I am a fairly new adopter of jQuery, but a long time software
developer. One of the things I really like about the jQuery approach
is a mindset to keep implementations clean and maintainable. Having
said that, it is easy enough to take the unobtrusive paradigm down the
path towards unmaintainable systems without some good guidance.

Several things can happen (in no particular order):

1 - application developers can load up one or more js include files
with a lot of seemingly unrelated javascript. Finding the source gets
hard to do.
2 - the developed jQuery javascript hides the intent of the
application. i.e. When looking at the markup, you can't really
understand what's going on.
3 - the developed jQuery javascript is hard to follow. It seems as
though spaghetti code never goes out of style
4 - developers throw some stuff in markup, other stuff in include
files without a clear purpose thereby confusing even themselves two
months down the line. Sometimes it was expedient,  other times
necessary, other times it was poor understanding of the app, and yes,
laziness too.

I've seen some older writing by Yehuda that point the way, but it sure
would be great if there was a wiki or something that provided a
thorough treatment.

If something already exists, it would be great to shine a brighter
light on it (I haven't found it yet). If not, are there folks willing
to get something together; the entire community would benefit?

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