
I am using UI Tabs...and I think it is GREAT!
Q: Is there an easy way to navigate to a Nested Ajax Tab from the main
tabbed page?

I have created a tabbed page with Ajax content:
The first Tab has nested Ajax tabs.
For the life of me I cannot figure out how to select a SPECIFIC nested
tab from a link on the main page.
If you click on "Buy Now" I need to go to the first main tab and then
to the 3rd nested tab within.

I can select the main tab, but how do I tell it to select the 3rd
nested tab (only when you click on 'buy now')

$('.buynow a').click(function() {
        $('#main > ul').tabs('select',0);
        return false;

So what i need is "click buynow" --> goto Main Tab (0) and then when
the nested tabs are built --> goto Nested Tab 3.

Any advice will be greatly appreciated.

Kind Regards

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