script and comparingmootoolsto
  jQueryInterface script,mootoolsis still smaller.

  So why should someone choose jQuery overMootoolsor is it really just a
  preference thing and and both are basically the same(i see a lot about
  jQuery vs prototype but not alot about jQuery vsmootools)
  View this message in context:
  Sent from the JQuery mailing list archive at Nabble.com.

 View this message in 
 Sent from the JQuery mailing list archive at Nabble.com.

[jQuery] Re: jQuery 1.1.4: Faster, More Tests, Ready for 1.2

2007-08-27 Thread Olmo

Hi John,

I do believe this leak has been fixed since quite a while ago
(understatement): http://dev.mootools.net/ticket/5

-Olmo M.
P.S. I had sent this email, but noticed it wasn't added. Ignore
duplicates plz. :)

On Aug 25, 8:30 pm, John Resig [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  I just took a look at prototype.js andmootools.js, neither are
  depended on a Lets hope if this best guess 13ms always works timer

 Right, so they leak every single time you use them, both libraries are
 quite naive about the issue of memory leaks.

 If you're looking for some form of justification for what we're doing
 look at Yahoo 

 In build/connection/connection.js look for handleReadyState which does
 all the polling.

 Also, Dojo is using this particular method for querying XHR 

 Yahoo UI is also using a polling interval of 50ms for XHR, which they
 seemed to just pick arbitrarily. Just to emphasize that point, look in
 Yahoo UI's build/animation/animation.js where they set their delay on
 their animation timers to 1ms.

 I think you're missing a couple points here:
 - JavaScript engines are not multi-threaded. There's no such thing as
 a locking or synchronization issue within JavaScript. The XHR request
 won't return or finish until the current JS is finished executing.
 - setTimeout and setInterval do not create threads. The push functions
 onto the JavaScript stack to be executed at a later time (so if a
 script never stops running a timeout will never be called).
 - The units passed to setTimeout are arbitrary, it's still at the
 browsers discretion as to when they're actually executed. They're not
 sent straight to the processor for handling - all operations are
 delegated by the browser.

 So, yes, we might as well pick 1ms, Yahoo UI seems to think it's ok,
 there's no particular reason for not doing so - nor has it made any
 particular effect upon the system for not having done so. In the case
 of Ajax, the query rate could probably be slowed down to something
 like 50ms, and for animations, increased to something like 1ms.

 The issues at play here are phenomenally more complicated, and
 nuanced, then they're made out to be.


[jQuery] Re: jQuery 1.1.4: Faster, More Tests, Ready for 1.2

2007-08-27 Thread Olmo


I've been doing some digging to find that leak and I believe it had
been resolved since the 5th ticket in our Trac.

I also don't encounter any leaks in my own tests.

-Olmo M.

On Aug 25, 8:30 pm, John Resig [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  I just took a look at prototype.js andmootools.js, neither are
  depended on a Lets hope if this best guess 13ms always works timer

 Right, so they leak every single time you use them, both libraries are
 quite naive about the issue of memory leaks.

 If you're looking for some form of justification for what we're doing
 look at Yahoo 

 In build/connection/connection.js look for handleReadyState which does
 all the polling.

 Also, Dojo is using this particular method for querying XHR 

 Yahoo UI is also using a polling interval of 50ms for XHR, which they
 seemed to just pick arbitrarily. Just to emphasize that point, look in
 Yahoo UI's build/animation/animation.js where they set their delay on
 their animation timers to 1ms.

 I think you're missing a couple points here:
 - JavaScript engines are not multi-threaded. There's no such thing as
 a locking or synchronization issue within JavaScript. The XHR request
 won't return or finish until the current JS is finished executing.
 - setTimeout and setInterval do not create threads. The push functions
 onto the JavaScript stack to be executed at a later time (so if a
 script never stops running a timeout will never be called).
 - The units passed to setTimeout are arbitrary, it's still at the
 browsers discretion as to when they're actually executed. They're not
 sent straight to the processor for handling - all operations are
 delegated by the browser.

 So, yes, we might as well pick 1ms, Yahoo UI seems to think it's ok,
 there's no particular reason for not doing so - nor has it made any
 particular effect upon the system for not having done so. In the case
 of Ajax, the query rate could probably be slowed down to something
 like 50ms, and for animations, increased to something like 1ms.

 The issues at play here are phenomenally more complicated, and
 nuanced, then they're made out to be.


[jQuery] Re: Release: Accordion 1.5

2007-08-27 Thread Olmo

The hover bug in the home page is not an actual MooTools bug. It has
to do with the layout of the page. There's a demo at:
http://demos.mootools.net/Fx.Elements that you won't see the problem.


-Olmo M.

On Aug 26, 5:36 pm, Ganeshji Marwaha [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 In my opinion (and only my opinion) i think that it is kinda disturbing if
 we hover on one item and immediately if we hover on another item, the
 accordian doesn't open for the second item.

 If you look at the mootools.net home page, you see the kwick(horizontal
 acoordian). I am working on something like that. I am facing the same
 problem there as well. But in the mootools site, if you hover from the left
 end to the right end fast, you could see that the intermediate items
 partially animate...

 As far as i know this can be solved using the stop() method in fx. But the
 stop() method is available only as part of the interface's animation
 extension. John has promised that as part of the core in 1.2 though.

 So, again, in my opinion, i would favor an approach where if we hover over
 one item and then immediately if we hover over the other item before the
 animation of first is complete, then the animation of the first item should
 be stopped in the middle and the second animation should start. That would
 be ideal. But i am not sure how easy or difficult it is.

 I am keen and willing to do any help that might be required.


 On 8/26/07, Jörn Zaefferer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Ganeshji Marwaha schrieb:
   Jörn, this is fantastic... very re-usable as well..

   I have a question/suggestion though... When i hover over one of the
   items, and before the animation completes if i hover over another
   item, the animation for the second item doesn't occur. Now, i will
   have to move my mouse out of that item and hover over it again to get
   the other item to expand. Is it something that can be fixed, or is it
   a known limitation that we will have to live by...

  Well, so far that was intended to be a feature, not a bug. The
  combination of long-running animations with hover is annoying, right.
  But it is also annoying when the accordion keeps changing on each mouse
  move, even when you didn't intend to get a different chunk. Fixing it
  isn't difficult, but it is difficult to decide what the right fix
  actually is. Your help is appreciated.

  -- Jörn

[jQuery] Re: jQuery 1.1.4: Faster, More Tests, Ready for 1.2

2007-08-27 Thread Olmo

I've ported the test to: http://ibolmo.no-ip.info/sandbox/ajax-leaks.html
(note: it might be offline in a few days-- I'm moving :D).

Can't seem to reproduce the leaks. Let us know if you experience any.

Like I said, I had believed this had been taken cared of since the 5th
ticket. I did find it weird that in the past 8 months no one had
mentioned any onreadystatechange leaks.  MooTools takes these sort of
issues very seriously, and we dont think that we have been naive in
our implementations. We have even implemented our own Garbage
Collector to deal with unwanted attribute leaks.

Never hurts to check, however. Thanks,

Olmo M.

On Aug 27, 10:31 am, John Resig [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Olmo -

 That alone is not sufficient - that's what we originally used as well.

 See this ticket:http://dev.jquery.com/ticket/991

 and this blog post:http://alex.dojotoolkit.org/?p=528

 YUI, Dojo, and jQuery all use this technique to avoid these leaks.
 It's unavoidable otherwise.


 On 8/27/07, Olmo [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


  I've been doing some digging to find that leak and I believe it had
  been resolved since the 5th ticket in our Trac.

  I also don't encounter any leaks in my own tests.

  -Olmo M.

  On Aug 25, 8:30 pm, John Resig [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
I just took a look at prototype.js andmootools.js, neither are
depended on a Lets hope if this best guess 13ms always works timer

   Right, so they leak every single time you use them, both libraries are
   quite naive about the issue of memory leaks.

   If you're looking for some form of justification for what we're doing
   look at Yahoo 

   In build/connection/connection.js look for handleReadyState which does
   all the polling.

   Also, Dojo is using this particular method for querying XHR 

   Yahoo UI is also using a polling interval of 50ms for XHR, which they
   seemed to just pick arbitrarily. Just to emphasize that point, look in
   Yahoo UI's build/animation/animation.js where they set their delay on
   their animation timers to 1ms.

   I think you're missing a couple points here:
   - JavaScript engines are not multi-threaded. There's no such thing as
   a locking or synchronization issue within JavaScript. The XHR request
   won't return or finish until the current JS is finished executing.
   - setTimeout and setInterval do not create threads. The push functions
   onto the JavaScript stack to be executed at a later time (so if a
   script never stops running a timeout will never be called).
   - The units passed to setTimeout are arbitrary, it's still at the
   browsers discretion as to when they're actually executed. They're not
   sent straight to the processor for handling - all operations are
   delegated by the browser.

   So, yes, we might as well pick 1ms, Yahoo UI seems to think it's ok,
   there's no particular reason for not doing so - nor has it made any
   particular effect upon the system for not having done so. In the case
   of Ajax, the query rate could probably be slowed down to something
   like 50ms, and for animations, increased to something like 1ms.

   The issues at play here are phenomenally more complicated, and
   nuanced, then they're made out to be.
