How can I point the element in which validation error is shown? I have
specific validation form that consists of many radio buttons.
Vaidation error is shown near the first radio button that have the
same 'name' attribute. Problem is that I do not want to have error
near the first radio element, but near the last or in another 'td'
element. All radio buttons are in separate <td> element and are
grouped into table row. Example:
        <td>question 1</td> <-- I want error to be shown here
        <td>A<input type="button" class="required" name="answer1" value="A"/
></td> <-- error is shown here
        <td>B<input type="button" class="required" name="answer1" value="B"/
        <td>C<input type="button" class="required" name="answer1" value="C"/
        <td>D<input type="button" class="required" name="answer1" value="D"/

'ErrorLabelContainer' option does not work. It causes great bunch of
errors to be shown in one element and it looks like 'This field is
required. This field is required. This field is required. This field
is required...'

Any thoughts are appreciated

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