[jQuery] Re: Grid as Subgrid: '+' symbols not showing up

2009-09-14 Thread uncertainGenius

Sorry, wrong forum...I meant to post to the jqGrid forum.

Anyway, just in case anyone wants to know, turns out the answer was to
change the 'gridview' parameter to false.

[jQuery] Grid as Subgrid: '+' symbols not showing up

2009-09-13 Thread uncertainGenius

I have a nice little grid going, and I'd like to add in a 'grid as
subgrid' to view details of each record.
I have a function which looks something like this (see below) - now
the column where the plus symbol should show up is there, but with
nothing in it - and clicking on the empty column does nothing.
Inspecting the element with Firebug shows 'td style= role=grid/'
So...any idea what I'm doing wrong here?

Using version 3.5.2, with a custom style.

function show_grid(fid,start,end){
// Clear the grid of any information

// Create a new jqgrid with new column names and modals.
var mygrid = jQuery(#events).jqGrid({
+ fid + 'start=' + start + 'end=' + end,
datatype: 'json',
mtype: 'GET',
height: 180,
autowidth: false,
colNames: column_names,
colModel: column_modal,
pager: jQuery('#pager'),
sortname: 'event_count',
gridview: true,
viewsortcols: true,
sortorder: desc,
viewrecords: true,
imgpath: '/common/css/jquery-ui-mes-theme/images/',
caption: 'Events detail',
multiselect: false,
subGridRowExpanded: function(subgrid_id, row_id) {},
subGridRowColapsed: function(subgrid_id, row_id) {}
