[jQuery] [Announce] Confirmer plugin update

2007-07-24 Thread Stephan Beal

Hi, all!

There's a new release of the Confirmer plugin:

Plugin description:
Confirmer implements a novel approach to the process of confirming an
action. Normally this is achieved via a yes/no dialog box or a button
with a confirm checkbox next to it. The Confirmer plugin instead
sets up a single button which changes to a confirm the action state
if it is clicked one time. If the button is clicked again within a
specified time then the action is confirmed, otherwise it times out
and returns to its initial state.


Changes to this release:

- Plugin no longer attaches new properties to 'this', as that may
cause collisions with jQuery properties.

- Implemented Felix Geisendörfer's suggestion: options classInitial
and classActivated. This means you can now add/remove a pair of CSS
classes as the associated UI control is activated, e.g. to add a red
border around the element during the countdown.

The classInitial/classActivated feature can be seen in action in the
demo app:


(Click the yellow-highlighted SPAN to see it.)

The much-discussed disable button for 500ms to avoid double-clicks
feature was not added. Well, it WAS added, but was too flaky to keep.
i kept having problems with the events when double-clicking, such as
both confirmation and cancellation happening. The problems are
believed to involve race conditions which cannot be adequately solved
in an environment like a browser. One poster suggesting adding a no-op
dblclick handler to avoid the problem altogether, but unfortunately a
dblclick handler apparently has no effect on Button controls.

Happy hacking!

[jQuery] Announce: Confirmer plugin

2007-07-17 Thread Stephan Beal

Hi again, all!

Confirmer is a plugin for jQuery which implements a novel approach to
the process of confirming an action. Normally this is achieved via a
yes/no dialog box or a button with a confirm checkbox next to it.
The Confirmer plugin instead sets up a single button which changes to
a confirm the action state if it is clicked one time. If the button
is clicked again within a specified time then the action is confirmed,
otherwise it times out and returns to its initial state.


Includes a live demo link.

Happy hacking!