[jQuery] Re: missing ) after argument list SOLVED

2009-10-31 Thread webmas...@terradon.nl
I do not know why,
but using single quotes instead of doubles did solve my problem!

See the difference:

$testReplace2 = div id='pos1-0'img name='pos1-0' src='test.gif'
height='50' width='50' border='0' alt='white_pawn'/img/div;

$testReplace2 = 'div id=pos1-0img name=pos1-0 src=test.gif
height=50 width=50 border=0 alt=white_pawn/img/div';

[jQuery] Animate just works once?

2009-08-20 Thread webmas...@terradon.nl

Hi all

I am testing a msn-look-a-like message box.
So, when a message to a user is needed, the message-box shows up and
disapears like a msn-message.
The first time it works very well!
But.starting it for a next time, there is no animation, the
messagebox comes up right away, while after a few seconds it does
disappears the msn-way!

So my question is, what am i doing wrong??
I have tried several solutions (see code below) but none of them
solves my problem!

Thanks in advance for any hints!

!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC -//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN
  script src=jquery/jquery-1.3.2.min.js/script



  // showing up textblock (animated msn-look)
  $(#block1).animate( { height:200px }, { queue:true, duration:
3000 } )

  // waiting time:
 .animate( { borderLeftWidth:1px},3000 )

  // disapearing textblock (animated msn-look)

// reset something, else next time showing up isn't 
// while disappearing the msn-way still does??

//$this.css( { height:0px } ); // does not solve the 
//$this.css( { height:0px},5000 ); // does not solve 
the problem

//.hide(5000) // does not solve the problem
//.animate( { height:0px},5000 ) // does not solve 
the problem

// new approach: // does not solve the problem

//.slideUp(3000, function () {
  //$this.css( {height:0px});

// this does not solve the problem too:
//$(#block1).css( {height:0px});

  stylediv {
  position: absolute;
border:2px solid red;
right: 0px;
  button {
  button id=go1Show message msn-look/button
  div id=block1msn-look msg.../div

[jQuery] UI replacing background image after resizing, how??

2009-08-17 Thread webmas...@terradon.nl

Hi all,
i have a resizable (grid 50) div with a background image.

When i resize, i want to change my background image, like:
bg400.png for bg350.png.

But how do i detect the new heigth/width and how do i replace the
background image?

Thanks in advance for any answer!

[jQuery] How to resize div for new content with load?

2009-01-24 Thread webmas...@terradon.nl

Hi all,
i use a menu for loading new content inside a content div, so far so
Most of the time i have to load a big table, which is higher then the
content div.
In this case the footer div does not go down, my content div does not
resize his height and goes through the middel of my table. Not sure if
this is a jquery issue or a css issue

Menu code:

   $('.sub li a').click(function(){
// test alert
  //alert(clicked on sub item..);

  var toLoad = $(this).attr('href');
  // test alert
  //alert(content to load:  + toLoad);
  $('#wrapper').append('span id=loadLOADING.../span');
  function loadContent() {
  function showNewContent() {
  function hideLoader() {

  return false;
   });// end of menu

This are the div's:

div id=contentwrapper
   div id=contentcolumn
  div class=innertube
   div id=contentInitial Content...

 /div  !-- Einde div content --
  /div !-- Einde div innertube --
   /div !-- Einde div content column --
/div !-- Einde div contentwrapper --

And CSS:

float: left;
width: 100%;
margin-right: 200px; /*Set right margin to RightColumnWidth*/
margin: 10px; /*Margins for inner DIV inside each column (to provide
margin-top: 0;

no css for content div.

How do i specify and change the height of the content div?

[jQuery] How to grab the filename (src attribute) of an image?

2009-01-12 Thread webmas...@terradon.nl

Hi all,
how do i grab the filename of an image?

Situation now:
i use normal javascript when clicking on an image and just inserted
some jquery to post gamedata to update a gamepage with the help of the
taconite plugin (returns xml-data), so far so good.

I just miss one item = i need the filename (src attribute of the
image) of the image on which was clicked, ut just can't figure out how
to grab it.

Thanks in advance for your help.

[jQuery] Re: How to grab the filename (src attribute) of an image?

2009-01-12 Thread webmas...@terradon.nl

Thanks for the answers, i see some daylight now, but

i already have a normal onclick event on the image, triggering my
normal js function:
 // my other normal js function

 // with jquery : showing message div
 // my jquery post to taconite plugin page, processing gamedata and
returning xml data to update gamepage

 // with jquery: hiding message div.

Where and how do i implement var fileName = $(this).attr('src');

This is the javascript link:
a href='JavaScript:squareClicked(a,b, true)'img  src='images/

[jQuery] How to move an image to another div??

2009-01-11 Thread webmas...@terradon.nl

Hi all,
i cant find a way to move an image from one div to another.
I only found UI but that all works with mouseclicks??

What already works:
when i click on an image, i use the taconite plugin, for processing
game results (great plugin) and returning xml data so i can update
some content (text).

The only way i can update the game page, is refreshing the page, so
retrieving, including the renewed one, all data again. waste of
resources and certainly not a nice thing to view.

What i am looking for, is a method i really can see the image moving
to his destination div, without the need to click on it again. ( the
first time is to select the image, secondly click on the destination
div. This second click, triggers the ajax call to process the gamedata
and should also nicely upgrade the on screen view.

I can't figured it out with UI.

Somebody any hints for me?
Thanks in advance for helping me out.