[jQuery] Re: - Problem with nested tabs

2008-02-13 Thread carvingcode

Follow up:

After updating to 1.2.3, the problem totally went away.

[jQuery] Examples of RIA apps using jQuery

2008-02-06 Thread carvingcode

Are there any examples of full RIA applications built using the jQuery
platform?  Please post URLs.  TIA

[jQuery] [UI.TABS] - Problem with nested tabs

2008-02-05 Thread carvingcode

I've created the nested tab structure and it does its initial display
just fine.

I'm having problems with displaying remotely generated content within
a region of one of the nested tabs.  The region is defined as a DIV
and I've double-checked the naming throughout.

The remote content is being generated from a form search.  I use the
FORM plugin for that.  This method works fine for me on non-nested
tabs.  In the nested tab, the content is opened in a new window
instead of the region within the nested tab.

Is there anything out of th ordinary that I should be aware of and
looking for?  Is nesting tabs not a good idea?


[jQuery] Re: - Problem with nested tabs

2008-02-05 Thread carvingcode


The main tabs use the naming scheme from the demo (too lazy to change
it, I guess), i.e.: tab-1, tab-2, etc.

I created the nested tabs using the naming scheme of r1, r2, etc.
Using this scheme was where the problem I outlined above occurred.

When I changed the nested tab naming scheme to r_one, r_two, etc.
the problem magically went away.

[jQuery] Re: - Problem with nested tabs

2008-02-05 Thread carvingcode

Argh... I spoke too soon

[jQuery] UI.TABS - how to load content when tab is selected

2008-01-30 Thread carvingcode

I have a tab that I don't want the content (generated from a
separate .php file) to load untilt he user selects the tab.

How can I do this?


[jQuery] Re: Tabs stopped working in IE

2008-01-26 Thread carvingcode

 It seems you're using a pretty outdated style sheet. You need to
 download the latest one, that'll fix a bunch of browser issues...

I thought I had current a version.  Where do I find the most recent?

[jQuery] Re: Reloading contact page in tab - using UI.TABS

2008-01-26 Thread carvingcode

I opted for the separate login page.  Main page auto redirects if a
session var is not found.

[jQuery] Re: Reloading contact page in tab - using UI.TABS

2008-01-25 Thread carvingcode

Thanks, Klaus.  Will give this a try.

-- Randy

[jQuery] Tabs stopped working in IE

2008-01-25 Thread carvingcode

My tabs (using UI.TABS) stopped working in IE6 yesterday.  There was
some formatting problems, but the tabs worked until yesterday.

I'm using the stock flora CSS package with additional CSS loaded
from main.css.  I've trued to find the IE-specified .css file
mentioned in other postings here, but haven't been able.

Anyone (Klaus?) care to give a look to see if you can hep determine my

URL: http://dev.carvingcode.com/sr_dev/


-- Randy

[jQuery] Re: ui_tabs and form plugin: conflict in IE 6.

2008-01-25 Thread carvingcode

the procedure I mentioned above works fine in FF, but does not in IE.
The submit event is not passed at all.

I've tried to implement Klaus' suggestion, but so far have not had

[jQuery] Reloading contact page in tab - using UI.TABS

2008-01-24 Thread carvingcode

Using UI.TABS.

I'm using a user authentication system that makes use of PHP
sessions.  It seems that the UI.TABS are pre-loaded and don't load in
the PHP session vars as they are created/changed during the login

Is there a way to get UI.TABS to reload the tab's content page when it
is selected?  I see there is a clicked function, but the docs don't
show usage examples and I haven't been able to figure it out (yet).


[jQuery] Re: ui_tabs and form plugin: conflict in IE 6.

2008-01-23 Thread carvingcode

I am using ui.tabs and the form plugin.  I have several forms remotely
loaded into different tabs.

The procedure I use is to call  jQuery(document).ready(function($){}
from the individually loaded pages -- loaded into the tabs -- , and
include the specifics to set up the form plugin for that form on the
individual page.

I tried the example above, but instead of the form results loading
into a DIV within the tab, it loads into an blank window.  (I did
check to make sure I was referencing the correct ID, etc.)

The procedure I am using works (for me, in this project).

I am curious, though, whether calling there is a potential problem
calling jQuery(document).ready(function($){} multiple times.  Any

[jQuery] Help with FORM plugin

2008-01-21 Thread carvingcode

Hi Group -

The FORM plugin .js file shows up in FireBug, so I know it is being
loaded.  I've attempted to use both .ajaxForm and binding .ajaxSubmit
to my form, but for some reason the FORM plugin .js is not being
called.  (NOTE:  I've even used sample code from the FORM plugin docs
(and was sure to edit in the name of my form ID into the examples.)

Some other info:

* My form is being loaded into the page via UI.TABS.
* When submitting, the user ends up looking at the blank response from
the .php file used to submit form data. Form is being submitted.
* When using the code from docs, no result from showRequest or
showResponse is shown.

I'm sure there is something I'm overlooking and would appreciate a
swift nudge in the right direction.


[jQuery] Re: Help with FORM plugin

2008-01-21 Thread carvingcode

I solved the problem by placing a  $(document).ready(function(){
call in the file being loaded into the tab (using UI.TABS).  Once I
did this, and of course added th other necessary FORM plugin goodies)
all worked fine.

I had thought that the file being loaded into the tab was included in
the DOM (it shows in FireBug), but I guess it must be added after the
creation of the tab interface.

BTW: Really enjoying working with jQuery and friends.  I had initially
started the project I'm working on using Adobe's Spry.  While all
worked well, there seemed to be a lot more coding and overhead.  And,
knowing Adobe is quite profit-centered, was not comfortable using Spry
for an open source project.

[jQuery] Loading dynamic content into tab (ui.tabs)

2008-01-17 Thread carvingcode

I'm having trouble getting dynamic content to load into a tab.  At
present, I'm using the the the Ajax tabs example from the ui.tabs
documentation.  The file I am trying to load works fine when I call it
independently, but when I try to load it in a tab, the loading text
and spinner is the only result.

I have read through the docs on using .load, but have not been able
to get that to work either.

Any suggestions or pointers to some other examples I could review
would be appreciated.


[jQuery] Re: Loading dynamic content into tab (ui.tabs)

2008-01-17 Thread carvingcode

I've solved the problem.  I'll probably have other newbie questions.
I appreciate the rapid response from the community.