We have just finalized an upgrade of all our code and jquery plug-ins to the
new jquery 1.2.2 migrating from 1.1.3.

We are heavily using ajax to build highly interactive web sites.

Since the upgrade, we face a major issue with IE (we only tested IE 7, not
IE 6 yet).

While initially suspecting that it was an ajax issue, we found out all ajax
requests were successfull. The loaded content correctly shows up in
responseText as displayed by an alert(responseText) issued by an ajax succes

But we can't get it to show in the target div.

Looking into the target div with the IE developper toolbar DOM inspector
shows that the target div is empty.

Using the CSD javascript debugger, we isolated that the issue seems to be in
the jquery append function without being able to understand why.

Did also the test with yesterday nightly build without success ?

Failing DOM injection is the result of using the ajaxSubmit plug-in function
or the ui.tabs remote load as well as ajaxContent plug-in not cde that we
have written.

Works fine in Opera 9.25 (Win and Mac), Firefox (Win and Mac),
Safari 3.0.4 (Mac) but fails on IE 7

Help welcome !

Robert Ernens
HTCBA Consulting - Web-à-la-Carte®

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