Hi all, having trouble getting each checkbox selected to display a
text element.

This works below, but of course i want it for all checkboxes and not
just one

        var total = 0;
        var a = 0;

     //morning is the name of one the checkboxes

if ($(this).is(":checked")) //if check assign value and append to
span, else uncheck remove

$('#newsletters').append('<span id="newsletter_types"></span>');//
create span
  var a = 500;
  total = a;
$('#newsletter_types').append(total + '.00');


This isn't working for me.

        var total = 0;

     $("inp...@type=checkbox]:checked").each(function(){ // read that
each is like for loop

          count = $("inp...@type='checkbox']:checked").length;  //get
how many checked

           total = count * 500;

           $('#newsletters').append('<span id="newsletter_types"></
span>'); //create span
           $('#newsletter_types').append(total + '.00');



Any hints is greatly appreciated. Thanks!

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