Hi all,

I'm dealing with the IE memory problem.
There is an IE leak called 'pseudo leak', where removeChild() is not really
removing child from memory.
It is pseudo because it would be cleared after refresh.
(some detail: 

However, my app is not page-driven, it would stay on same page and
refreshing ajax call, refreshing table rows, etc. So the memory would just
keep raising by the pseudo leak.

It is said in some site that by setting innerHTML = "" would prevent the
So I try to do something like:

  .find("*").unbind().end() //unbinding all handler to prevent another
closure leak
  .find("td,tr").html("").remove().end() //setting html ="" and remove
  .html(""); //setting tbody html to empty

I use IESieve (http://home.wanadoo.nl/jsrosman/) to check for the the dom
object creation but it just keep increasing.
Is there anyone try to tackle this 'leak' before?
Best Regards,
網絡暴民 http://jacky.seezone.net

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