Is there something missing that would keep it from functioning?


This ajax function only serves to cause a ColdFusion function to create

HTML that is then loaded as specified in the code.


However, the success part of the function is not executed.

No errors or's as if the ajax function just doesn't work at all.


If I put "alert('Inside function'); " just after the first line of the
function and

before the $.ajax line below, the alert fires properly.  If I add an alert

in the response section in the first line of the "if" section, the alert
doesn't fire.

Again, no errors from my server-side code or for the jQuery.


So, the question is whether or not the $.ajax function will work as coded,

or are other parameters needed?  (I tried 'post' for type, as well.)


Here's the $.ajax function:


<script type="text/javascript">


     function buildLoginDialog() {


     $.ajax = ({ cache:     false,

                 type:      'get',


                 success:   function(response) {


                                 if   (   (response.STATUS = 'Login Dialog
Build Successful')   )

                                      {   var loginDialogHTML =
'components/loginDialogHTML.cfm?' + new Date().getTime();




                                 else {   alert('Login Dialog Build
Failed');                   }








Thoughts or suggestions, anyone?







"Those who hammer their guns into plows will plow for those who do not."  -
Thomas Jefferson


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