To determine if the document's vertical scroll bar is at the "bottom"
of its travel, I've seen this calculation:

delta = $(document).height() - $(window).height();
scrollTopIsAtMax =  ($(window).scrollTop() == delta);

As the document's scroll bar is scrolled down, the value of $
(window.scrollTop()) increases until it equals the value of delta,
signifying the scrollbar is at the bottom end of its travel.

Using jquery-nightly.js for June 28/08 with the DOCTYPE in strict mode
I get the following when the scrollbar is at the bottom of its travel
(all windows maximized):

                                       IE7        FFox3
Safari3.1.2(win)    Opera9.5

$(document).height()        1170        1015
1006                 896
$(window).height()             626          583
634                 880
delta                                544          432
372                   16
$(window).scrollTop()         544          432
372                 237
scrollTopIsAtMax              true          true
true               false
jQuery browser info        msie7.0    mozilla1.9     safari525.19

As you can see, this algorithm doesn't work for Opera.  Is there a
more jQueryesq way to determine when the scrollbar is at its end?


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