[jQuery] Ajax Problem

2009-01-27 Thread saiful.ha...@gmail.com

hi all,

I have 2 file

$(document).ready(function() {
  var behav = function(){
  $(#tooltip_star).css({visibility:visible, top:($
(this).offset().top - 60), left:($(this).offset().left+$(this).width
()+ 2)});
type: POST,
url: $(this).attr(href),
success: function(msg){
}, function(){
  $(#tooltip_star).html(table class=\table_animation
\trtdimg style=\text-align:center\ src=\/resource/images/

  location = $(this).attr(href).replace(ajax_, );
  return false;


there is just call function behav(); to run all sintax in this file,

and i have some ajax sintax in other file file this

$(document).ready(function() {

var mainApp = function(page){
type: POST,
url: ?= base_url();?product/related/?= $idProduct ?
success: function(msg){



But i get some error in my firebug like this

behav is not defined
success()()6 (line 652)
success()jquery-1.2.6.js (line 2818)
onreadystatechange()()jquery-1.2.6.js (line 2773)
[Break on this error] behav();

my question is, why my function behav() in rating.js can't called from
success: function(msg){...}, there is need something like global


~ saiful haqqi ~

[jQuery] double $().read()

2009-01-09 Thread saiful.ha...@gmail.com

hi all,

can we put double $().read() declare? cos i am using tab-ui not in all
page, just in one page only?
is has trick's for this happen

~ saiful haqqi ~

[jQuery] Get TD Position [X, Y]

2009-01-07 Thread saiful.ha...@gmail.com

hi all,

I want make simple sub menu, id mouse over the column of table will
show the div with some text finally.
can i get the XY position foreach column in table?!

JQuery Code

left:this.position.left, display:block});

HTML code
div id=left_menu
table class=left_menu_table
trtd class=left_menu_tdOne/td/tr
trtd class=left_menu_tdTwo/td/tr
trtd class=left_menu_tdThree/td/tr

div id=sub_menu style=position:absolute;display:none Sub Menu
from Column /div

I am always get undefine this.position().top, can i get jquery object
for each column?

~ saiful haqqi ~

[jQuery] mouseout problem

2009-01-06 Thread saiful.ha...@gmail.com

hi all,

i has a litle problem when using $(IdElement).shie(slow); this my

my JQuery
$(document).ready(function() {
$(#text_span).mouseover(function(){ $(isPopUp).show(slow);});


div id=isPopUp style=display:none
divimg src=some source/div
a href=aone/abr
a href=atwo/abr
a href=atree/abr
a href=afour/abr

span id=text_spanshow the div/div

when my cursor over in text_span, the div showed and that is true.
But, the problem when my cursor over the image the div just gone, hide
with slow.

Where is my incorrect sintax?

When i change the hide(slow) to hide() only, all be fine :(

thang's for help

[jQuery] Newbie question

2009-01-05 Thread saiful.ha...@gmail.com

hi all,

is jquery have function like findXY(element) or scroll position?
sorry not finish read all document about jquery

~ saiful haqqi ~