Sorry to bump, just wanted to see if anyone can help me with this?



 This is all working now, the only issue I have left is how could I use
 the Validation plugin with multiple forms? They would need different
 ID's, which I can grab with a variable, but I can't seem to submit to
 a specific form ID. Here is the line of code to validate:


 I would like to change form to a variable, within a function. Here is
 my complete code, can anyone tell me how to specify the variable
 "formID" in the validate() call? Thanks for any help.

                        $(":submit[id$='_replace']").each(function() {
                                var submitID = $(this).attr("id");
                                var submitValue = $(this).attr("value");

                                var formID = $(this).parents("form").attr("id");

                                $(this).replaceWith( [ '<a class="replace '
                                                , submitID
                                                , '" id="'
                                                , submitID

                                                , '" href="#"><em></em>'
                                                , submitValue
                                                , '</a>'
                                $('#'+submitID).click(function() {
                                        return false;



 On 01/04/2008, Jörn Zaefferer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
 >  Paul Collins schrieb:
 > > Hi all,
 > >
 > > I am trying to use an anchor link to submit my form using the
 > > Validator plugin, (so I can change the button to a graphic). I would
 > > like to know what to put into the HREF to submit to the Validator
 > > code.
 > >
 > > Currently I have:
 > >
 > > href="javascript:$(this).validate();"
 > >
 > > This doesn't seem to work correctly, here is my full block of code in
 > > case you would like to check. I would greatly appreciate any help or
 > > links.
 > >
 > > $(document).ready(function(){
 > >       $(":submit[id$='_replace']").each(function() {
 > >               var submitID = $(this).attr("id");
 > >               var submitValue = $(this).attr("value");
 > >               $(this).replaceWith( [ '<a class="replace '
 > >                               , submitID
 > >                               , '" id="'
 > >                               , submitID
 > >                               , '"
 > > href="javascript:$(this).validate();"><em></em>'
 > >                               , submitValue
 > >                               , '</a>'
 > >                               ].join('') );
 > >               });
 > >  return false;
 > > });
 > >
 > > Thanks again
 > >
 > >
 > >
 >  Try this:
 >  <a href="#" id="clicksubmit">Submit</a>
 >  $(function() {
 >   $("#clicksubmit").click(function() {
 >    $("form").submit();
 >    return false;
 >   });
 >  });
 >  There is no need to put javascript inside hrefs when using jQuery.
 >  Jörn

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