Has nothing to do with jQuery directly, but there's alot of really
great developers here, so maybe I'm missing something that someone
else will catch...

        "itemtitle1": function(){
                        alert("this is item title 1's callback");
        "itemtitle2": function(){
                        alert("this is item title 2");

This works great in Javascript- exactly how I want it
        function(json) {
                json.itemtitle1(); // fires the alert for itemtitle1

The problem arises when I use the same json.js in my PHP script

Note that if I change the function in json.js to a string of text or a
boolean etc., then the php file works fine- for some reason it's not
parsing my javascript function, even though that works [because JSON
is an object, my json.js has a function named itemtitle1.  I don't
expect PHP to run or convert my function, but I need to be able to use
json.js in my php script.

Any ideas?  Is this invalid JSON, even though it's valid javascript,
or is it json_encode()'s fault?

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