[jQuery] simply toggling a div that contains a flash movie

2009-04-09 Thread tetris

to simply toggle a div that contains a flash movie does not work in
firefox,the flash object does not disappear gradually, any thoughts?

$(button).click(function () {


  buttonToggle 'em/button
  object classid=clsid:d27cdb6e-ae6d-11cf-96b8-44455354
swflash.cab#version=10,0,0,0 width=300 height=250 id=banner
param name=allowScriptAccess value=sameDomain /
param name=allowFullScreen value=false /
param name=movie value=banner.swf /param name=quality
value=best /param name=bgcolor value=#00 / embed
src=banner.swf quality=best bgcolor=#00 width=300
height=250 name=banner align=middle
allowScriptAccess=sameDomain allowFullScreen=false
type=application/x-shockwave-flash pluginspage=http://www.adobe.com/
go/getflashplayer /


[jQuery] site making

2008-05-31 Thread tetris

looking for a developper who would make this site in js:

i'll pay 900 dollars for making it and assist me.cause i would also be
helping in the process, money will be payed as work is given, on a
trust basis: you give work i give part of money.
contact me if interested, work must be done in two weeks , it consist
of an intro(check the bear) done using fades with queues and a main
carousel(wich is the principal part of the site)(the site is full

[jQuery] how to select?

2008-04-13 Thread tetris

I have been trying to select the a tags in a ulli config. with
no succes:

$(document).ready(function() {
$('#sub-portfolio .button').click(function(event) {
$('#sub-portfolio .button').removeClass('selected');

html part:

ul id=sub-portfolio
li class=buttona href=Print/a/li
li class=button id=webWeb/li
li class=buttonVideo/li

my goal is that each time you click a li it gets the 'selected'
class(so only one li has the 'selected' class at a time), the
function works if i remove the a href part from the li but i need
this part or i loose the hover class, so my problem is that im unable
to reach the a href part with this selector: $('#sub-
portfolio .button')

any help would be appreciated

[jQuery] Re: cycle plugin with image Array

2008-04-06 Thread tetris

thank you, this looks really cool , i'll try it and if i can help i'll
On Apr 6, 1:49 am, Mike Alsup [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
I had the same issues, and am experimenting with various ways to delay
 and/or prevent un-needed image loading. I'll post back with any
 promising results and will be pleased if you'd do the same, tetris :)

   I'm looking into a way to make this more manageable too.

 Just added a feature to make Cycle a bit more flexible.  This page
 shows how you can add slides to a running slideshow:



[jQuery] cycle plugin with image Array

2008-04-05 Thread tetris


is it possible to configure cycle plugin to retrieve image files from
an array instead of a li config? what i would like to achieve is:
when you do have many images per list download times can get long so i
was thinking that a dynamic download could help.. but im not sure of

[jQuery] jcarousel problem under Safari

2008-04-03 Thread tetris

i am experiencing this under safari: if i do resize my browser
window , the carousel gets some very weird behavior, anyone
experiencing this?