[jQuery] Re: simple query does not work

2009-04-13 Thread dongle

thank you ricardo,that was helpful.

On Apr 13, 6:42 am, Ricardo ricardob...@gmail.com wrote:
 .get(0) returns a DOM element, not a jQuery object, so the .css method
 doesn't exist in it. Try this:

 $(div#photolinks img).eq(0).css(border,5px solid black;);
 $(div#photolinks img:first).css(border,5px solid black;);

 On Apr 12, 8:03 pm, dongle tetri...@gmail.com wrote:

  nop, there are too get ; one that acts like the javascript index(i)
   i am referring to that one, :first would not help me here.

  On Apr 13, 12:57 am, Chuck Harmston cpharms...@gmail.com wrote:

   I'm not quite sure what you're trying to do here. The $.get() function is
   used to submit an HTTP GET request. See:


   Are you trying to return the first response? Try using $(div#photolinks

   Chuck Harmstonhttp://chuckharmston.com

   On Sun, Apr 12, 2009 at 5:41 PM, dongle tetri...@gmail.com wrote:

i am making this(it does not work) :


 $(div#photolinks img).get(0).css(border,5px solid black;);


if i do this:


 $(div#photolinks img).css(border,5px solid black;);


it does work, whats wrong?

[jQuery] Re: jquery toggle class, I needed to switch class....

2009-04-12 Thread dongle

didnt you forget jQuery.fn.switchClass=function ???

On Mar 23, 7:47 pm, Eric Garside gars...@gmail.com wrote:

 jQuery.fn.switchClass( a, b ){
    var t = this.hasClass(a);
    this.addClass( t ? b : a ).removeClass( t ? a : b );


 On Mar 23, 12:35 pm, T.J. Crowder t...@crowdersoftware.com wrote:


  You're creating (or worse, overwriting) global variables 'remove' and
  'add' there (because you haven't given the 'var' keyword, and thus are
  creating implicit globals[1]).  The temporaries don't really buy you
  anything anyway, perhaps simply:

  jQuery.fn.switchClass = function(class1,class2) {
      if (this.hasClass(class1)) {
      } else {



  T.J. Crowder
  tj / crowder software / com
  Independent Software Engineer, consulting services available

  On Mar 23, 1:33 pm, Artistan artis...@gmail.com wrote:

   ///   Switch Between Classes    ///
   jQuery.fn.switchClass = function(class1,class2) {
           remove = class1;
           add = class2;
       } else {
           remove = class2;
           add = class1;


   Hope this helps someone out.

[jQuery] Re: ajax post data json - php receives only post data, no json

2009-04-12 Thread dongle

learn to make a simple ajax query before playing with jquery, to use
json data is completely senseless here

On Apr 12, 1:32 pm, mcologne blueameri...@web.de wrote:

 i have a normal email form, where the user can send an email with some

 at first i send it with normal post (no dataType in jquery)... but it
 was difficult to handle the returning messages from php, e.g.
 validation messages or ok messages...

 therefor i tried dataType json... like the code below... now i con
 better handle the returning messages, but i wonder why i still get
 single post data in php ($_POST['name'], $_POST['email)'] etc and NO
 nested json!... is there something wrong with my data format?

 in firebug i also see only single post data... no json format when

 best regards
 m, cologne

           type: POST,
           url: /mail/process.php5,
           data: {name:name, email:email, message:message, n:textmail,
           dataType: json,
           success: function(res) {
                   if(res.result == 1) {
                          $('#dialog').html(pWE SEND THE EMAIL +
 res.message + /p);
                  else if(res.result == 0) {
                        $('#dialog').html(pERROR + res.message + /p);

[jQuery] Re: Help, friends!

2009-04-12 Thread dongle

google is your best friend.

On Apr 12, 1:13 am, rusllangashik online...@gmail.com wrote:
 Hi all

 I need realize a tag cloud in style, how it done here - 4dle.ru
 (russian site). I khow it jQuery! Can some give me script to realize
 it? Please!

[jQuery] simple query does not work

2009-04-12 Thread dongle

i am making this(it does not work) :


  $(div#photolinks img).get(0).css(border,5px solid black;);


if i do this:


  $(div#photolinks img).css(border,5px solid black;);


it does work, whats wrong?

[jQuery] Re: simple query does not work

2009-04-12 Thread dongle

nop, there are too get ; one that acts like the javascript index(i)
 i am referring to that one, :first would not help me here.

On Apr 13, 12:57 am, Chuck Harmston cpharms...@gmail.com wrote:
 I'm not quite sure what you're trying to do here. The $.get() function is
 used to submit an HTTP GET request. See:


 Are you trying to return the first response? Try using $(div#photolinks

 Chuck Harmstonhttp://chuckharmston.com

 On Sun, Apr 12, 2009 at 5:41 PM, dongle tetri...@gmail.com wrote:

  i am making this(it does not work) :


   $(div#photolinks img).get(0).css(border,5px solid black;);


  if i do this:


   $(div#photolinks img).css(border,5px solid black;);


  it does work, whats wrong?

[jQuery] Re: simply toggling a div that contains a flash movie

2009-04-09 Thread dongle

ok thank you.

On Apr 9, 7:45 pm, Ralph Whitbeck ralph.whitb...@gmail.com wrote:
 object's don't obey traditional css layering.  You'll need to hide the
 object first then toggle your div.

 On Thu, Apr 9, 2009 at 12:16 PM, tetris tetri...@gmail.com wrote:

  to simply toggle a div that contains a flash movie does not work in
  firefox,the flash object does not disappear gradually, any thoughts?

     $(button).click(function () {


   buttonToggle 'em/button
   object classid=clsid:d27cdb6e-ae6d-11cf-96b8-44455354
  width=300 height=250 id=banner
  param name=allowScriptAccess value=sameDomain /
  param name=allowFullScreen value=false /
  param name=movie value=banner.swf /param name=quality
  value=best /param name=bgcolor value=#00 / embed
  src=banner.swf quality=best bgcolor=#00 width=300
  height=250 name=banner align=middle
  allowScriptAccess=sameDomain allowFullScreen=false
  type=application/x-shockwave-flash pluginspage=http://www.adobe.com/
  go/getflashplayer http://www.adobe.com/%0Ago/getflashplayer /
