[jQuery] [autocomplete]Error: $(#suggest1).autocomplete is not a function

2009-03-04 Thread efet

script type=text/javascript
$().ready(function() {

  var data = [ {QUERY: $(#QUERY).val(), url:'test.asp?
Process=CheckCustomer'} ];

div class=required
label for=Test...Test.../label
input type=text id=suggest1 /

Data needs to be taken as:

Not very familiary with jquery yet. Can anyone tell me why I get the
following error.

Error: $(#suggest1).autocomplete is not a function
Source File: 
Line: 162

[jQuery] Autocomplete error in MSIE (Object doesn't support this property or method)

2008-06-03 Thread leon14850

Howdy! I'm getting the following error in MSIE 7 using the
Autocomplete plugin from bassistence.de:

Line: 683
Char: 17
Error: Object doesn't support this property or method
Code: 0

This being IE, it's wrong about the line number, and it's actually
line 682 that has the error.


This works fine in FF2 and Safari. I can prevent the error in IE by
replacing this line with:

if (list.scrollTop)

I don't have enough search results to see what happens when enough
search results are returned to create a scrollbar.

Anyone else seeing this?

[jQuery] Autocomplete error

2007-05-28 Thread Jean Nascimento

Anyone have problems with the autocomplete plugin from bassistance?

jQuery(input).offset is not a function
[Break on this error] var offset = jQuery(input).offset({scroll:
false, border: false});

In this line: var offset = jQuery(input).offset({scroll: false, border: false});

After the first key pressed.

$(#months).autocomplete(months, {
minChars: 0,
max: 12,
autoFill: true

the months is only for test

[]´s Jean

  Ethereal Agency