[jQuery] Re: IE problems with prepend since 1.2.3?

2008-02-22 Thread jody

To reply to my own befuddlement to maybe help others wrestling with
IE, prepending something to the page's title doesn't work. Calling a
function that prepended information from the JSON into the title tag
was failing, and causing subsequent functions to fail.

So, it wasn't version 1.2.3, but it is a quirk of jQuery that you
can't modify the title tag. It could go wider than the title tag and
include anything in the head, but I've not tested that scenario yet.
And I say quirk of jQuery because I've found a wrong-around using
straight javascript for now.


[jQuery] IE problems with prepend since 1.2.3?

2008-02-21 Thread jody

IE6 and IE7 since upgrading to jQuery 1.2.3 is targeting line 264 in
the jquery.js (uncompressed) with the error message, Unexpected call
to method or property access. Here's the bit in jQuery it's

prepend: function() {
return this.domManip(arguments, true, true, function(elem){
if (this.nodeType == 1)
this.insertBefore( elem, this.firstChild );

Specifically line 264 is claimed to be the culprit: 
this.insertBefore( elem, this.firstChild ); .

Per usual, Firefox, Safari, and Opera work fine. It could well be my
code that's triggering my latest battle with IE, but I thought I'd at
least ask here. I've spent the last 2-3 hrs or so refactoring, etc. to
see if messy code was causing the problem, but no luck. I consistently
get this same error from the MS script debugger.

Maybe this is something someone else has run into, if so, any help is


[jQuery] Re: IE problems with prepend since 1.2.3?

2008-02-21 Thread jody

Actually, I jumped the gun too soon I found out after more testing
today. Elements are being prepended fine--the MS debugger is giving a
false error. Instead, what's happening is IE doesn't like my ajaxStop
call for whatever reason (well, it's likely a race condition that IE
stumbles over but other browsers handle, but still a race condition
that needs fixing). So now I'm off to debug that. Again, the culprit
is more likely my code not jQuery.


[jQuery] Re: change in jQuery.grep in 1.2.3?

2008-02-14 Thread jody

Thanks, Karl, for the clarification.

[jQuery] Re: Loading animation when waiting JQuery.post() to return

2008-01-07 Thread jody

I think what you might be after are ajaxStart and ajaxStop:


That could start and then stop something like an animated gif that
would overlay the page until the ajax request was finished. Getting
the animation, styling it, etc. is all just css and usual hide/show,


[jQuery] (this).next problem

2007-12-24 Thread jody

hi all,

I'm new to the list and new to jQuery, so I hope you can bear with me.
I'm having a problem getting a specific div to hide without hiding
similarly classed divs. The HTML looks something like this:

div class=device_header
h2Device Name/h2
lispan class=collapse_device_spana class=collapse_device-/
a/span /li
 div class=device_content
---Device Information---

The jQuery I'd like to use looks like this:

$(this).next('.device_content').hide() });

If I write it as:

$('.device_content').hide() });

That works, but closes all the .device_content classes on the page
and there could be, depending on the view, anywhere from 1-20 or
more .device_content classes on the page.

So, what am I doing wrong with (this).next and/or is there a better
way to do what I'm trying to do? I've read around in the forums here
and tried different methods but none seem to get at this exact
problem. I've deduced that it may be to do with next requiring
siblings--but I can't find clear documentation on just how strictly
jQuery interprets the word sibling--if strictly, e.g. anchors are
only siblings of anchors, then I can see the problem in that an anchor
can't recognize the .device_content div as its sibling. But then I
wonder if I'm thinking too hard about it?

Thanks in advance,