I'm trying to use the Media Plugin as it appears to be a gift from god
in the way it handles multiple media types with the same code.
Unfortunately, I've got two problems:

1) I can't get it to acknowledge my custom flash video player. When I
do something like:

  "flvPlayer" : "http://www.foobar.com/fooplayer.swf

and then click on a link, say:

<a class="mediabox" href="http://www.foobar.com/media/bar.flv";>Watch Now!</a>

Firebug tells me I've requested the following URL:


2) I can't get it to acknowledge my custom flashvars, which are unique
for each video. I've tried using both the metadata plugin:

<a class="mediabox
href="http://www.foobar.com/media/1234.flv";>Watch Now!</a>

and the pre-render callback:

$(".mediabox").mediabox({...}, function(e,o){
  o.flashvars = {
    "playback_url": "http://www.foobar.com/playlist?id=1234";

Using Firebug and looking at the HTML that was generated, I see the following:

<embed ... flashvars="file=http://www.foobar.com/media/1234.flv"; ... />

So, what am I doing wrong?

- jake

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