So here's the situation:

I have a page that could potentially contain a massive amount of
data.  To try to decrease initial load time, I've broken it all out
into nice chunks that get loaded via ajax.  This works great.  Some of
the chunks need to appear as if they are their own page.  To save on
speed, all I do is hide all the prior content on the page and show the
newly loaded content.  When the user wants to go back, they click a
link on this "new" page, which hides that content and re-shows the
prior content.  It works beautifully.

Now the problem:

How can I make it so that when the user clicks the back button in
their browser, this same thing happens, as I'll likely have people
trying to click the back button instead of the back link on the "page"
and then tell me it's broken.  Is it even possible?

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