
I have a dilema between jquery validate and jqueryyav.

I am using validate which offers great flexibility in the error placement,
because I can pass a function to it :

errorPlacement: function(error, element){ ....

jqueryYAV offers the "implies" that I need, but I cannot pass a function to
the error placement.
Its showError method looks like that :

evalText = "jQuery('#"+ objError.id +"')." + params.errorPosition +
        "(\"" +
        "<" + params.errorTag + " class='"+params.errorClass+"'>" +
objError.msg + "</" + params.errorTag + ">"
        + "\")";

Is there a miracle solution ? ;-)
Will "implies" be integrated anytime soon in validate ?
Is jqueryYAV's code easily hackable in order to pass a function to the
errorPosition ?


PS: here is my actual errorPlacement code just to let know the sort of thing
I'm doing :

    errorPlacement: function(error, element){
      element.after("<div class=\"error_exclamation_mark\"></div><div
class=\"errorBox clearfix\"><div
          $left = element.offset
          $top = element.offset().top;
'absolute').css('left', $left).css('top', $top);
      if ($.browser.msie) element.wrap("<div

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