According tot he documentation on the Interface website the scrollTo
method should support callback functions. I am not sure if it does,
upon looking at the source. From Stefan's website:

duration        integer or string  > mandatory
callback        function > optional Callback function that will get fired
once the effect is completed.
easing          string > optional The name of the easing effect you
want to use.

I am seeking to run the scrollTo function first - in the following

scrollTo > to top of page (500ms)
fadeOut > page container (500ms)
ajax > call ajax method to load new content (CMS server request)
FadeIn > page container with new content (500ms)

Has anybody managed to get the callback to file after the scrollTo is
I am not sure of the syntax - have tried several schemes
- I have tried: several tests - trying to trigger a simple alert
- as the basis of connecting it to the fadeOut > Ajax > fadeIn
function which is working

function alertMe(){

this does not trigger alertMe() upon completion:

function scrollToTopAnchor(){
   $("#top").ScrollTo(1000,'easeinout',function() {

this triggers alertMe() before completion:

Since I am more a designer than a coder,
any suggestions (or workarounds) would be appreciated.


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