[jQuery] ie8 and title text value

2010-01-06 Thread navtis

I'm trying to read the lt;titlegt; value from a page head. All
browsers I've tried are happy with $('title').text() apart from ie8
which returns nothing. Am I doing something wrong, or is it IE8 that's
wrong? Is there a workaround?


[jQuery] IE8 slow animation

2009-11-21 Thread Manic

I'm using jquery script to animate stock ticker. Everyting works OK,
except in IE8. can anyone see what is the problem?
Here is the site: http://www.manager.ba/naslovnica/

Thank you.

[jQuery] IE8 problems with fadein/fadeout

2009-10-28 Thread risteli

I have a problem with a simple animation. Maybe there's something I
don't understand as it's the first website I'm writing with
jquery1.3.2 ...

This is the skeleton of what I'm working (I removed all the
unnecessary code I could remove without changing the logic and the
website structure - that's why it looks so weird):


In IE8 there is no crossfade, the first image will show and then hide
at the end of the animation, as if it ignores opacity changes.

It works on IE7 (the real one AND ie8 in ie7, which makes it really
weird!), FF3.5, Opera, Chrome and Safari, I tried it in xp and vista.

[jQuery] IE8 incorrect left positioning

2009-09-18 Thread Falcon

Hey all.

I found an interesting bug in IE8 today. See http://gomaroon.missouristate.edu
for an example.

We're animating a very wide div (for example, click on the Digital
wallpaper section, and there's a div with an id of
NormalWallpaperContainer that includes thumbnails of wallpapers).
The problem in IE8 is that the left positioning starts creeping off by
one pixel on each click after the second click, but only when IE is

For example, if you're on the Desktop (Normal) category, once you
click to the right twice, the left property of the CSS on that div
should be -510px. In IE8, the animate function tries to set left to
-510, but IE sets itself to -509. Directly calling .css
(left,-510px) or .css(left,-510) both result in IE8 setting left
to -509px (and jQuery's position function returns that value as well).
Also, trying to do a direct set through JavaScript results in -509px
as well. Only when -511 is passed in will IE8 set itself correctly to
-510. Firefox, Safari, Chrome, Opera, etc. all exhibit the correct

I'm working around this problem just fine (setting left to the desired
position - 1 when the position is incorrect), but thought this might
be something jQuery could compensate for in the future. Perhaps some
of you have some insight into this!


[jQuery] IE8 General Issues

2009-08-13 Thread Mad-Halfling

Hi folks, I'm new to JQuery and am looking to use it in an ASP.NET MVC
app running under IE8, probably forced into full IE8 mode
(compatibility-mode wise).
How does IE8 play with JQuery?  Are there any known issues (especially
biggies) with JQuery on IE8 or does it work nicely on it?


[jQuery] IE8 Selector Bug?

2009-08-12 Thread gentry

Anybody know why this doesn't work in IE8 with jQuery version 1.2.6?
It works in the latest jQuery version but I can't move to it yet
because of some other issues. I'm trying to clear all the textboxes in
a table row but only the 1st textbox gets cleared in IE8.

$('#Row_1 input[type=text]').each(function() {

[jQuery] IE8 Variable Undefined Error

2009-08-03 Thread DMi Partners

I am trying to read the value of the FlashVars parameter off of a
Flash .swf file that's being embedded onto a page using swfobject. I
can't change anything about how the Flash is being put on the page so
I'm trying to manipulate it with JQuery. In Firefox the following
selector works:

$flashvars1 = $(.homepagecolumn1 embed).attr(flashvars);

In IE6  IE7 this works:

var flashvars1 = $(.homepagecolumn1 object param

Neither one of the above code snippets works in IE8 though. Instead I
get a variable is undefined error. Any tips?


[jQuery] IE8 bug/behavior: HTML Selects (DispHTMLOptionElement) and JQuery Form and Validation

2009-08-03 Thread Sean

My JQuery POST is supposed to re-render new content in the Lightbox,
but this was not happening in IE8 and IE8 Document Mode. Would work in
IE8 Browser Mode and IE7 Document Mode.

Turns out there is something odd about how an HTML Select Option on
the form was handled. Regardless of how I defined my HTML Select
(originally without option selected, then with), the following piece
would always evaluate to null:


In the commented out code below, you’ll see that null is not checked
for, and the code will fail. The fix is to first check for
op.attributes['value']  being null…

   var v = $.browser.msie  !(op.attributes['value'] != null 
   op.attributes['value'].specified) ? op.text : op.value;
// var v = $.browser.msie  !(op.attributes['value'].specified) ?
op.text : op.value;

Had to make same fix in both jquery.form.js and jquery.validation.js

More info:  This happens if you do not select anything in the HTML
Select pulldown. If you do make a choice (changing the defaulted
value) it works.

Any ideas?   Right now the JavaScript fix above works, but wondering
if there is something else I should know about this.

[jQuery] IE8, $.load and relative URLs

2009-06-14 Thread Schoenobates

Not sure if this is common knowledge or not, but, when developing
under FF, I was using a relative URL to perform ajax loads:


When I moved to IE8, found that this didn't work and had to use an


Hope that helps someone.


[jQuery] IE8 Dom accessibility issue

2009-05-19 Thread TS


Previously in IE7, I was able to inject HTML using $('foo').innerHTML
('code here');

I inject a hidden input type, for example input type=hidden etc etc

I could reference these in the DOM in IE7, now in IE8 the objects
cannot be found. Does anyone know of a fix for this or what happened?


[jQuery] IE8 error: Invalid Argument

2009-05-13 Thread Shadraq

I realize that there are numerous posts on this subject. But, alas, I
will start with the same phrasing that everyone else does.

This works in FF, but not in IE.

So, having said that, I'm not using the .min Jquery file, I'm using
the developers file.

I debugged it using Firebug Lite in IE8, as well as IE8's Dev console.
Here is what the errors were:

Firebug: Invalid argument. (jquery-1.3.2.js,1061)

IE8 Dev: Specific Line in the above js file is:
 if ( set )
elem[ name ] = value;

return elem[ name ];

Now, I have a similar page that runs just fine in IE, making similar
calls. So I assume that it's only a syntax error. But for the life of
me I cannot find it. I know that the error occurs when I click on a
button (code shown below):

html += 'img src=/demo_images/walkin_search.ico title=Search for
User onClick=addEvent(\'' + e_id + '\'); return false; /';

To call a function (showm below):

function addEvent(e_id)
event_id = e_id;

Which, in turn, calls a modal (code below):

title:Search For User,
backgroundColor: '#000',
opacity: 0.5
'Search': function()
firstname_s = 
lastname_s = 
validate = true;
validate1 = 

validate1 = 
validate  FillCheck(firstname_s,At least 1
field must be filled in,$('#s-firstname'),$('#tips-search'));
validate = 
validate  FillCheck(lastname_s,At least 1 field
must be filled in,$('#s-lastname'),$('#tips-search'));

if(validate1 || 



'Cancel': function()


close: function()


$('#button-newsearch').click(function() {

I realize that I may not have given enough nuggets for anyone 

[jQuery] IE8 will not perform Fade animation properly

2009-04-11 Thread Jared A. D. Radtke

Hello All,

I am new to this forum as well as web design (started a few months
ago).  I have been trying to implement fade effects on my site which
are not working in IE8 (naturally works fine in everything else). When
it runs, the text (set within a span that has an ID) simply disappears
rather than fade out.  I assume this is common and that there is a way
around it... does anyone care to share?


[jQuery] IE8 BlockUI incompatible

2009-03-20 Thread Josh Kewley

There was a thread about this last month that identified a problem with the
use of setExpression in BlockUI. IE8 throws a not implemented exception in
this case. The author noted that the BlockUI demo page works fine in IE8,
which it does. To be honest, I'm not sure why.

However, the problem does appear to exist, and it is caused by the use of
dynamic properties which have been deprecated in IE8:

BlockUI uses expressions to set the height, width, and top styles.

The temp solution is to run the pages in IE7 emulation mode, but I think a
longer term solution is needed, possibly a callback on widow resize to a
function that sets the style properties statically.


[jQuery] IE8 Jquery support

2009-02-02 Thread gabbo93

Jquery's features dont work to well with IE 8 RC1 I tried the slimbox
and there was no transparency and also on the jquery homepage the
pictures that you rollover then new information fades in doesn't work

[jQuery] IE8 - show()

2008-12-19 Thread chaoszcat


Was doing a site lately.
When I test it on IE8, my navigation dropdown just won't work.
(Smoothly on Safari, Firefox, IE6, IE7)

So I run the jquery.com/test on IE8 (8.0.6001.18241), and it shows

59. core module: show() (7, 8, 15) - In red color

I wonder if it's the event.show() problem?

You can check it with your IE8 at http://de.cwmao.net/celc/
Or you can view the script here: http://de.cwmao.net/celc/js/main.js

I doubt is the jquery core problem
Hope someone alighten me? 


[jQuery] IE8.

2008-12-18 Thread sferragne

Our friends at Microsoft have a lot of work to do until their new born
browser IE8 (Still in Beta 2) actually works the way it should.

It seems that there is a major event triggering issue.  Lots of jQuery
core functionalities depends of events.

For the ones interested to see some upcoming bugs, download IE8 beta 2
and visit the following links.

Jquery Corner. (Not working)

[jQuery] IE8.

2008-12-18 Thread sferragne

Our friends at Microsoft have a lot of work to do until their new born
browser IE8 (Still in Beta 2) actually works the way it should.

It seems that there is a major event triggering issue.  Lots of jQuery
core functionalities depends of events.

For the ones interested to see some upcoming bugs, download IE8 beta 2
and visit the following links.

Jquery Corner. (Not working)

[jQuery] IE8 bug when using .find()

2008-10-16 Thread sanchothefat

Hello, I have a code snippet that seems to cause IE8 to choke. The
part of the jquery core it chokes on is when there's a bit of browser
sniffing done. I think it's when the .find() function runs but it
could be .parents() or .hide() functions. I made a quick demo page so
you can see it happening in IE8.


If you use the built in script debugger and switch to IE7 mode it
works as expected.

Hope it's an easy patch to add in.


[jQuery] IE8

2008-03-05 Thread timothytoe

I was pretty excited to download IE8 today. All the jQuery stuff in my
app seems to work fine.

The debugger is pretty nice. I've always had trouble finding bugs in

Anyone find any IE8 jQuery problems yet?