I have a problem with Internet Explorer ( all versions ) . The
following is my JQuery Code , which executes perfectly in mozilla and
chrome.. But it doesn't work in Internet Explorer.
It says : Syntax error ( line 1 )... Can anyone help me out here..
Thanks for your time in reading this.

        var EYE = window.EYE = function() {
                var _registered = {
                        init: []
                return {
                        init: function() {
                                $.each(_registered.init, function(nr, fn){
                        extend: function(prop) {
                                for (var i in prop) {
                                        if (prop[i] != undefined) {
                                                this[i] = prop[i];
                        register: function(fn, type) {
                                if (!_registered[type]) {
                                        _registered[type] = [];

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