Hi All,
I am trying to use the latest Cluetip plugin to display a tooltip
information for an image.The tooltip is displayed when the image is
clicked.I am using the title attribute to inform the user to click for
details and the info is stored in the desc attribute.

<img src="someImage.gif" title="Click to view more details"
desc="SomeTitle|Some Description"/>

Everything is fine whne the page loads and when I do a  mouse over on
the image, it shows be the browser's tooltip and when I click on it
shows the Cluetip div.After the Div us closed if I again do a
mouseover on the image, I do not see the browser's tooltip.I checked
the code and saw that the title attribute is being to empty quotes.I
understand that this is done to avoid the browser's tooltip being
displayed when the Cluetip is active.

I've changed the code to store the title attribute in a temp variable
and set it back when the Cluetip div is closed.

I would recommend you incorporate the fix in your next release..

Also as Shawn Grover mentioned in his blog that the  mouseoutclose
triggers the close if the mouse moves inside and then outside the
clueTip area.I want the mouseoutclose event to be applied on the
object on which the Cluetip is invoked (ex:the img in this case)


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