Hi list

I'm having a problem with a simple .click function, can anyone hint me
on what I'm doing wrong?

Here's the code I'm using:

//this works
$("#aboutIs").load("<?php bloginfo('template_directory'); ?>/
zerocincoe.php"); //to get the first quote

//this works
$("span#reload img").hover(function () {

//this don't work, I can't even get the alert to show up;
$("span#reload img").click(function () {
        $("#aboutIs").load("<?php bloginfo('template_directory'); ?>/

I get this error on FF Error console (using 1.2.6 unpacked):
Error: handler is undefined
Source File: http://zerocinco.com.br/code/wp-content/themes/zerocinco/jquery.js
Line: 1834

If I use the packed version I get:
Error: g is undefined
Source File: http://zerocinco.com.br/code/wp-content/themes/zerocinco/jquery.js
Line: 11

Marcelo Wolfgang

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