The jQuery UI Team is pleased to announce its first Worldwide Sprint, to take place next Friday and Saturday, March 14-15, 2008. Two full days of testing, fixes, documentation, and general getting-stuff-done. Our goal is to get the jQuery UI 1.5 release (alpha, beta) ready for final, and we invite any and all to help. Whether you have an hour, or an afternoon, come and run really fast with us.

How Will It Work?

We’ll all gather in IRC (#jquery-sprint on freenode) throughout the two-day sprint, with a couple of scheduled meetings to keep everyone on the same page, and make sure things keep moving. Other than that we’ll just be doing as much as we can, as fast as we can. Opening tickets, closing tickets, breaking stuff, fixing other things, and everyone’s favorite pastime: documentation.

I’m New Here. Can I Help?

Absolutely. If you’ve thought about contributing to jQuery or jQuery UI before, but never really found the right moment or momentum, this sprint is the perfect time to get involved. Paul and I will be around, as well other members of the jQuery Team to help people get started, especially if it’s your first time. We’ll help you help us, in whatever way you want. That could be testing, documentation, ticket triage, bug fixes, writing demos, or even just playing with new stuff as we churn it out, and providing valuable feedback. We want to ensure this release is rock solid on all supported browsers, including yours.

More Details

We’ve created a wiki page to help coordinate this big event. It has some more details on what is planned, how to jump in, and will be updated throughout the sprint to show status and next steps. We invite you to add your name to the page as a participant, if you’re interested, even if you have only a few hours (or aren’t sure how much time you’ll have). Also, feel free to specify what you’re willling and/or able to do. Thanks!

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