[jQuery] Re: help to simplify code

2009-09-20 Thread alienfactory

i was asking about javascript/jquery not html 101 but that is cool
though and yes that was snarky. LOL

No worries at least you are trying to help thanks

I dont see where you are fading the addtional div see link above for
you focused on the navigavtion but i have 4 divs when mousing over one
of them the other divs should fadeout

How do you select additional div.

Many Thanks

On Sep 20, 4:17 am, ryan.j ryan.joyce...@googlemail.com wrote:
 for fear of offending you further, i apologise in advance for posting
 code. personally i'd be tempted to call 'test1(this)' on the mouseover
 and mouseout events and have it do something like...

 function test1(t) {
                 var c = $(t).css('background-color')
                 var o = '1'
                 if ( !$(t).hasClass('nav-active') )
                         o = '.2'

                         .fadeTo('slow', o);

                         .animate({ backgroundColor: c }, 500);


 this is literally back-of-fagpacket code, so clearly it could be
 improved and/or tested. assigning a class just to track the opacity
 state probably isn't the greatest idea ever but it does mean you have
 easy access to the currently selected menu item.

 On Sep 20, 11:25 am, ryan.j ryan.joyce...@googlemail.com wrote:

  i wasn't being snarky mate, just that you phrased your question like a
  homework assignment!

  besides, i thought i /was/ answering your question tbh :S

  On Sep 20, 3:14 am, alienfactory alienfacto...@gmail.com wrote:

   wow really! not sure what to say about that.

   Here is a development link to the actual 
   if any one would like to help out on the javascript jquery question

   Thanks in advance for any help

[jQuery] Re: help to simplify code

2009-09-20 Thread alienfactory

Thanks Karl

That was more then i expected.

However the $navigation.find('a') section is a little over my head
could add a few comments to that one to help me understand it


On Sep 20, 8:49 am, Karl Swedberg k...@englishrules.com wrote:
 Here is another way you could do it:

 var bgColors = {
    services: '#8ac2b7',
    vision: '#9e97ca',
    approach: '#e5b120',
    team: '#cf1858'


 var $navigation = $('#navigation');

    .bind('mouseenter', function() {
      $(this).siblings().stop().fadeTo('slow', .2);
      $navigation.stop().animate({backgroundColor: bgColors[this.id]},  
    .bind('mouseleave', function() {
      $(this).siblings().stop().fadeTo('slow', 1);
      $navigation.stop().animate({backgroundColor: '#404040'}, 500);

    .bind('mouseenter mouseleave', function(event) {
      if (this.id.indexOf('nav') === 0) {
        var id = '#' + this.id.replace(/^nav/,'');


 Karl Swedbergwww.englishrules.comwww.learningjquery.com

 On Sep 20, 2009, at 10:51 AM, alienfactory wrote:

  i was asking about javascript/jquery not html 101 but that is cool
  though and yes that was snarky. LOL

  No worries at least you are trying to help thanks

  I dont see where you are fading the addtional div see link above for
  you focused on the navigavtion but i have 4 divs when mousing over one
  of them the other divs should fadeout

  How do you select additional div.

  Many Thanks

  On Sep 20, 4:17 am, ryan.j ryan.joyce...@googlemail.com wrote:
  for fear of offending you further, i apologise in advance for posting
  code. personally i'd be tempted to call 'test1(this)' on the  
  and mouseout events and have it do something like...

  function test1(t) {
                  var c = $(t).css('background-color')
                  var o = '1'
                  if ( !$(t).hasClass('nav-active') )
                          o = '.2'

                          .fadeTo('slow', o);

                          .animate({ backgroundColor: c }, 500);


  this is literally back-of-fagpacket code, so clearly it could be
  improved and/or tested. assigning a class just to track the opacity
  state probably isn't the greatest idea ever but it does mean you have
  easy access to the currently selected menu item.

  On Sep 20, 11:25 am, ryan.j ryan.joyce...@googlemail.com wrote:

  i wasn't being snarky mate, just that you phrased your question  
  like a
  homework assignment!

  besides, i thought i /was/ answering your question tbh :S

  On Sep 20, 3:14 am, alienfactory alienfacto...@gmail.com wrote:

  wow really! not sure what to say about that.

  Here is a development link to the actual 
  if any one would like to help out on the javascript jquery question

  Thanks in advance for any help

[jQuery] help to simplify code

2009-09-19 Thread alienfactory

i would like to know how i could do it better this actualy repeats 3
more time to get the other mouse over states.
Please dont write any code i am still learning and would be helpful if
anyone could just guide me in the right direction

Many Thanks

 $('#vision, #navvision').hover(
function () {
$('#services, #approach, #team').stop().fadeTo('slow', 
$('#navigation').stop().animate({ backgroundColor: 
#9e97ca },
function () {
$('#services, #approach, #team').stop().fadeTo('slow', 
$('#navigation').stop().animate({ backgroundColor: 
#404040 },

html code
div id=navigation class=homenav ul list/div
div id=services class=floatlefth1title/h1psome text /pa
href=#img src=images/learnmore-light.gif alt= //a/div
div id=vision class=floatlefth1title/h1psome text/pa
href=#img src=images/learnmore-light.gif alt= //a/div
div id=approach class=floatlefth1title/h1psome text/pa
href=#img src=images/learnmore-light.gif alt= //a/div
div id=team class=floatlefth1Team/h1psome text/pa
href=#img src=images/learnmore-light.gif alt= //a/div

[jQuery] Re: help to simplify code

2009-09-19 Thread alienfactory

wow really! not sure what to say about that.

Here is a development link to the actual project 
if any one would like to help out on the javascript jquery question

Thanks in advance for any help

[jQuery] jquery help

2009-06-02 Thread alienfactory

can anyone in the jquery community help me with an issue. the group
for fancybox is not very active

my problem is the following
i am trying to use a callback  in the fancybox plugin
'callbackOnStart':function(){ $(.target).css({'visibility':
'hidden'}); this example hides all the classes marked target
but i need to only target the actual item being clicked.

 i tried to use callbackOnStart':function(){ $(this).css
but does not seem to work
can anyone help me out with this i know this is not a fancybox group
so thanks in advance for any suggestion or help
$(.target).fancybox( {
 'zoomSpeedIn': 500,
 'easingIn': 'easeOutCubic',
 'easingOut'   : 'easeInBack',
 'overlayOpacity':  0.5,
 'frameHeight': 499,
 'frameWidth': 345,
 'imageScale': true,
 'overlayShow': true,
 'callbackOnStart':function(){ $(.target).css
 'callbackOnClose':function(){ $(.target).css
({'visibility': 'visible'});

[jQuery] Re: jquery help

2009-06-02 Thread alienfactory

thanks for responding, fanctbox is a lightbox plugin if you have not
already notice, when clicking on a image it loads an ajax requested
file it works find the code below will hide all classes with the name

i need a callback function to hide the item that is clicked i imagine
the click handler is handled in the facnybox plugin but that is where
my knowledge ends

maybe if I set a click handler in call back it will work?

you can see what is happening at http://www.macpeeps.com/codabooks

Thanks again for any help you guys can offer

On Jun 2, 11:58 am, Michael Lawson mjlaw...@us.ibm.com wrote:
 Hmm, i'm not familiar with fancy box, but I don't see an onclick event
 being bound to any objects.  What should your code do, and what is it doing


 Michael Lawson
 Development Lead, Global Solutions, ibm.com
 Phone:  1-276-206-8393
 E-mail:  mjlaw...@us.ibm.com

 'Examine my teachings critically, as a gold assayer would test gold. If you
 find they make sense, conform to your experience, and don't harm yourself
 or others, only then should you accept them.'

   From:       alienfactory alienfacto...@gmail.com                          

   To:         jQuery (English) jquery-en@googlegroups.com                 

   Date:       06/02/2009 02:51 PM                                             

   Subject:    [jQuery] jquery help                                            

 can anyone in the jquery community help me with an issue. the group
 for fancybox is not very active

 my problem is the following
 i am trying to use a callback  in the fancybox plugin
 'callbackOnStart':function(){ $(.target).css({'visibility':
 'hidden'}); this example hides all the classes marked target
 but i need to only target the actual item being clicked.

  i tried to use callbackOnStart':function(){ $(this).css
 but does not seem to work
 can anyone help me out with this i know this is not a fancybox group
 so thanks in advance for any suggestion or help
         $(.target).fancybox( {
                          'zoomSpeedIn':         500,
                          'zoomSpeedOut':        300,
                          'easingIn'        : 'easeOutCubic',
              'easingOut'       : 'easeInBack',
                          'overlayOpacity':      0.5,
                          'frameHeight': 499,
                          'frameWidth': 345,
                          'imageScale': true,
                          'overlayShow':         true,
                          'callbackOnStart':function(){ $(.target).css
              'callbackOnClose':function(){ $(.target).css
 ({'visibility': 'visible'});



[jQuery] Re: jquery help

2009-06-02 Thread alienfactory

ok i added a click handler to the callback

'callbackOnStart':function(){ $('.target').click(function(){$(this).css
({'visibility': 'hidden'}); });

but when clicked on the first time it does nothing but any time after
that it work as intended

[jQuery] cycle plugin issue

2009-06-01 Thread alienfactory

ok i cant get the easing plugin to work with cycle plugin

1. does cycle 2.65 work with easing 1.3

2. does easing work on the scrollHorz

3. if both of these are true then what am i doing wrong

fx: 'scrollHorz',
timeout:  0,
easingIn: 'easeOutCubic',
 easingOut   : 'easeInBack'

[jQuery] general jquery help

2009-06-01 Thread alienfactory

can anyone in the jquery community help me with an issue. the group
for fancybox is not very active

my problem is the following

i am trying to use a callback  in the fancybox plugin
'callbackOnStart':function(){ $(.target).css({'visibility':
'hidden'}); this example hides all the classes market target

but i need to only target the actual item being clicked. i tried to
use callbackOnStart':function(){ $(this).css({'visibility':
but does not seem to work

can anyone help me out with this i know this is not a fancybox group
so thanks in advance for any suggestion or help


$(.target).fancybox( {
 'zoomSpeedIn': 500,
 'easingIn': 'easeOutCubic',
 'easingOut'   : 'easeInBack',
 'overlayOpacity':  0.5,
 'frameHeight': 499,
 'frameWidth': 345,
 'imageScale': true,
 'overlayShow': true,
 'callbackOnClose':function(){ $(.target).css
({'visibility': 'visible'});

[jQuery] fancy box or css issue

2009-05-31 Thread alienfactory

i am using the fancy box light box plugin but cant figure out one
small issue

the container div for fancy box scales up to defined size but the ajax
loaded file inside the lightbox container does not scale

I thought it might be a css issuse but nothing seems to work. Could
anyone shed a little light on this.


[jQuery] fancy box or css issue

2009-05-31 Thread alienfactory

i am using the fancy box light box plugin but cant figure out one
small issue

the container div for fancy box scales up to defined size but the ajax
loaded file inside the lightbox container does not scale

I thought it might be a css issuse but nothing seems to work. Could
anyone shed a little light on this.
