[jQuery] Draggable problem

2009-08-21 Thread Stephan

Hi there,

I am developing a web based desktop similar to eyeOS (google it to see

I use jQuery to power the ajax part. Everything works great so far
except that I have a little problem with the different windows (all
div's) that I open. I made them draggable which works but they are
draggable wherever I click. Now inside those divs I have some content
like a titlebar with the name of the application and maximize,
minimize and close buttons. I want it only to be draggable if someone
clicks on the titlebar. Is this possible??

Here is a sample structure of a div window.
div id=12 class=windowcase ui-resizable ui-draggable style=left:
558px; top: 80px;
table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 class=window
tbodytr class=narrowrow
td class=narrowcol topleft/
td width=200 class=top/
td class=narrowcol bottomleft/
tr height=200
td class=narrowcol left/
td id=12-content class=window-contentdiv
class=windowtitle id=12-titlediv style=float: left;Process
Manager/divdiv class=windowicons id=12-iconsimg
onclick=closeWindow('12'); src=themes/default/minimizewindow.jpg/
img onclick=closeWindow('12'); src=themes/default/
closewindow.jpg//div/divnewdiv id=pro
table cellspacing=0 border=1 style=font-size: 12px; width:
tbodytrthID/ththProcess Name/ththAction/th/tr
trtd12/tdtdProcess Manager/tdtd style=padding-top: 4px;
padding-bottom: 0px;img onclick=closeWindow(12); src=themes/

td class=narrowcol right/
tr class=narrowrow
td class=narrowcol bottomleft/
td class=bottom/
td class=narrowcol bottomright/

So you see in this example I want to be able to drag the div with the
id 12 only if someone clicks on the div 12-title.

Is this possible?

[jQuery] Draggable problem

2009-07-28 Thread Marcos Placona

Hi, I'm working with draggable, and basically what I'm trying to
accomplish is having one item on my screen, that can be dragged
anywhere, and uses helper:'clone', so it still sticks to its main
location and can be cloned N times.

It all looks good, but I just realized that although cloning is
possible,  it always keep the same ID. Also, when I drag it from one
side to another it never stays where I dropped it, but stacks up on
the left hand side.

I've put up a quick example, so you can understand what I'm doing. The
idea is move the red spots from the left to the right, but they have
to where they were dropped and have their own ID's.


Any help is appreciated


Marcos Placona

[jQuery] Draggable problem

2009-07-28 Thread Marcos Placona

Hi, I'm working with draggable, and basically what I'm trying to
accomplish is having one item on my screen, that can be dragged
anywhere, and uses helper:'clone', so it still sticks to its main
location and can be cloned N times.

It all looks good, but I just realized that although cloning is
possible,  it always keep the same ID. Also, when I drag it from one
side to another it never stays where I dropped it, but stacks up on
the left hand side.

I've put up a quick example, so you can understand what I'm doing. The
idea is move the red spots from the left to the right, but they have
to where they were dropped and have their own ID's.


Any help is appreciated


Marcos Placona