[jQuery] Re: jquery.cycle scrollDown FX

2008-12-04 Thread web_dev123

 You just need to get the right style rules in there.  Here's a hint:


Wow that was easy!

Thanks again Mike!

[jQuery] Re: jquery.cycle centering image

2008-12-03 Thread web_dev123

Anyone have any ideas why only MAC Browsers do this?

[jQuery] jquery.cycle scrollDown FX

2008-12-03 Thread web_dev123


I'm having issues with the jquery.cycle using the scrollDown fx.
I'm using the following jquery + plugins and I'm pretty sure I'm just
missing a plugin file...
script language=javascript type=text/javascript src=js/
script language=javascript type=text/javascript src=js/
script language=javascript type=text/javascript src=js/
script language=javascript type=text/javascript src=js/


fx: 'fade',
timeout: 2000,
delay:  -2000

//sync:   0,
//delay: -2000


The fade works fine, but when I comments out the fade and 2 other
lines and uncomment the scrollDown pieces of code, nothing displays.

The divs are pretty simple too:
div id=newsTicker style=width:200px; 
div class=news_items
a href=# class=news_linksThis is where the first news 
will go.  We will now
be featuring only one article at a /a
div class=news_items
a href=# class=news_linksThis is where the second news 
will go.  We will now
be featuring only one article at a /a
div class=news_items
a href=# class=news_linksThis is where the third news 
will go.  We will now
be featuring only one /a

Live example at: http://john1.netfirms.com/VAM/news.html
Any help is appreciated.

[jQuery] Re: jQuery.uploader released: Flash based jQuery uploader

2008-12-03 Thread web_dev123


Just checked the plugin.  Looks awsome.  I'll make sure to implement
on my next project!

Keep it up.


[jQuery] jquery.cycle centering image

2008-11-20 Thread web_dev123


I'm fairly new to JQuery so pardon my ignorence.  I've been working on
trying to get an image rotator that fades a number of images in an out
using the jquery.cycle plugin.

It works fine, however the images that will be displaying are
different in height and width.  I need to fade the images in and out
and ensure that they are always in the center of the div and do not
exceed a maximum height or width.

I got it rotating, however I cant get the images to stay in the middle
of the div. If I add

position: relative !important;
  top: 50%;
  left: 50%;

to the image class when being displayed it centers horizontally but
not vertically, but it also breaks the fade transition by displaying
the new image below then placing it up once the image before has been

I'm not sure if I'm explaining this correctly, but here is the html
and a link to my sample. Any help would be appreciated!!


Oh and dont mind the colors, for now.  I use them to find out where
everything is being positioned.

script language=javascript type=text/javascript src=js/
script language=javascript type=text/javascript src=js/

script language=javascript type=text/javascript

$(document).ready(function() {

// front image rotator
fx: 'fade',
timeout: 4000,
delay: -2000,


style type=text/css

#front_image_container {
width: 510px;
height: 510px;
display: table-cell; vertical-align: middle; /* used to center
vertically */


/*.rotater_image img{ max-width:280px; width: expression(this.width 
280 ? 280: true); } */

/ css from jquery image rotator /

/*#s1 { margin: auto; height: 405px; width: 380px; text-align:center; }
#s1 { position:relative; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; margin-
top:auto; margin-bottom:auto;  height: 415px; width: 380px; text-
align:center;  background-color:#FF33CC; }
.pics img { position: relative !important;
  top: 50%;
  left: 50%;  padding: 4px; border: 1px solid #ccc; background-color:
#eee; max-width:370px; width: expression(this.width  370 ? 370:
true);max-height:406px; height: expression(this.width  406 ? 406:
true); }
/ css from jquery image rotator /



div id=front_image_container
   div id=s1 class=pics
img src=images/front_images_rotator/algonquin-lake-
anneprior.jpg title=Artist #1 name alt=Artist #1 name /
img src=images/front_images_rotator/doreenrenner.jpg
title=Artist #1 name alt=Artist #1 name /
img src=images/front_images_rotator/elephant07.jpg
title=Artist #1 name alt=Artist #1 name /
img src=images/front_images_rotator/embossing07.jpg
title=Artist #1 name alt=Artist #1 name /
