Hi everyone!

I wanted to use nextUntil, but noticed that it was broken in jQuery
1.3.2 (I know that the "plugin" isn't official yet and that is wanted
in the core - looking at the roadmap).

Well, this line wasn't working:
// If we find a match then we need to stop
if ( jQuery.filter( expr, [i] ).r.length ) break;

I'm curious, what was the r-property doing there before? :)

Well, I created a small patch, that also gives the oppurtunity to also
include the last selector
default is as usual:

 => [ div, p, p, h3, div, p ]

 => [ div, p, p ]

But if a last value true is given, it also includes that that last
 $("h3").nextUntil("h3", true);
 => [ div, p, p, h3 ]

Hope that someone can make use of this.
All credit goes to John Resig for his excellent work with jQuery (

jQuery.fn.nextUntil = function(expr, include) {
   var match = [];
        include = include ? true : false

        // We need to figure out which elements to push onto the array
                // Traverse through the sibling nodes
                for( var i = this.nextSibling; i; i = i.nextSibling ) {
                        // Make sure that we're only dealing with elements
                        if ( i.nodeType != 1 ) continue;

                        // Add it on to the stack if include is set
                        if ( include ) {
                                match.push( i );
                        // If we find a match then we need to stop
                        if ( jQuery.filter( expr, [i] ).length ) break;

                        // Add it on to the stack if include is not set
                        if (! include ) {
                                match.push( i );
   return this.pushStack( match, arguments );

Best regards
Johan Borestad

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