[jQuery] Need help building a jQuery dropdown menu

2009-09-21 Thread sammahoney

Hi folks

I'm just starting out with jQuery. I want to make a simple 'ul'
dropdown menu to improve my understanding. The basic flow is this:

'ul.menu li ul' has display:none  on hover of li, get  store height
of 'this' hidden ul  set height of 'this' ul to 0  set display to
block  animate height to original stored height

I know there are already some great plugins for dropdowns, but I
really want to roll my own to get a better understanding of jQuery.

So far I have managed the following, very badly done (see live version
here - http://jsbin.com/eduvi):

var $j = jQuery.noConflict();

// Get height of current hidden ul

$j(ul.menu li).hover(function() {
  getHeight($j(ul, this).height());
// Set height to 0px

$j('ul.menu li').hover(function() {
$j(ul, this).css({height:0px});

// Set display to block

$j('ul.menu li').hover(function() {
$j(ul, this).css({display:block});

// Animate height to stored height

$j('ul.menu li').hover(function getHeight(h) {
$j('ul:first', this).stop().animate({ height : 100% } , 400 );

// Display height of current hidden ul

function getHeight(h) {
  $j(div.test).text(The height for the hidden ul is  + h +
px.); }

I'd like to know how do I get it to use the stored original height, in
place of that 100%.

And secondly, I'm sure this can all be condensed down to just a few
lines, but don't really have a clue how to do that yet.

Any help very much appreciated!

[jQuery] jQuery DropDown Menu Like Office 2007?

2009-09-10 Thread Reynier Pérez Mira

Hi every:
I'm using Superfish menu in one application but I want to know if exists
any plugin for dropdown menus with styles like Office?

Ing. Reynier Pérez Mira

[jQuery] Dropdown menu Issue

2009-08-07 Thread Xenongasman

So I got a bit of a issue. I have a working dropdown menu animated on
hover with slideDown and slideUp. But the problem is if I move off and
on the menu quickly it will repeat the slideDown/Up effect. So I
thought I would add stop() right before slideDown/Up and that breaks
it. It'll work for the first couple times but then it starts cutting
the menu off. Its really weird. Does anyone have a suggestion? Here is
the code:

!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC -//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN
html xmlns=http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml;
titleCSS Dropdown/title
script type=text/javascript src=php/jquery.tools.min.js/script
style type=text/css

/* General */
* { padding: 0; margin: 0; }
body { font-family: verdana, arial, sans-serif; font-size: small;
background-color: black; }
#menu, #menu ul { list-style: none; }
#menu {margin:10px;}

/* Head links */
#menu li.topnav { width: 150px; float: left; margin-left: -1px;
border: 1px black solid; background-color: #e9e9e9; text-align:
center; }
#menu li.topnav a { display: block; padding: 15px; }

/* Child lists and links */
#menu li.topnav ul { display: none; border-top: 1px black solid; text-
align: left; }
#menu li.topnav:hover ul { display: block; }
#menu li.topnav ul li a { padding: 5px; height: 17px; }
#menu ul.topnav li a:hover {background-color: #333; }

script language=JavaScript
$('#menu li').hover(
function() {


ul id=menu
li class=topnav
a href=#Search Engines/a
lia href=http://google.com/;Google/a/li
lia href=http://yahoo.com/;Yahoo/a/li
lia href=http://live.com/;Live 
li class=topnav
a href=http://shopping.com;Shopping/a
lia href=http://amazon.com/;Amazon/a/li
lia href=http://ebay.com/;eBay/a/li

[jQuery] dropdown menu does not drop1

2009-08-04 Thread tilton27


I installed superfish on this site www.itipensa.com. The institutions
is suppossed to be a drop down menu, but it just doesn't drop.

It looks like it gets stuck in somewhere and i just am not able to
figure what is wrong.

Please help me fix it.

Thanks in advavnce.

[jQuery] DropDown Menu

2009-07-15 Thread Paulo Henrique
Hello guys, thanks for the help last time...
now I'm coming here to ask you help to build a dropDown menu
I already built one, but its positioning isn't working very well, when the
dimension of the screen is redimensioned
or when the page is zoomed. I had trouble creating the menu because ppl on
design made the website using image maps...
i tryied to get the position of the map using jquery, but it always return
top 0 and left 0, so it's no use...
If you guys want to understand better what I'm talking about, check
and pass your mouse over Produtos and Projetos..

Thanks in advance for your time.

Paulo Henrique Vieira Neves
Bsc. Sistemas de Informação
+55 38 9141 5400
MSN: paulode...@live.com
GTALK: paulode...@gmail.com
SKYPE: paulodemoc

[jQuery] Dropdown menu top and left border Superfish

2009-06-19 Thread Henry


How can I take off the top and left border that shows on my menu?

[jQuery] Dropdown Menu

2009-04-20 Thread ຄຳ

hi all

I'm looking for a dropdown menu.

There is a menu with all the features I need at:

But it looks like it's not compatible with newest JQuery version.

What I need:
o easy to use
o keyboard support (cursor keys, esc)
o simple demo
o call javascript function when click
o same behavior as menus in normal operating system (click to open)

I tried many menus now, but found only one that is ok. But that one
has problem with newest jquery version.

Where do I find a good menu?
If there whould be a horizontal option for context menu (right mouse
button) it would be fine.


[jQuery] [Dropdown menu] Expand upwards!

2008-09-03 Thread Pattan

I´m trying to make a tab menu with dropdown child menus.
Nothing strange with that, just a nested unordered list like this:
   lia href=Value1/a/li
   lia href=Value2/a
 lia href=Subvalue1/a/li

Now to my problem/question: How to expand the submenu upwards?
Please see this what I want picture. 

I have try with different types of animations, slideDown, but can´t
figured out.
  $(.tabs li).hover(