Hello Guys,


I'm looking for some help on getting started with a script that'll change
the href attribute of a link dependant on the option selected in a select
box. To add a little 'spice' the challenge the value of the href must be
determined from a set of key value pairs. Let me try and offer an example.


I have a select box like this:


      <select name="customer" id="customer">

            <option value="1">Joe Bloggs</option>

            <option value="2">Dave Something</option>



And the link which I want to change dependant on the selection looks
something like this:


      <a href="/view_customer_company.cfm?company_id=6">View Customers


I've highlighted the bits in red which I wish to make dynamic dependant on
the option chosen in the select box. Where I've put 'customers' I want to
dynamically change to the option text, such as 'Joe Bloggs' or 'Dave
Something' and the company_id value I need to pull from a key/value set
using the option value as the key, such as 1 or 2. The key/value pairs look
something like this:



1: 50ccdae0-79bf-11dd-ad8b-0800200c9a66

2: 9c335820-d878-4db3-b90a-728046cb8849


So, as a quick summation of the expected results, If I select 'Joe Bloggs'
in my select list, I want the link to be changed to:


9a66">View Joe Bloggs Company</a>


And likewise, if I chose 'Dave Something' in the select list the link would
look like this:


8849">View Dave Something Company</a>


I'm really a novice with both JavaScript and jQuery for the moment, I'm
learning well but this is a little bit beyond me, especially when you're
looking at working with the key/value paris.


I appreciate any help you can offer and thanks in advance for your time.



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