I saw the post out at Klaus Hartl's blog.  (see below) And it is
very close to the question that I have.
    I'm new to the jQuery sytax and terminology.
    I'm a Java/Javascript web application programmer here at
University of Wisconsin-Madison.

    Our apps are run from a java servlet server. Each tab calls a
sevlet (i.e. <%=context%>/secure/Browse) that renders the html for the
    1. What we want to do is also trigger an Ajax request and have the
response be returned to another tab.
    2. Or just be able to trigger a tab change from inside the content
without the trip to the server.

    I'm reading the documention and finding it difficult to understand
some of the terminology and syntax of jQuery.

    Is ther any sample code that would demonstrate the building of the
anchors that I could reverse engineer to understand the processing?
    If someone has a functional site with this type of navigation I
would be interested is seeing the HTML.

    David Parker

    <!doctype html public "-//w3c//dtd html 3.2 final//en">
    <html><head><title>Advisor Notes</title>

    <%  String context = request.getContextPath();  %>

    <link type="text/css" href="<%=context%>/css/jquery-
ui-1.7.2.custom.css" rel="stylesheet" />
    <script type="text/javascript" src="<%=context%>/js/
    <script type="text/javascript" src="<%=context%>/js/jquery-

    <script type="text/javascript">
      $(function(){     $('#an_tabs').tabs();   });

    <style type="text/css">
      body{ font: 9pt sans-serif; margin: 0px;}
      #an_container {    float: left;    width: 400px;  }
      #an_tabs li {    font-size: 8pt;  }

    <div id="an_container">
      <div id="an_tabs">
          <li><a href="<%=context%>/secure/Browse"  title="Browse
          <li><a href="<%=context%>/secure/Create"  title="Create
          <li><a href="<%=context%>/secure/Search"  title="Search
          <li><a href="<%=context%>/secure/Profile" title="Preferences

    Thanks alot. This is great.

    The only thing that concerns them is the fact that all the content
lies on one page (for SEO and PPC reasons they want multiple pages)
    Is there a way to load external pages (either .asp or .html) into
the tab?

    Thanks so much for this great release.


Comment by Keonne, October 26th, 2007 at 2:50 pm

Author Comment

    Keonne, yes, that’s easy! Just put such links instead of a
fragment identifier into the href attribute of the anchors.
    The plugin recognizes the type of a tab and will load the content
via Ajax (I usually call them “remote tabs”).
    You can even have both types side by side.

    It’ll also degrade gracefully with JavaScript disabled. The link
takes you to the proper page.

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