I've been trying this a while using multiple types of lightboxes, as
well as jqm - modal (and another modal but I can't remember what it
was called).

I have an ajax page that I retrieve with
        type: "POST",
                        url: "add.php",
                        data: "c="+c+"&sid="+sid,
                        success: function(response){

but I'm unable to get any sort of lightbox that works with a POST, all
the onces I've seen take the parameters from a link, but I can't quite
do that.

Has anybody had a lightbox or modal working with a page that is
retrieved via ajax with post parameters?
Any idea who to accomplish this?

Clearly what I've been trying hasn't been working, so I don't think
there is any point in showing you what I've got, 'cause I'm quite sure
I'm off on the completely wrong track.

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