[jQuery] Simple Modal Height and Width

2009-09-09 Thread Byron Matto


Simple Modal has default height and width values of 200 and 300 pixels
respectively.  Is there a way to the modal conform to whatever content
is present.  In other words I want the modal to have height and width
equal to the HxW of image modal is applied to ... automatically.


[jQuery] Re: Validation and Facebox

2009-03-18 Thread byron

In case anyone else stumbles upon this, I will give my solution to the
problem (hours later, of course).

So the issue is that Facebox is using the clone() method to move the
DOM elements around in $.facebox.fillFaceboxFromHref.  Now a fix that
worked on some of my pages was to simply using the other form of the
clone() method - clone(true).  Giving the boolean true tells JQuery
to copy the event handlers as well as the DOM stuff.  Like I said,
this only worked on a couple of my pages.  The final solution I came
upon was to completely change how it sends the DOM element to the
reveal method of Facebox.  This involved changing the following

$.extend($.facebox, {
settings: {
dom_data: null,
dom: null,
*add in the variables dom and dom_data in the main declaration of

if (href.match(/#/)) {
  var url= window.location.href.split('#')[0]
  var target = href.replace(url,'')
  $.facebox.settings.dom = target;
  $.facebox.settings.dom_data = $(target).children();
  $.facebox.reveal($(target).children().show(), klass)
*this is in fillFaceboxFromHref


$(document).bind('close.facebox', function() {

$.facebox.settings.dom = null;
$.facebox.settings.dom_data = null;
* this is at the end of the file

The changes here are avoiding the cloning process entirely.  Instead
we are moving the elements to the Facebox and then moving them back
when we close the thing.  This seems to work.  It looks like it is a
little slower, or maybe it is just me.  Hopefully this helps someone.

On Feb 24, 1:57 pm, Bob O sngndn...@gmail.com wrote:
 Ive been using the Validation plugin on my site and it works
 fantastic. i have run into an issue with trying to get it to perform
 validation on a form that resides in a facebox.

 I setup the validation the same as any other form in the site. what
 could i be missing?

[jQuery] redirect response via ajax call

2008-09-08 Thread byron

I currently wrote a quick workaround for what i want done, but i would
like to see how other people would go about doing this. It is simply
an ajax login form, but there is a caveat. There can be two http
responses from the server: 200 OK and 302 Redirect. The 200 codes are
just notifications that either the login was invalid or the user
account has been deactivated, so i simply apply a javascript alert. My
problem is the redirect.. ideally i would like the $.ajax object to
recognize the status is 302 and then redirect to the appropriate

This is what i have currently, as one can see i simply see if the
returned data string begins with a / and then redirects otherwise
do an alert(). Does anyone have a more elegant way of doing this?
Also, not it is probably relevant, but i am using the django
HttpResponse and HttpResponseRedirect objects.

$().ready(function() {
$(#login_form).submit(function(event) {
var data = {}
data.username = $(input[name='username'], this).val()
data.password = $(input[name='password'], this).val()

type: POST,
url: /user/login/,
data: data,
success: function(data, status) {
s = data.substr(0,1)
if (s == '/') {
document.location = data
} else {
error: function(xhr, status, error) {

[jQuery] Re: Simple click event

2008-09-04 Thread byron

That worked well. Thank you.

So in pseudocode this essentially says..

when document is ready:
bind the event 'click' to '#thelink'
invoke the href when a 'click' occurs

trigger a 'click'

correct? This is more for my own understanding.

[jQuery] Re: Simple click event

2008-09-04 Thread byron

cool. thanks.

On Sep 4, 3:03 pm, Karl Swedberg [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 yep. you got it. :)


 Karl Swedbergwww.englishrules.comwww.learningjquery.com

 On Sep 4, 2008, at 8:46 AM, byron wrote:

  That worked well. Thank you.

  So in pseudocode this essentially says..

  when document is ready:
     bind the event 'click' to '#thelink'
     invoke the href when a 'click' occurs

     trigger a 'click'

  correct? This is more for my own understanding.

[jQuery] Simple click event

2008-09-03 Thread byron

I created an email link, that I want invoked (clicked) on page load.
I thought I could simply do:

$().ready(function() {

Do I need to do something else?


[jQuery] Re: $(document).ready(function() { giving error $ is not a function - what am I doing wrong?

2008-05-08 Thread Byron

You are using jQuery.noConflict() which unbinds the jquery object from
the $ namespace so jQuery('a') still works on your site just $('a')
does not
from a cursory glace i cant see any reason for using the noConflict
function, remove that and your code will work.

 Test page here -http://www.justice.net.nz/static.html

 Jquery is definitely being loaded - I'm currently pulling it from
 jquery.com, and Firebug is showing that it has loaded.

 Any ideas? This is my first attempt at jquery and I'm falling at the
 first hurdle :

[jQuery] Re: Determining if a jQuery object is attached to an existing DOM

2007-12-31 Thread Byron

Hi Eric,

it appears mike changed the topic Discussion subject changed to
Collecting id attributes for checked input? by Mike Schinkel

i think you can use the offsetParent property to check if a node is a
attached to the document.

$('div id=\'test\' /')[0].offsetParent === null;


[jQuery] Re: general unique id for new append element

2007-12-24 Thread Byron

you could use $.data() to get a unique id, something like:

$.extend($.fn, {
  id : function () {
return this.each(function () {
  $(this).attr(id, jQuery_ + $.data(this));

example usage :

$('div /div /div /').id().appendTo('body');

result :
div id=jQuery_1/div id=jQuery_2/div id=jQuery_3/

hope this helps :)

[jQuery] Re: Help Test jQuery 1.2.2 (beta 2)

2007-12-20 Thread Byron

So many bug fixes!

keep up the great work guys,
would be nice to get these (http://dev.jquery.com/ticket/2079) fixed
up though :D

Merry xmas to all jQuery team/community!


[jQuery] Re: Binding this inside anonymous functions

2007-12-19 Thread Byron

Just to clarify apply is a native javascript function implemented in
the second parameter isnt actually needed (its for defining arguments)

anyway i decided to jquerify it and ended with this:

(function ($) {
  $.extend($.fn, {
apply :function (fn, args) {
  return this.each(function () {
fn.apply(this, args);

now it can be called like so:

$('#example').apply(function () {

$('#example').apply(function (a, b) {
  alert(a +  :  + b); // foo : bar
}, ['foo', 'bar']);

[jQuery] Re: Stupid little game :)

2007-12-19 Thread Byron

I won $50! xD

[jQuery] Re: Binding this inside anonymous functions

2007-12-18 Thread Byron

you can use apply()

example :

var el = $('#myDiv')[0];
var myFunc = function () {

myFunc.apply(el, [{type : ,  target : el}]);

i stumbled on this when looking through the trigger function.

probably not the best use of it, however i though it might be usefull.


[jQuery] Re: jQuery Logging (to firebug)

2007-10-21 Thread Byron

yep, use typeof:

(function($){ // block scope

$.fn.log = function(msg){
if ( typeof window.console !== 'undefined'
typeof console.firebug !== 'undefined'){
msg = msg || '';
if(msg !== '') msg += ': ';
console.log(%s%o, msg, this);
return this;


[jQuery] Re: JSS - New Plug-in

2007-10-07 Thread Byron

Yay! child selectors in ie!

thank you :-)

[jQuery] Re: Creating DOM elements on the fly

2007-08-17 Thread Byron

I guess this is probably just a bit late (and will be even later due
google not posting my replies until after 24-48 hours )
but if your interested i wrote a plugin for creating dom elements from
json templates  have a look at it here :


[jQuery] Re: Creating plugins

2007-08-12 Thread Byron

you probably want somthing like,

jQuery.ajax_request = {
ajax_options :  function () {
  test: 'test'
test :  function()  {

im guessing...

[jQuery] Re: problem using with jQuery.noConflict();

2007-07-13 Thread Byron

Hi John,

Thanks for the interest,
I followed your advice and with the help of some the friendly people
on #jquery filed a ticket which you can find here: 



On Jul 13, 1:52 am, John Resig [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 You'll have to use a separate namespace - jQuery, internally, expects
 the 'this' object to refer to itself - and if it's within the context
 of another object, it'll probably get confused. (I've never tried this

 That being said, I like that idea, and it would be cool if jQuery
 could do that. If you'd like, you can file a ticket and I can look
 into it.http://dev.jquery.com/



 On 7/11/07, Byron [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Hi all,

  I've started using jquery in  the development of a firefox extension.
  it works pretty well, aside from a few effects not working properly
  but that i can deal with (only effects i'll want will be toggle, hide

  anyway to the point.

  generally when developing extensions i like to keep all my properties
  and functions etc in one global namespace, im not sure if this is the
  best approach but its worked pretty well in the past when it comes to
  avoiding namespace collisions.

  example :

  var myObject = {
config : {
  debug : true
init : function () {..}
  } ;

  now after a bit of thought, i realised someone else might decide to
  use jquery in their extension or use $ for somthing else..  then i
  thought No Problem jQuery.noConflict() to the rescue!

  so off I went to try it out;

  myObject.$ = jQuery.noConflict();

  didnt work...

  so then i tried some differnt combinations..

  myObject.foo = jQuery.noConflict();

  myObject.prototype.$ = jQuery.noConflict();

  var jBuf = jQuery.noConflict();
  myObject.$ = jBuf;

  by now i was getting frustrated (as is probably evident in this
  So is there any way to do it like this or will i have to use a
  seperate namespace for jquery?



[jQuery] problem using with jQuery.noConflict();

2007-07-12 Thread Byron

Hi all,

I've started using jquery in  the development of a firefox extension.
it works pretty well, aside from a few effects not working properly
but that i can deal with (only effects i'll want will be toggle, hide

anyway to the point.

generally when developing extensions i like to keep all my properties
and functions etc in one global namespace, im not sure if this is the
best approach but its worked pretty well in the past when it comes to
avoiding namespace collisions.

example :

var myObject = {
  config : {
debug : true
  init : function () {..}
} ;

now after a bit of thought, i realised someone else might decide to
use jquery in their extension or use $ for somthing else..  then i
thought No Problem jQuery.noConflict() to the rescue!

so off I went to try it out;

myObject.$ = jQuery.noConflict();

didnt work...

so then i tried some differnt combinations..

myObject.foo = jQuery.noConflict();

myObject.prototype.$ = jQuery.noConflict();

var jBuf = jQuery.noConflict();
myObject.$ = jBuf;

by now i was getting frustrated (as is probably evident in this
So is there any way to do it like this or will i have to use a
seperate namespace for jquery?



[jQuery] Re: problem with animate()...

2007-06-18 Thread Byron

hi John, worked like a treat,
is there a compressed version available?

On Jun 18, 5:29 pm, John Resig [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Byron -

 You should give jQuery 1.1.3a a try. This was one of the nasty bugs
 that we were able to resolve in it:http://code.jquery.com/jquery-1.1.3a.js

 Let me know if that code helps to solve your problem.


 On 6/17/07, Byron [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


  I tried setting it in the call bak like so..

  $(#imageBoxInside).animate({left: sLeft}, 'slow',
function() {
  wait = 0;
  var left = parseInt($(#imageBoxInside).css(left));
  if (left  0  left  -(imageSize * transitionSize)) {
$(#imageBoxInside).css(left, 0px);

  and that works great :)

  But it would be nice to not have to use the hack...

  im still not really sure if its my code or jquery thats causing
  rounding error...

  On Jun 18, 2:28 pm, Erik Beeson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   Having no actual idea and just venturing a guess, I'd say maybe
   there's a compounding rounding error or something? Maybe try setting
   the correct value after the animation has completed (via a callback)?

[jQuery] Re: problem with animate()...

2007-06-18 Thread Byron

Hi john,

That worked great, when can we expect a compressed release? XD


[jQuery] Re: problem with animate()...

2007-06-17 Thread Byron


I tried setting it in the call bak like so..

$(#imageBoxInside).animate({left: sLeft}, 'slow',
  function() {
wait = 0;
var left = parseInt($(#imageBoxInside).css(left));
if (left  0  left  -(imageSize * transitionSize)) {
  $(#imageBoxInside).css(left, 0px);

and that works great :)

But it would be nice to not have to use the hack...

im still not really sure if its my code or jquery thats causing
rounding error...

On Jun 18, 2:28 pm, Erik Beeson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Having no actual idea and just venturing a guess, I'd say maybe
 there's a compounding rounding error or something? Maybe try setting
 the correct value after the animation has completed (via a callback)?