jQuery n00bie here. I have the following script that is called from
the onclick event of a link:

function getUserModsAsList(obj) {
        jQuery(document).ready(function() {
                var userID = obj.getAttribute('userid');

                jQuery.ajax( {
                        type: "POST",
                        dataType: "html",
                        cache: false,
                        timeout: 30000,
                        url: window.location.protocol + '//' + location.host + 
                        data: "userid=" + userID,

                        success: function(data) {
                           alert("Retrieved user's mod list: " + data); // 
                           //jQuery.modal(data);  DOESN'T WORK!

                        error: function(request, error) {
                                if (error = "timeout") {
                                        alert("Unable to retrieve mods for this 
member!\r\nPlease try
again later.");
                                else {
                                        alert("An error occured: " + error + 
"\r\nPlease contact the site
administrator to help resolve this problem.");

                return false;


This script works great and displays an alert box with the data
returned from the ajax call to the server. My issue is with
calling .modal(data) from this script. I have to use the jQuery
calling syntax rather than the usual $. syntax because of a conflict
with prototype.js. How do I call .modal using the jQuery convention
rather than the $.modal convention? If I use jQuery.modal(data) I get
a function not defined error in Firebug.

Thanks for the help

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